
Chapter 610 Core Treasure

"Hey, if I had known that Fumo Ganghuo was so effective against the demons, I would have used it a long time ago!"

With a rather embarrassed expression, Luo Tian smiled dryly.

Chen Lin didn't speak, but still stared straight at Luo Tian, ​​looking at Luo Tian from head to toe, his eyes seemed to want to see Luo Tian from head to toe.

"The demons are here."

Suddenly, Luo Tian cried out helplessly.

"What?! The devil is here, where is it?!"

Chen Lin's eyes finally regained his clarity, and he jumped up with a jerk, his head turned around extremely fast. If he didn't remember that this is the central area of ​​the Devil's Pool and the territory of the Demon Race, he might have to endure it. Can't help spreading out the primordial spirit and consciousness, and directly investigated.

"Damn, can you stop doing this, Xiao Yizi!"

After a while, Chen Lin said with a mournful face, "People are scary, they will really scare people to death. How dare you joke at such a critical moment? You are so heartless that you are speechless!"

Unexpectedly, Luo Tian's face turned serious, and he said via voice transmission: "Xiao Linzi shut up! I'm not joking, there are really demons coming over, but it's just one person, and the Yinyue demons who were wiped out by you and me just now have a cultivation base Pretty much the same."

Chen Lin immediately made a severe beheading motion, and said with a smile: "Since that's the case, what are you afraid of, just do him!"

"How?" Luo Tian wondered.

"Nonsense, of course it's the same as before, you won't do it again?" Chen Lin said with a wretched smile, "Since your kid is also carrying the Demon Fury, you are doomed to the miserable end of these demon cubs!"

"It seems that the demons who came this time are not so easy to deal with." Luo Tian said with a wry smile.

"How do you know..."

As soon as Chen Lin finished speaking, he couldn't help but shut his mouth, because with his naked eyesight, he could already see the demons coming.

I saw that the walking demon was about three feet tall, and his whole body was similar to that of a human, except for the two particularly eye-catching giant teeth on the cheeks, which gave people a visual impact and shock.

"It's the giant teeth!"

Chen Lin quickly sent a voice transmission to Luo Tian, ​​then stepped forward respectfully, and began to speak the language of the Demon Race again. The loud voice completely shocked Luo Tian.

Is this guy crazy?

Luo Tian secretly broke into a cold sweat for Chen Lin. Although there are a few races in the Demon Race who are as quick-witted, cunning and changeable as the Yinyue Race, most of them are big and rough, and they kill people without saying a word. For the demons, it is much simpler than eating and drinking water. The reason why they can survive and become stronger is to continuously improve their own strength, and the poor demons seem to have to plunder other races to improve their own strength. There is a shortcut, they don't have a good relationship with humans like the monster race, even if they don't have money to buy, they can get what they want by bartering...

"I'm afraid!" Chen Lin said with a voice transmission, "Maybe the strength of the giant teeth is not bad, but wisdom is definitely proportional to strength. This guy is so big, he is definitely the one with the lowest level of intelligence, brother You can deceive him with just a few words, and if you can't deceive him, you can kill him sooner."

"it's up to you."

Luo Tian said helplessly through voice transmission, and then started to use the Heaven Swallowing Method to wrap the primordial spirit's consciousness again, and then the consciousness disguised as a demon began to search around cautiously.

With the immortal soul, Luo Tian has the qualifications to be unscrupulous. At least, he is not very afraid of the attack of the soul of ordinary immortals. Unless the opponent's strength is too much beyond him, he can ignore it.Moreover, there is another advantage of the immortal soul. It stands to reason that the soul breath of a normal person in the fairy world is doomed to be unchangeable from the day of birth, but Luo Tian's immortal soul can even be powerful if combined with the law of swallowing the sky. It can simulate the soul breath of some monks who are not too powerful, human race, monster race and demon race, all of them are fine.

Fortunately, Luo Tian is used to being careful and knows how to hide and hide it very deeply. If some of his secrets are known to the big shots, even if those big shots won't personally take Luo Tian back for research, they will go out and kill him personally. .It is acceptable for a person to have one kind of shocking secret, but if he has two, three or even more, it will be a serious problem for him when he grows up in the future.

People in the fairy world don't have so many rules to talk about, and the heavens just ignore the rules and regulations issued by them. As long as they don't violate the will of the heavens, they are willing to turn a blind eye to some tricks in daily life. Eye.

Giving a sweet jujube with a stick is the supreme way to control.

At this moment, Chen Lin was walking towards the Giant Tooth Demon Clan obsequiously, but he sent a voice transmission to Luo Tian, ​​"Xiao Yizi is ready to attack, this Giant Tooth Clan Demon cub is itchy and wants to eat us!" Two tooth-beating festivals!"

"Fucking shit!" Luo Tian was furious when he heard the words, "Xiao Linzi, get ready to attack, I'll kill him!"

Chen Lin: "..."

Sure enough, after a while, the wretched duo finally easily beheaded the giant teeth in front of them with perfect cooperation.

"It's not right!"

After beheading the strong man at the peak of Xuanxian from the Giant Tooth Demon Race, Luo Tian and Chen Lin looked at each other, and couldn't help being a little stunned. Logically speaking, this Giant Tooth Demon was also at the peak of Xuanxian. It is impossible to be killed without any suspense by the two without even the strength to struggle.

But the facts were right in front of his eyes. The giant tooth demon in front of him was wiped out by the wretched duo at lightning speed even just after he realized it.

"Wait, let me refine his memory!"

Luo Tian suddenly came to his senses, and was about to perform a soul search technique on the giant tooth demon primordial spirit in his hand.


At this time, a loud noise suddenly rang out from the central area of ​​the devil's pool, and the huge sound wave spread out at an extremely fast speed, creating a layer of black wind that even forced Luo Tian and Chen Lin back. It took a few steps to stabilize his figure.

"what happened!"

Luo Tian and Chen Lin were obviously shocked. They stared at the real center of the magic pool thousands of miles away, and exchanged eyes for a while. Then, they directly used their bodies and escaped into Chen Lin's place. That hidden mobile space.

Whoosh whoosh!

Chen Lin pinched the formula with his hand, urged the mobile space, and quickly traveled thousands of miles.I didn't meet a high-class demon race along the way, and it seemed that these high-class demon races all evaporated out of thin air in an instant.

"It's the front!"

Luo Tian recited the formula silently, stretched out his hand, and shot the thunder of the gods directly at the void coming along the road. At the same time, he used the magic of the mysterious light mirror, and began to take advantage of this chaotic opportunity to refract the real scene ahead.

The Xuanguang mirror traveled through countless times and spaces, and finally carefully revealed the real scene in the center of the magic pool.

"Could it be that this is the core treasure house of the palm print space? There are too many people, right?"

Afterwards, Luo Tian and Chen Lin saw with great pains that in the Xuanguang mirror, an extremely real and clear scene was displayed. Countless human races, demon races, and monster races surrounded a colorful vortex in midair, each doing their own thing. camp.

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