
Chapter 608 Mysterious Immortal Limits!

There was only one reason why Luo Tian and Chen Lin slowed down, because they were about to break through the area where the medium-level demons were located, and the level of the demons was even stricter than that of the demons. The medium-level demons did not call, so You must not get close to the superior demons.In the same way, the same is true for the superior demons in front of the demon royals.One rank presses another rank. This is doomed from birth and cannot be changed. If you want to stand out among the demons, unless you have a shocking adventure that leads to your own strength advancing by leaps and bounds, otherwise, you will never be promoted.

Among the demons, if they have strong strength and superhuman wisdom, they can be promoted. For example, a low-level demon is favored by a big shot in the middle-level demon, and then recommended to a big shot in the high-level demon. After discussion, the great figures of the clan can raise the status of this person from the lower demon clan to the middle demon clan, and his whole family will also benefit from it. Extraordinarily vivid.

The demons are inherently barren and lack cultivation resources. In addition, some low-level demons and middle-level demons want to be promoted to higher races, so they have to attack the human race and the demon race. However, the cultivation resources are much stronger than those of the Demon Race, which is why the Demon Race has fought against the Human Race and the Monster Race for years.Of course, the Yaozu is in a safe corner, and the distance from the Demon Race is extremely far away, so the conflict between the Human Race and the Demon Race is undoubtedly the most acute.

"Xiao Yizi, follow me, brother is going to fight hard this time, get ready, he's going to fight for his life!"

After Chen Lin's speech was transmitted to Luo Tian very quickly, he stopped talking and walked forward quickly with big strides.

Seeing that the two of them were about to enter the magic pool area where the high-class demons were, at this time, two high-class demon guards fiercely stopped them in front of them. For the sake of being a middle-class demon, if the two of them turned into a low-class demon, I am afraid that the two high-class demons would have eaten them to the bone.

Chen Lin took a step back respectfully and tremblingly, then put his right hand straight across his chest, bowed deeply, and let out a gurgling sound very quickly, obviously communicating with the two high-ranking demons.

At this moment, Luo Tian has penetrated a bit of the law of swallowing the sky, and then tried his best to imitate and understand the language of the demons. After a while, he has already mastered the most basic language.

At this time, Chen Lin had finished communicating with the two high-class demon guards, and saw that the faces of the two high-class demon guards were still clouded, and then the two chattered again, and finally the two The man raised his hand and shot out two streaks of green light, which flew in the air and fell directly towards Chen Lin and Luo Tianhou.

"Don't shoot!"

When Luo Tian was about to strike and kill the two high-class demon guards in front of him with lightning speed, Chen Lin's voice came from beside his ears, the voice was urgent and fast.

Luo Tian was startled when he heard the words, the other party had already made a move, so why should he sit still and wait for death?

Even so, Luo Tian still refrained from making a move, letting the two big green nets envelop his whole body.

Speaking of which, the two big green nets only covered the bodies below the necks of the two, but not above the necks. They didn't have a special feeling when they were put on the body, but it seemed that the big green nets seemed to be faintly detectable. to the fluctuation of one's breath.

At that moment, Luo Tian's complexion immediately changed, and then he quietly operated a bit of the law of swallowing the sky, completely suppressing his own human aura, replaced by the strong demonic aura of the demon race, and the green net relaxed immediately. few.

After Luo Tian finished all this in an instant, he looked towards Chen Lin and found that Chen Lin was doing the same thing. It seems that he must also have a secret treasure that can change his aura, otherwise the green net might be able to detect the difference in the aura of the two place.

The faces of the two high-level demon guards finally slowed down, and all their vigilance dissipated, especially among the two medium-level demons before the two of them met, there was the most cunning and cruelest carrion among the medium-level demons. It is said that the powerful carrion clan, once promoted to the upper class demon clan, can be ranked among the top demon clans. .Ordinary high-class demons dare not provoke members of the Carrion Race. Once this group gets together, it will be quite terrifying.

Chen Lin murmured a few more words with the two high-ranking demon guards, and then led Luo Tian towards the central area of ​​the demon pool.

"The two demons seemed to be afraid of you just now?" Luo Tian finally had a chance to send a voice transmission to Chen Lin.

Chen Lin curled his mouth. It is undeniable that the Baimu tribe curled their lips, which is really ugly, "It's not that they are afraid of me, but they are afraid of you. Who made you the most ferocious carrion tribe? Although the two guards just now were high-class demons, but They are the weakest iron-armored clan among the high-class demons, and even your carrion clans are probably stronger than them even if they are middle-class demons."

"So that's it." Luo Tian nodded lightly, and said again, "What should we do next?"

"Of course it turned the whole devil's pool upside down, so it's still a question." Chen Lin laughed and said, "Then I buried the thunder of the evil spirit, I don't believe that this group of devil cubs can stand it, even if they can resist it, they will still be seriously injured! "

"But I don't have enough Heavenly Fiend and Dark Thunder in my hand."

"I still have a lot here, just give it to you."


It didn't take long for Luo Tian and Chen Lin to plant dozens of ghost thunders. The total number of ghost thunders planted in the central area of ​​the magic pool was more than the total number of the outer and middle circles. .Because those who can enter the central area of ​​the devil's pool are all high-level demons, and even the best among them.

"What did you talk to those two high-ranking demons from the Iron Armor Clan just now?" Luo Tian asked.

"What else can I say? I'm talking about something important to report to the leader of the Demon Race in the Devil's Pool." Chen Lin said while looking around vigilantly at the situation.

"You are ruthless! Aren't you afraid of being exposed?"

"Explore? The two iron-armored demons don't have the guts to ask the upper-class demons inside. Those upper-class demons are in the critical moment of devouring, and no one who disturbs them will survive!"

"Then let's go straight in."

Chen Lin looked at Luo Tian very speechlessly, "I know that killing all day long, those high-level demons are not as easy to deal with as you imagined, every high-level demons have their own supernatural powers, and then Coupled with their strong physical bodies, if they can't kill with one blow, they will definitely scare the snake. What's more, you and I have not fully arranged the Heavenly Fiend and Underworld Thunder. If it is detonated at this moment, those high-level demons will not be damaged. big."


Suddenly, Luo Tian frowned and looked forward.

Chen Lin turned his head to look, but also involuntarily changed his expression slightly.

Because a small soil bag appeared in the devil pool in front of him. On the top of the small soil bag sat a demon man with his eyes closed. His body was turbulent. Looking at his aura, he turned out to be an extreme master of Xuanxian among the demons!

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