
Chapter 613


The Golden Immortals of the three camps closest to the colorful vortex seemed to have an excellent tacit understanding, and they all flew towards the colorful vortex at an extremely fast speed.


The three camps below saw the leading golden immortals enter the core treasure house in the colorful vortex one after another, they were only stunned for a short time, and then they all scrambled towards the colorful vortex.

These people, whether it is the first wave or the second wave, no matter who they are, there is no scene of fighting with each other.

Regardless of whether it is the human race, the demon race or the demon race, the core treasure house can be found in these three major races. It can be said that they are all elites among the elites, and even have core figures. They all possess extraordinary wisdom and strength. Before seeing the treasure, they would never attack each other.

"This group of guys really don't see rabbits and don't scatter eagles!"

"Damn it, this group of golden fairies are just crazy, such a short distance shrinks to an inch!"

Soon, after everyone near the colorful vortex entered it, two figures slowly walked out of the void, and it was Luo Tian and Chen Lin who were hiding at the side.

Facing the core treasure house, the two of them would not think that as soon as they entered, there would be all kinds of treasures all over the mountains and plains. If so many people entered, there would always be a fight. Therefore, the two of them took the remaining evil spirits from Chen Lin's body in the surrounding space. All the thunders shot into the void, and after finishing their work, the two of them just arrived in front of the colorful vortex.

"Let's go."

Luo Tian and Chen Lin looked at each other, knowingly laughed together, and then flew into the colorful vortex.

I don't know how long it took, the colorful vortex seemed to undergo some wonderful changes slowly, and finally turned lightly, and then the whole thing dissipated with the wind like a bubble without a trace.


"There is so much energy in the world, if you practice here, you will get twice the result with half the effort!"

As soon as they entered the colorful vortex, the two of them were in a world of clouds and mists. The whole world had everything one could expect to find, including mountains, rivers, bamboos, stones, flowers, plants and trees. In the depths of the clouds and mists there were some faintly visible jade palaces. These palaces looked extremely ancient and revealed a vicissitudes of life. the taste of.

"Hmph, practice? You have to have a little life. If you are guarding a pile of treasures, can you calm down and practice?" Chen Lin hummed a few words, and then a pair of thief eyes kept looking around.

"Don't look at it, good things and treasures must have been taken first." Luo Tian smiled, then stretched out his hand and turned it over, and once again condensed the mysterious light mirror, which shot countless tiny light bands, gently After a shock, it was divided into several directions and disappeared in the thick clouds.

After a while, several tiny spots of light appeared on the originally blurry mirror surface of the Xuanguang mirror, densely packed.

"Xiao Linzi, come and have a look!" Luo Tian suddenly stretched out his hand to the void and pointed at the Xuanguang mirror, "There are still many Xuanxians haunting the nearby area."

"Aren't there fewer people in one direction?"

"There are a few places, but those places either have golden immortals or are extremely dangerous areas. If you are not afraid of death, we can give it a try." Luo Tian said indifferently, "However, there are a few places where the number of people is quite small. There are many, it seems that there must be a lot of treasures."

"Then let's go, grab his mother!" Chen Lin waved his hands, "If you don't grab it, these bastards will grab it all."

"Which side to grab?" Luo Tian was puzzled.

"Of course it's easier to rob the side where there are many people. Even if there is only one person on Jinxian's side, it's not so easy to rob." After Chen Lin finished speaking, he smiled, "Don't worry, as long as we two make a good plan, we can guarantee It will make those guys stare blankly!"

"Planning again..."


"There are treasures unearthed here!"

"What! Another treasure has been unearthed?"

"where is it?"

"Oh, you bastard, you dare to sneak attack me and die for me!"


Soon, in front of the treasure, the inferiority of each race was brought to the limit. At this moment, there is no distinction between human race, demon race, and demon race. There are only winners and losers. No matter who it is, there is only one thought in mind. : The treasure is mine!Those who stand in my way die!


In a relatively peripheral place, a Xuanxian who was hesitating was leisurely hiding behind, preparing to think about the wonderful things that the fisherman would benefit from, when suddenly he felt a numbness all over his body, and the next moment, his soul and spiritual consciousness collapsed , Both body and spirit are destroyed.


This Xuanxian's portable space suddenly dropped a lot of immortal pills, as well as four third-level spiritual veins and one second-level spiritual vein.

call out!

It took only half a breath of effort for these things to appear and disappear, so fast that it was almost invisible.

"Is there any mistake, are all the demons so poor?"

It was naturally Luo Tian who made the move secretly, but he couldn't help being dumbfounded when he saw him clearing up the loot. He knew that the demons were poor, but he didn't expect to be so poor that even compared to himself, they were far inferior.

"Grass! The same goes for the monster race!"

At this time, Chen Lin flew to Luo Tian's side with a resentful face, with a look of indignation, "The demon clan that my brother killed didn't even have a middle-grade fairy weapon on him, so it's better to rob the demon clan!"

"Pull it down!" Luo Tian rolled his eyes, "The demon clan that robbed the fart, the demon clan I exterminated only had a low-grade fairy weapon on it, I'm going crazy, what the hell is this? Du Xuanxian I can't even take out a decent fairy treasure on my body, no wonder the demons and monsters value this trip so much."

"Fortunately, the cultivation base and primordial spirit knowledge of the demons and monsters can be used to upgrade your Jinghong knife and my hundred beasts battle pattern stick. Otherwise, robbing them will not only be a waste of effort, but also a fruitless chore thing!"

At this time, several colorful rays of light rose into the sky in the distance, and the rays of light were clearly visible from thousands of miles away.

"Another treasure has been unearthed!" Chen Lin's pupils narrowed slightly, "Let's go, the two of us will grab a few!"

"it is good!"

Luo Tian's Immortal Primordial Spirit kept spreading out, and within a short while, he had a clear picture of the situation in a radius of thousands of miles. Fortunately, there were no strong men of the Golden Immortal rank within these thousands of miles.


When Luo Tian and Chen Lin rushed to the area where Baoguang soared to the sky, at least 30 Xuanxian experts had gathered there, and there were people from the three major races, and the number was quite similar.

At this moment, these more than 30 Xuanxian powerhouses have surrounded a small lake in front of them, staring at the immortal treasures constantly flying out of the small lake.

"The worst ones are all middle-grade fairy artifacts. Of course, there are almost no top-grade fairy artifacts." Chen Lin just glanced at it and understood the general idea. However, in the eyes of ordinary people in the fairy world, middle-grade fairy artifacts are already considered extremely It's a precious fairy treasure, a high-grade fairy weapon, they don't even dare to think about it.

Luo Tian's face was calm at the moment, but he was actually having a mind-to-heart communication with the bandit Xianjun who suddenly appeared again.

"Boy, have you seen a seven-foot spear among those fairy treasures?"

"Senior, why did you appear?"

"Answer the words of the deity first, you bastard!"

"...See, is that the earth gray seven-foot spear?"

"Yes, after a while you will use all your strength to take this treasure into your hands."

"Senior, that is a low-grade fairy weapon..."

"You don't need to worry about the rest, just take this treasure into your hands!" The last sentence was almost roared out by the Robber Immortal.

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