
Chapter 609 Shocked to death!

Luo Tian and Chen Lin looked at each other and exchanged glances. As a result, the two of them quickly reached an agreement, that is, to stand still and wait for the changes.Because the two of them are not the only ones in the entire fairy world who can pretend to be pigs and eat tigers. The people of the Demon Race have been able to fight against the Human Race and the Monster Race for so many years without losing the wind. It is precisely because the Demon Race also has countless amazing talents Genius.

A race, without the support of a steady stream of excellent descendants, no matter how glorious and lofty it used to be, sooner or later it will fall from the high altar and be replaced by a new race.

The human race can be prosperous for a long time, precisely because it has thoroughly understood this truth and continuously cultivated new talents, which has led to the prosperity of the human race today.

It was precisely because of the extremely strong aura of the demon master in front of him that the Xuanxian limit was so strong that Luo Tian and Chen Lin did not dare to act rashly.

"Hurry up and salute!"

Chen Lin immediately sent a voice transmission to Luo Tian, ​​and then immediately bowed to the end, speaking some rambling demon language respectfully, as if explaining something.

Naturally, the demon who sat upright with his eyes closed couldn't concentrate on practicing in seclusion here. As soon as Chen Lin finished speaking, he opened his mouth slightly and said a few words in the language of the demon, and then he stopped talking.

"Come on!"

Chen Lin hurriedly bypassed the small dirt bag in front of him, and led Luo Tian towards the central area of ​​the devil's pool without haste.

"It's so dangerous! It's almost revealed!"

Sweat was all over Chen Lin's forehead, and he said with some fear: "The master of the demon race at the limit of Xuanxian is not something that you and I can take care of in an instant, and this master of the demon race is still a top-ranking demon race, gifted with supernatural powers. It must be extremely powerful."

"That's right." Luo Tian nodded, and said in awe, "The aura of the demon master just now had a faint taste of wanting to end the world, could it be the way to end one of the three major magical powers of the demon race?" inheritor?"

"He is at the limit of a Profound Immortal, and it is not easy to pass on the Way of the End. It is probably because of luck that he accidentally got some aura of the Way of the End. Otherwise, it will be a problem for you and me to escape from this person."

Chen Lin wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, "Let's act quickly, this place is too dangerous, and things will change if it's too late."

"it is good!"

After all, while arranging the Heavenly Fiend and Underworld Thunder extremely carefully, the two kept their original speed and headed towards the central area of ​​the Devil's Pool.

After a while.

A figure appeared like a phantom at the place where the two of Luo Tian once stood. Between the opening and closing of their eyes, obscure air currents surged in the surrounding space. The high-ranking demon with the limit of Xuanxian's cultivation.

"Interesting, really interesting!" The demon master smiled faintly, grabbed a thunderbolt from the void with his hand, observed it carefully for a while before laughing, "These two human races are brave enough, If it weren't for the fact that this seat is practicing the way of the end of the demon race, and has a keen perception of any coming end breath, I would really be coaxed by these two human races, but this is also good, saving those days and nights The guy who thinks he is superior thinks that the human race is nothing to worry about. Uh, since I have been discovered by this seat, it is better for this seat to leave here, so as not to be forced to make a move later.”

After finishing speaking, the body of this demon master shook, and he slowly climbed away in the void. When he walked hundreds of feet in the air, his figure suddenly disappeared.


"Damn, there is another high-ranking demon in front of me!"

On the other hand, when Luo Tian and Chen Lin walked forward, they finally walked a certain distance, but they were very depressed to find that the aura of a superior demon appeared in front of them again.

"It's the Yinyue Clan! Be careful, the Yinyue Clan is well-known among the demons for their scheming and cunning like foxes. I'm afraid it won't be so easy to deceive them this time." Chen Lin also felt his heart tighten. With a deep understanding of the demons, he guessed the origin of the other party at once.

Luo Tian had a gloomy face and didn't speak, mother, these days of being humble and kneeling are really uncomfortable. It's okay if that demon from the Yinyue clan is sensible, but if he keeps pestering him, I will definitely kill him.

Sure enough, after a few breaths, a small earth bag appeared in front of the two again. On that small earth bag, facing Luo Tian and Chen Lin, was a tall demon with three furry tails behind him. It can be vaguely seen that there are several barb thorns, the body is also covered with fluff, and the head is not different from the fox of the demon clan. I saw that he turned his head as if he had some insight, and two thin triangular eyes appeared. Two cold lights stared at Luo Tian and Chen Lin gloomily.

Chen Lin bit the bullet and stepped forward again, speaking in a murmur.

This demon from the Yinyue Clan is obviously not as advanced as the demon they met before, but he only has the cultivation of the peak of Xuanxian, but his aura is extremely strange. Standing in front of him, it seems to give people A feeling that he can handle any situation.

This demon from the Yin-moon tribe is obviously not that easy to get along with. I saw him slapping Chen Lin and Luo Tian hundreds of feet away with a random palm in the air. sound.

"Damn, this bastard actually wants the two of us to pay him [-]% of our treasures!"

Chen Lin didn't say a word, and stood back to his original place in a dignified manner, and secretly sent a voice transmission to Luo Tiandao.

"Then what should we do? It's okay for the two of us to hand over something, but once we take it out, it will definitely reveal our secrets."

"I have no choice but to kill him first!" Chen Lin said harshly, "Seeing that we are about to succeed, we can't fall short. Brother, I can use my magical powers to hold him back for five breaths. Are you sure about five breaths?" Kill him within a short time?"

"It shouldn't be a problem." Luo Tian weighed it and said lightly.In fact, what Luo Tian said was only based on the fact that he only exhibited five times the combat power. If he exerted 27 times the combat power, I am afraid that ten of the Yinyue tribe who is only at the peak of Xuanxian in front of him can be wiped out in the blink of an eye. kill.

"Then do it!"

After Chen Lin finished speaking, he changed from his respectful attitude before, his aura changed extremely weakly, and he opened his mouth to spew out a stream of transparent fire, which instantly shot at the demon master whose complexion changed drastically.

"Subduing Demon Ganghuo?!"

Luo Tian was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect Chen Lin to use the Subduing Demon Ganghuo.

"Hurry up!"

At this time, Chen Lin's low voice suddenly rang in Luo Tian's ears.

"Don't worry, there's enough time!"

Luo Tian had a sneer on his face. Seeing the terrified expression on the face of the Yinmoon Demon Race in front of him, he moved in his heart, and directly displayed several purple lotus flowers wrapped in flames, and moved towards the person who was obviously violently attacking with the power of thunder. The struggling Yinmoon Demon Race rushed over.

Bo bo bo bo!

After several extremely slight sounds, the horrified Yinmoon Demon was directly shocked to death by Luo Tian's move.

"You also comprehend Fumo Ganghuo?!"

Chen Lin's complexion changed, and he looked at Luo Tian with a slight frown.

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