
Chapter 614 Seal!


Every time, he used violence to force others to submit, except for roaring and roaring.Luo Tian thought very unhappily in his heart, is it possible to treat Lao Tzu as an invincible hunk? There are more than 30 Xuanxians, most of whom are above the late Xuanxian stage. There are only one or two in the late Xuanxian period, and the rest are at least at the peak level of Xuanxian. Even if Luo Tian displays 27 times the combat power , I'm afraid it won't last long.

"Damn, a high-grade fairy artifact has been unearthed! Xiao Yizi, look quickly, look quickly!"

Luo Tian was still calculating the difference in strength between the enemy and us, and Chen Lin jumped up like a cat whose tail was trampled on, and howled with great excitement, making Luo Tian's ears buzzing. The level is almost breaking through to a high-grade fairy weapon, Luo Tian may really not be able to withstand Chen Lin's sonic devastation.

"I have eyes, so I can see it myself." Luo Tian replied very depressed, but he couldn't help cursing the robber Xianjun in his heart. Every time this guy takes a special sword, he has never been normal. The last time He forcefully introduced Jinghong Dao to himself, but now he is exhausting himself like a dog. This time...

Should I listen to him or not?

"Damn, brother must get a high-grade fairy artifact this time!"

Chen Lin shouted eagerly, his face full of excitement.

"You don't look at how many competitors there are, so you start talking big." Luo Tian couldn't help but hit Chen Lin beside him.

"Afraid of a fart!"

Chen Lin carefully looked at the masters of the three major factions in the arena, and after confirming it, he said triumphantly: "It's all just Xuanxian, as long as you don't come to Xuanxian Invincible, I can take care of them all by myself, believe it or not ?”

Luo Tian sweated profusely when he heard the words, "You don't have a lot of expendable treasures on you, do you?"

"That's necessary, let's go, follow brother!"

"... "

After finishing speaking, Chen Lin looked at the stunned Luo Tian, ​​patted his forehead lightly, and said with a smile: "Look at my memory, Xiao Yizi, which fairy treasure do you like, we will get it together!"

"No, I can handle it myself."

"Why are you being polite to me, say it!"

Following the direction Luo Tian pointed his finger at, a dusty gray spear with only the aura of a low-grade immortal weapon fell into Chen Lin's eyes. Chen Lin was almost going crazy. It was such a low-grade fairy weapon, he was shocked.

"You, you...you really have good taste!"

After holding back for a long time, Chen Lin finally came to his senses, and looked at Luo Tian with a strange expression.

"I think so too." Luo Tian had no choice but to bite the bullet and laugh dryly. Anyway, what the Robber Xianjun likes shouldn't be too bad. Make up your mind, and don't listen to the bandit Xianjun's blind instructions next time.

Jinghong Dao, speaking of it, Luo Tian was full of tears. This fairy treasure was undoubtedly a semi-holy artifact before, but when it came to Luo Tian's hands, it was only a low-grade fairy artifact, and Luo Tian had to work hard to get rid of it. Tossing so that it can be promoted, this is really an arduous and ambitious task for Luo Tian who is poor and white.

At the very least, Luo Tian thinks that there is still a long way to go before Jinghong Dao can be restored to its peak level.

After listening to Luo Tian's words, Chen Lin almost didn't faint, but he didn't say anything else. After discussing with Luo Tian for a while, the two of them moved towards the small lake in front of them, and prepared to go out again. Yin tricks under the Yin hand.


Looking at the expendable fairy treasures in his palm, Luo Tian couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva. This Chen Lin is really too rich. If he can have [-]% of his net worth, he probably doesn't have to spend all his time worrying about his spirits. Shi was worried.

At this moment, three or four pieces of high-grade fairy artifacts have been unearthed in the small lake. A layer of transparent precious light like glaze flows on top of these high-grade fairy artifacts.

Chen Lin stared at the several high-grade fairy artifacts with intense gaze. He had already set his sights on one of the fairy treasures. Although this fairy treasure was at best an ordinary high-grade fairy artifact to ordinary immortals, it was still an ordinary high-grade fairy artifact to him. It is quite significant.

Whoa whoa whoa!

At this time, the vortex in the center of the small lake began to flow backwards, and began to slowly rotate in the opposite direction. The scope became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a small ripple and disappeared completely from the sky and the earth.


All the people around, no matter whether they were in the open or in the dark, all raised their cultivation to the peak, and then whoever said something in a low voice finally ignited the powder keg that had been silent for a long time.At this critical moment, if the time is delayed like this, I am afraid that other strong men will rush over after hearing the news. At that time, it will be more difficult for them to grab the fairy treasure. Therefore, they will take action immediately!

"Xiao Yizi, act according to the plan! Damn, whoever dares to snatch things from our brothers today will be killed to the brim!"

Chen Lin quickly sent a voice transmission to Luo Tian, ​​and then he showed his figure and flew towards the fairy treasure he was looking at. The fairy treasure Chen Lin liked was not very good, but there were seven or eight people To fight for it, no matter how bad the quality is, it is still a high-grade fairy weapon, and it is much stronger than a middle-grade fairy weapon.

And Luo Tian also shot towards the earth-gray spear with cold eyes. Although the earth-gray spear is a low-grade fairy weapon, it is still an immortal treasure. No one came to fight for this humble fairy treasure, and there were too many people secretly making moves. After all, there were still three or four people who shot towards the dusty gray spear, and these people were all demons without exception. People in the monster and monster races, and the human race, don't bother to fight for a low-grade fairy weapon.

To put it bluntly, low-grade immortal artifacts are too commonplace in the human race.

It was the poor ghosts of the Demon Race and Yao Race who competed with Xiao Yizi for the low-grade fairy treasure.

At this moment, Chen Lin couldn't help thinking badly, and then his eyes narrowed, because he saw that among the people who snatched the earth-gray long spear fairy treasure, there was also a Xuanxian extreme master!

"Get out of here!"

The Xuanxian extreme master was a demon, and he let out a low drink with an ugly face, and immediately swung the two-foot-long giant sword in his hand, bringing up a series of tornadoes, directly killing several Xuanxians. All the demons and demons in the late immortal period were blown away.


The demon's Xuanxian extreme master was about to kill Luo Tian, ​​a celebrity, but unexpectedly, Luo Tian was the first to make a sound. Following the words in Luo Tian's mouth, Luo Tian punched out with a sneer on his face, It collided with several tornadoes in front of him, and easily scattered those tornadoes.

"Humans, court death!"

Boom boom boom!

I saw Luo Tian strolling in the courtyard and fighting that demon in close quarters, but he didn't lose the wind.

"But so."

Luo Tian displayed a spell with a smile on his face, and whispered, "Seal the Immortal Seal, seal it!"

The opponent's demon with the ultimate cultivation of Xuanxian was immediately restrained by an exquisite talisman cast by Luo Tian, ​​and then penetrated into the body all of a sudden, exploding into a cloud of blood mist.

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