
Chapter 615 Dark Gold Emperor Spear

"Isn't it? It's so powerful!"

Even the instigator Luo Tian himself didn't believe it, he just mixed a subduing demon gang fire into the seal of immortality, and the demon clan in front of him with the limit of Xuanxian's cultivation was so vulnerable, Luo Tian cooperated with the seal of immortality One hit kill.

With Luo Tian's blatant blow, he killed a Xuanxian extreme master in an instant. What kind of cultivation is needed for this?At least he is also the pinnacle figure in Xuanxian Wudi, and he can do it easily only when he already has a few strands of understanding of Da Luo's law.

"It's too cruel, it's too cruel!"

Chen Lin is also proficient in Fumo Ganghuo. Just now, Luo Tian secretly mixed Fumoganghuo with him. He also sensed how powerful it is to deal with the demon clan's Fumoganghuo. How can there be a few normal humans who can do it against a demon with the ultimate cultivation of Xuanxian?

Seeing that Luo Tian was safe and sound, Chen Lin chuckled and threw all the expendable treasures in his hands away...


Luo Tianfei came to the side of the earth-gray spear, and reached out to hold the earth-gray spear in his hand. He felt that the weight of the gun was really heavy, given that Luo Tian's physical toughness was about to break through to a high-grade fairy weapon. Strength, at least [-]% of the strength must be exerted to be able to easily use the earth gray spear.

"Xiao Yizi, since you have succeeded, why don't you hurry up and help brother!"

While Luo Tian was secretly looking at the gray spear in his hand, Chen Lin's voice transmission sounded in Luo Tian's mind again. This time, there was a trace of anxiety in Chen Lin's tone.

Luo Tian said helplessly: "I thought you could hold on for a while longer, but I didn't expect you to be unable to hold on anymore. It seems that this time I really encountered a problem!"

"Nonsense, hurry up, first throw out all the expendable fairy treasures in your hands, I will consume them alive!"


Bang bang bang!


Who would have guessed that Chen Lin and Luo Tian, ​​the wretched duo, had so many expendable treasures on them? If one didn't notice, dozens of expendable treasures exploded in the air, sending out continuous explosions. The roaring and buzzing sound even blasted the void into dozens of cracks, which continued to spread in all directions, and then directly cut some Xuanxian who couldn't avoid it into several sections. Fortunately, they escaped from Yuanshen in time, so they survived.

Without a physical body, the big deal is to take away a physical body at that time.

"The breath of primordial spirit consciousness!"

Luo Tian was overjoyed, and then threw the Jinghong Knife away with his hands, and saw the Jinghong Knife flying around in the void, and quickly devoured the primordial spirits of some mysterious immortals one after another. .

"Damn, I don't know how many to keep for my brother!"

Suddenly, a slight cough sounded from Luo Tian's side, and Chen Lin, who was ashamed and disheveled, appeared out of thin air in some embarrassment.

"Successful?" Luo Tian frowned slightly.

"Well, get out of here first!"

Just after Chen Lin finished speaking, his figure shook, and then he staggered a few steps out.

"Why bother to hang on when you're injured! Don't worry, there's a brother here. If you want to touch you, you'll have to step over my dead body." Luo Tian smiled lightly, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

"It's nothing, it's just that there's something wrong with the prediction, and I'm a little out of strength. Don't say it like a farewell?" Chen Lin's face darkened, and he almost fainted.


Luo Tian grabbed Chen Lin's arm, and the two entered the hidden mobile space in the void.


"Impossible! Only golden immortals can do this. Could it be that the ugly man in white was a golden immortal?"

"Get out of here, someone is coming!"

Soon, the treasures at the bottom of the small lake were all robbed, and those gods who got treasures scattered like birds and beasts. This is the most sensitive time. Who can guarantee that the people around you will not stab you in the back with jealousy?


At this time, the two who returned to the hidden mobile space were not idle. Chen Lin made a magic formula first, and began to urge the hidden mobile space to move towards the depths of the void. Along the way, he kept performing the battle of beasts The pattern stick wiped away the two people's movement tracks and law breath.

At this time, Luo Tian was also bored to study that dusty gray spear, a low-grade fairy weapon... But no matter how Luo Tian looked left, right, up and down, or even checked with his primordial spirit, he couldn't see this fairy weapon. What's so strange about Bao.

Still being tricked by the robber fairy!

Luo Tian sighed secretly in his heart, and was about to put the earth-gray spear into his inner world, and keep it as a souvenir.

"What are you putting it away for? Take it out, take it out quickly!"

At this time, the bandit fairy in the fourth heaven of the black lotus magic weapon finally made a movement, and growled impatiently.

Here we go again, can we stop the meeting?

Luo Tian had no choice but to take out the dusty gray spear again, and at the same time he sent a voice transmission to the robber Xianjun, "Senior, according to your instructions, I brought this low-grade fairy treasure back to you!"

Of course, Luo Tian's pronunciation of the four words "Xianbao Xianbao" is very heavy, which is very emphatic.

"Hehe, open your eyes and take a good look, this fairy treasure is not a low-grade fairy weapon!"

The robber fairy smiled lightly, but there was no sound.

Luo Tian stared at the earth-gray spear in his hand, and found that the treasure hadn't changed for a long time, so he couldn't help cursing secretly again, look, look, no matter how you look at it, it won't become a high-grade fairy weapon...

"how is this possible!"

When Luo Tian was meditating on Xiao Jiujiu in his heart, the earth-gray spear in his hand suddenly began to change. He saw a layer of earth-gray smoke lingering and transpiring on the treasure. Soon after, this layer of earth-gray All the smoke faded away, replaced by a layer of dark golden halo.

The dusty gray spear finally revealed its true colors!

At a glance, Luo Tian saw four inscriptions flashing across the body of the seven-foot spear in front of him, Dark Golden Emperor Spear.

"This breath! Grass, Xiao Yizi, aren't you, you can do anything!"

Chen Lin, who was sitting cross-legged and practicing, woke up all of a sudden, and stared at the dark golden spear in Luo Tian's hand with wide eyes. His mouth was opened wide enough to easily put a goose egg in it.

"Top-grade immortal weapon!"

Chen Lin couldn't help exclaiming, his face full of disbelief.

At this moment, Luo Tian's heart was full of turmoil. Without even thinking about it, he directly forced out a drop of blood, which directly penetrated into the Dark Golden Emperor Spear, and recognized the master with a drop of blood.

After Luo Tian finished identifying the master with a drop of blood, he couldn't help stroking the Dark Golden Emperor Spear in his hand with joy, feeling a hint of domineering aura emanating from the Dark Golden Emperor Spear, and couldn't help liking it a little more.

"This is the weapon a man should use!"

"Well, I think so too." Chen Lin gave a sly smile, "In that case, I'll let you show off the power of the devils who have been following us all the time. How do you think you are, Xiao Yizi?"

Luo Tiandeng was extremely speechless.

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