
Chapter 607

It didn't matter if Luo Tian and Chen Lin looked at it like this, but after just a few glances, their expressions became complicated and eventually became extremely ugly.

"Beasts are better!"

Unexpectedly, this time it was Luo Tian who didn't have too much prejudice against the demons who was the first to growl, his hands could not help clenched into fists, his nails were faintly white, as if he was trying to restrain his emotions.

"This is normal for the demons."

Although Chen Lin's face was livid and unattractive, he obviously knew a lot about the demons, at least on the surface he was calmer than Luo Tian.

"This kind of behavior that is inferior to animals can exist between heaven and earth!"

For a long time, Luo Tian shouted in a low voice with a cold face, the sliver of reason that remained did not make him completely crazy, therefore, he did not rush out and kill all the demons in the devil pool in front of him.

Because, Luo Tian and Chen Lin could see at a glance that this devil pool was at least tens of thousands of miles in size.There are even more corpses of various demons in the demon pool. Some of these corpses are hundreds of miles in size, and some are only a little taller than ordinary humans.In the devil pool, the living demons are obviously later, but judging from the scene, there are at least hundreds or even thousands of demons in it.

What made Luo Tian and Chen Lin look ugly was that the living demons in front of them were transforming into their own bodies, frantically devouring the corpses of the demons in the demon pool.Of course, these demons are also divided into different levels.It is obvious that the demons at the outermost edge of the demon pool are the lowest level, almost all of them are inferior demons. Only the inferior demons cannot change their bodies, while the middle demons have bodies similar to those of demons in human form. , the superior demon race is a bit taller than the ordinary human race, and is similar to the huge race of the human race.And among the demons

On top of the superior demon clan, there is also the group that stands at the top of the entire demon clan. They are the royal clan among the demon clan.The number of demon royals is very small, only dozens of races. It is extremely difficult for these demon royals to reproduce, but once they are born, they will have innate talents and tyrannical bodies that even the upper demons do not have. Therefore, every newborn of the demon royal family is equal to a peerless genius among the human race from the moment of birth, at least they have the achievements and background of cultivating to the golden immortal.

These are all determined by blood.

In this regard, the Demon Race is similar to the Monster Race. The nobler and purer the blood, the higher the future achievements.The human race does not have these restrictions. The human race is known as the lord of all things. Even if the innate capital is not strong enough, it can be cultivated in various ways. Coupled with everyone's luck, the acquired may also have High achievement.

This point is far incomparable to the second demon clan.

In fact, the high and low status within the human race is not as serious as that of the demon and monster races, and this is also the root cause.The blood of the human race does not determine everything. Even the son of a fairy king, if he does not have great luck and great fortune to protect him, and the fairy king cultivates him again, he may be permanently trapped in the realm of Taiyi Xuanxian in this life, and even the holy fairy cannot step forward. enter.

All of this is because of the supreme destiny technique among the three thousand avenues.

"Xiao Yizi, not as good as you and me."

Soon, Chen Lin rolled his eyes, and then sent a voice transmission to Luo Tian, ​​and started a discussion.

"it is good!"

After hearing this not-so-perfect plan, Luo Tian agreed without hesitation.

"Hey, just look at me!"

Chen Lin chuckled, but without a smile on his face, he took out two beads from the portable space, and introduced: "Xiao Yizi, take it well, this is a special phantom orb from Huanzhou in the Northern Immortal Realm, and within a certain period of time It is possible to imitate the form of any ethnic group, but the essence of the body will not change. That is to say, even if you become an ice dragon, you will not be proficient in ice Taoism, and you can only use your own gods. Channeling technique, as long as you make a move, you will show your feet."


Luo Tian nodded, and took the Phantom Orb.

Chen Linxuan told Luo Tian how to activate the phantom orb, and gave Luo Tian dozens of ghost thunders. After careful calculation, the two of them made their moves one after another. Exploding, and then the phantom orb that exploded turned into a layer of water curtain that directly covered the two of them, surging like a stream of water, and finally the two of them transformed into a medium-sized demon.

"Hundred Eyes!" Luo Tian looked at Chen Lin in front of him, a little dumbfounded.

"You are no better than me. You are the most disgusting and brutal carrion among the medium-sized demons!"

With a bang, Luo Tian almost passed out.

Next, Luo Tian and Chen Lin walked out of the void hiding space carefully, and then made a small circle around the outside on purpose, and then swaggered towards the magic pool.

The demonic energy and fire in this pool-like area was too abundant. When the two of them were walking, they had to secretly drive the inner world to quietly suppress these demonic energy and fire that were incompatible with the human race.

Soon, the two approached the devil's pool, and then they exchanged eye contact. Chen Lin walked over first, making a murmuring sound. But each ethnic group also has its own way of communicating with each other.

For example, Chen Lin now, what he speaks is the native language of the middle-level Mozu Baimu tribe. Chen Lin has dealt with the Mozu for many years, and he knows the situation among the Mozu very well. He has mastered many languages, and his pronunciation is no different from that of the demons.

"What did you say?"

"Don't contact me if you have nothing to do, or you will be noticed by someone with a high level of cultivation in the demon race, and it will be miserable!" Chen Lin quickly said to Luo Tian, ​​and then stopped contacting Luo Tian, ​​and directly closed the yuan Divine consciousness, even the already well-disguised aura fluctuations are deliberately converged to be more perfect.

Then, Luo Tian and the two stepped into the devil pool in front of them as middle-level demons. The water in the devil pool was icy cold. If they were not both extraordinary, the water in the devil pool might not be able to bear it. rise.

"It's so cold!"

The two trembled together, and then the two saw the low-level demons on the edge of the devil's pool obediently avoiding them, the two of them took this opportunity to secretly drive the celestial evil spirit into the devil's pool below them with special supernatural powers. middle.

After a short while, the two of them walked all the way, and each planted nearly a hundred celestial thunders. These celestial thunders were forcibly compressed into the space by the suppressing breath from the world in their bodies, unless The other party has also cultivated the inner world, and at this moment the inner world is urged to suppress the surrounding space, otherwise it would be extremely difficult to find these evil spirits.

Two wretched guys, disguised as middle-class demons, were so lucky that they were about to enter the center of the devil pool. The dead demon corpses there were all high-class demon corpses. Liancheng.

But then, the speed of the two of them slowed down involuntarily.

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