
Chapter 606


Chen Lin replied suspiciously, "I didn't seem to have even heard of it before."

"To be precise, it should be half human and half demon. These are the products of the combination of humans and monsters. These people often have extremely strict restrictions on the laws of heaven and earth, but once they break through this limit, they will become extremely terrifying. .Because they already have the body of the monster race and the talent of human beings to learn some magical techniques." Luo Tian also looked at the countless crystals in front of him with a strange expression.

"Damn, brother, I'm going to take some back to study. If you say that, brother won't dare. If you take back a few perverts, wouldn't I be tortured to death!" Chen Lin stuck out his tongue innocently. , "Let's move on."

"It's too late. Their seal is slowly loosening."

"It's not loose, why can't I feel it?" Chen Lin frowned.

"Look carefully, those crystals have already started to fuse into their bodies. When these crystals are completely fused into their bodies until they disappear completely, these half-demons will wake up." Luo Tian pointed to one of the crystals and explained.

"Crap! Then let's go back. It looks like there are tens of thousands of half-demons here. If we are fully awake, wouldn't you and I be beaten to death by these half-demons?!" Chen Lin's complexion changed slightly. Said.

"It's not enough to be killed, at least it will be seriously injured." Luo Tian shrugged, spread his hands and said, "Now when we go back, don't we want to meet Shen Guoqiang and Ao Wuchang, who will follow here The situation is similar.”

"Then what do you mean?" Chen Lin suddenly raised his head and looked at Luo Tian. It wasn't until this moment that he finally realized that Luo Tian was not what he appeared to be on the surface, but a calm and lawless person. Fortunately, it is a friend, if it is an enemy, I am afraid that even he will have quite a headache.

"Going forward, I will naturally give Shen Guoqiang and Ao Wuchang a big gift." Luo Tian chuckled, and then he flew high, exuding layers of lawful breath from his body.

"The law of time!"

Chen Lin saw it in his eyes and immediately recognized that Luo Tian actually practiced the law of time.He had never seen the Law of Swallowing the Sky, so he naturally thought that it was a kind of law of the Tao that Luo Tian had learned from somewhere, and at this moment he even thought that what Luo Tian was proficient in was the Law of Time.

"Time accelerates!"

Luo Tian let out a low cry in his heart, and then transformed into hundreds of figures that seemed real and illusory, and played hundreds of hand formulas in the void. Once these hundreds of thousands of hand formulas were played, the entire area of ​​this cave was covered in almost a few breaths of effort, and then the law of acceleration in the law of time was cast by Luo Tian, ​​and the half-demon in those crystal pillars The speed of absorbing crystals is immediately accelerated.

"Time accelerates 48 times!"

Luo Tian calculated carefully, and weighed the overall situation of the cave here, and finally came up with a balanced data in his mind, and immediately accelerated the flow of time in the cave here by 48 times! "


Then, Luo Tian fell from the sky into the hidden moving space transformed by Chen Lin, his face was a little pale. In this move just now, Luo Tian fully consumed all the third-level spiritual veins, and added two second-level spiritual veins. It's quite big, almost making the Immortal Primordial Spirit appear unstable.

"Let's go, let me recover first." After Luo Tian finished speaking, he closed his eyes and extracted the second-order spiritual veins in the world in his body to restore the celestial energy that had consumed a lot.

"Grass! You are ruthless!"

Chen Lin gave Luo Tian a thumbs up, "You can do such a brutal thing? I'm convinced!"

"I learned it all from you."

"... "


Then, Luo Tian and Chen Lin quickly left this strange cave, and continued to walk towards the depths.

The two then walked over, only to find that there were no more treasures behind them, which made them extremely depressed.

"Xiao Yizi, have we run out of luck? How long has it been, and the business hasn't opened yet!" Chen Lin shouted sadly.

"There is a situation ahead!"

Suddenly, Luo Tian directly put away the Xuanguang mirror in his hand, and directly sacrificed the Jinghong knife, which immediately covered the hidden moving space where the two were, making the space where the two were in exactly the same as the ordinary space, Can't feel any difference at all.

"What's the matter?" Chen Lin stretched out his hand immediately, and took out a large number of consumable fairy treasures from his portable space, "Grandma's is finally about to open, brother wants to kill enough money!"

"It's not human breath!"

"We are not afraid of the monster race!"

"It's not the breath of the demon clan!"

"Could it be the devil boy? Damn, they dare to come in?!"

Luo Tian couldn't help but looked at Chen Lin strangely, "Why didn't they dare to come in? Earlier you said the Demon Race, I wondered why both the Human Race and the Monster Race came, but the Demon Race was nowhere to be seen. I didn't expect this The group of guys actually have a shortcut to get here, no wonder they didn't come across it!"

"Let's check the situation first, if it doesn't work, I'll take the devil boy with me." Chen Lin said with a full face.

Luo Tian said: "I don't care, you don't have any enmity with the demons, do you?"

"En!" Chen Lin nodded heavily.

"..." Luo Tian was speechless.


This is an extremely dark world, even darker than the palace complex outside the entrance of Xubao Star that Luo Tian entered before, and this kind of darkness does not feel cold, but a warm atmosphere.Among them, there are occasionally countless magic fires and demonic energy wandering in the space.

"The shape of this area..."

The next moment, Luo Tian and Chen Lin changed the scenery in front of them. The shape of the area in front of them looked like a huge pool from a high altitude. The demonic energy and demonic fire seemed extremely chaotic.

"Damn it, it really is a devil boy!"

Soon, the two saw several lavender figures of demons appearing in the demon fire, and the figures of demons transformed into human figures. Although they were not as tall as demons, they were two or three times taller than humans. The ruler is still relatively easy to identify.

Moreover, the breath of the demons is very strange.

"They seemed to be busy doing something."

After watching for a while, Luo Tian just spoke.

"It seems to be the same. Why don't you use the Mysterious Light Mirror to have a look, and you shouldn't be noticed by the devils."

Luo Tian nodded, "I'll give it a try."

When the Xuanguang mirror appeared in front of the two of them, it took only two or three breaths, and then a series of busy low-level demons appeared on the Xuanguang mirror. These low-level demons seemed to be pouring some deep water into a pool. Green liquid.

Turning the Xuanguang mirror lightly, the scene in the pool appeared in front of the two of them immediately, extremely clear.

"Hurry up, if you drag it on, I'm afraid the other party will notice." Chen Lin warned.

"I know."

Luo Tian frowned slightly, and immediately uttered several spells, and the scene of the pool on the Xuanguang mirror suddenly became clearly visible.

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