
Chapter 622 Goodbye Tang Yan

"This, this is too perverted!"

Chen Lin looked like a dumbfounded naive child, staring at Luo Tian in the void without blinking. At this moment, Luo Tian flapped the two dark purple wings lightly behind him. The blurred brilliance, people can't help but indulge in it at a glance, and they don't want to wake up again.

Luo Tian gracefully withdrew the Dark Golden Emperor Spear, threw everything in the opponent's body directly into the world to absorb and refine it, and then carefully used the Law of Swallowing Heaven to wipe out all the nearby heaven and earth energy and the breath of the law of heaven and earth, finally a little rest assured.

With Luo Tian's current strength, this is the best he can do at most, and it's a bit reluctant to ask him to completely erase the mark. If the opponent really uses a saint-level figure to make a move, Luo Tian can only accept his fate.At that time, even if he can't completely reproduce the current scene, he may kill Luo Tian, ​​but it will only be a blink of an eye.

Even if people like the Saint Immortal made a random strike, Luo Tian would probably be wiped out, let alone run away, or even run away.

"you you you…"

Chen Lin finally came to his senses, stammering, pointing at Luo Tian and saying, "I, let me say, Xiao Yizi, where did you get that treasure behind you? Why have I never seen it before?"

Luo Tian was sorting out the portable space of the two he had killed at the moment, and even the top-grade fairy artifact, the Tianlong Ring, was in it. Hong Dao is now a middle-grade fairy weapon. I believe that as long as it devours and refines enough spiritual energy and essence, it will naturally be promoted to the ranks of high-grade fairy weapons. , the power is amazing enough!

"It has been there for a long time." Luo Tian replied lightly, "What should we do next? It seems that there are still many dangers waiting for us ahead."

"Afraid of a ball!"

Chen Lin shouted excitedly, pointing at the celestial wings that had been retracted behind Luo Tian, ​​"Since you have such a powerful flying magic weapon, as long as you are not a golden fairy, our two brothers can do whatever you want! Go, keep moving forward, let me see what happened It's not that simple. By the way, Xiao Yizi, that flying magic weapon of yours doesn't seem to be low-grade, did it come from your Profound Sky plane? Let's go down to the lower realm to find some more..."

Luo Tian couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and looked up at the sky, knowing that this guy didn't give up, and sure enough, he came back again.

"Even if I take you to that place, you are not qualified to go in." Luo Tian said with a depressed face shaking his head.

"Oh." This time, Chen Lin just said "oh" lightly, and then he didn't say a word.

After a while.

Luo Tian and Chen Lin couldn't help raising their heads together in the hidden moving space, and looked into the distance.

"Someone is here, and their cultivation is still at a low level." Chen Lin shrugged, "How about it? Shall the two of us kill them?"

"not that simple."

On the surface, Luo Tian and Chen Lin sensed each other's primordial breath at the same time, but in fact, Luo Tian sensed the existence of the other party a few breaths in front of Chen Lin, and the other party was not the three people in the perception, but There are four people, and the fourth person has always been hidden in the void and the real world. If Luo Tian hadn't searched the past very patiently, it might not be easy to detect the existence of the other party.

"Go around."

After a while, Luo Tian said lightly, "The two of us have met many strong men from the three major ethnic groups during our journey. I don't know if you realize it..."

"Yo!" Chen Lin raised his eyelids, teasingly said, "You kid also tested me, no matter whether we took action to kill or not, there seems to be only one direction for them along the way..."

"True North!"

The next moment, the two of them laughed together, but after laughing, their expressions became more serious than ever before.

"The farther you go, the stronger the strength of the three major ethnic groups will be. It seems that they must be going to an extremely important place!" Chen Lin thought for a long time, and suddenly said.

"Could it be for the heart of Shenxuan?"

Luo Tian frowned slightly. From this point of view, it is extremely possible that everyone on this road will go for the heart of Shenxuan, but now the two of them are not sure where they are, but when they arrive There must be a golden fairy appearing in time, that is absolute.

"If we meet Jinxian at that time, it will be quite a headache and troublesome thing." Chen Lin sighed a little depressed.

"At present, we can only take one step at a time." Luo Tian comforted, "Everything still depends on luck. If only the great people in the fairy world are worthy of luck, how will other people live? Are they destined to be servants for the rest of their lives? Don't be so pessimistic."

"It's not pessimistic." Chen Lin shook his head and said, "It's just worrying. If there is a chance, if you don't have the life and strength to enjoy, it will be nothing to fetch water from a bamboo basket. Wouldn't it be more depressing?"

Luo Tian suddenly shut up and kept silent.

The situation in front of him seems to be the most complicated situation since Luo Tian's debut. Even with Luo Tian's great wisdom, he can't solve the doubts and get confused.

A mess.

But where is the sharp knife?


"I want to know you, and my longevity will never end. Mountains have no tombs, rivers are exhausted, winter thunders are shaking, summer rains and snows, heaven and earth are united, so I dare to say goodbye to you! I dare to say goodbye to you..."

At this moment, Tang Yan, who was full of bitterness and almost cried, held the silver spear tightly in his hand, and scolded coquettishly with a reddish face: "If you follow me again, I will attack! Go away!"

"This beautiful lady, please don't neglect me because of the huge gap between us. Don't worry, I won't despise you. After marrying you, I will definitely treat you well. You and I will love each other as husband and wife..."

A sad-faced scholar with the appearance of a mysterious fairy kept telling Tang Yan bitterly. That scene was enough to make people howl.

"You! Go away! Get lost!"

Tang Yan really couldn't stand the stupid scholar in front of him who claimed to be in love with him at first sight. He followed him for more than ten days, and he still didn't give up. He tortured himself every day with sour poems and songs , If it goes on like this, it's going to be crazy.

"Beautiful lady, please don't abandon me, at my house..."


Without saying a word, Tang Yan directly stabbed the silver spear in his hand.


"Not bad, not bad, really good."

Not far away, Luo Tian and Chen Lin sat in the hidden mobile space and watched the scene quietly, and Chen Lin couldn't help but admire, "This drama is really beautiful, the infatuated scholar loves the rich girl bitterly. Xiao Yizi what do you think?"

"It's okay." The corners of Luo Tian's mouth turned up slightly. Love in the world is the most incomprehensible. He has eight wives in the Tianxuan plane, and he has a deep understanding of the horror of women. which one?

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