
Chapter 623 Qing Luo Gourd and Zheng Feng

In fact, more women are scary, but too many men are just as scary.

Women chasing men, interlayer yarn.Men chasing women, separated by mountains.

Since ancient times, men have to pay a considerable price to pursue women.Have you ever seen how many high-ranking and powerful ladies commit themselves to marry poor boys with no wealth?Most of those are just touching stories in unofficial biographies or novel miscellaneous notes.

Tang Yan couldn't bear it anymore, and the silver spear in his hand immediately shot countless silver arrows like thousands of troops, and the dense wind immediately shot towards the scholar-like Xuan Xian, with a fast and urgent speed.

"Girl, you are too cruel and merciless, aren't you?" The scholar was full of bitterness, and while dodging Tang Yan's attack in an extremely embarrassing manner, he threw a jade pendant in his hand. The jade pendant was not big, only the size of a pigeon egg, but The scholar just threw it out, and this seemingly inconspicuous jade pendant suddenly turned into a gourd-shaped magic weapon that looked a bit transparent in green, and a gushing water curtain spewed out all of a sudden, offsetting Tang Yan's attack completely. .

"Green Luo Gourd!"

Not far away, Chen Lin, who was originally optimistic about the show in the hidden mobile space, changed his expression, and exclaimed in surprise, and then laughed again, "I think that little lady Tang Yan can't run away, this bookworm actually Carrying a green gourd, I can't afford to mess with it!"

"It's just a Qingluo gourd at the peak level of a middle-grade fairy weapon, what's wrong with it?" Luo Tian said lightly, as if it had nothing to do with him.

"You know fart!" Chen Lin sneered, "Green Luo Gourd, only people in the Valley of the Medicine King are eligible to own it, and they must be inner disciples to be eligible to distribute a Qing Luo Gourd. This is a symbol of status! Don't say Tang Yan, I am afraid that even if the grandfather behind Tang Yan came, he would not dare to touch this nerd, if you don't believe me, let's bet, the bet is Han Yuexing..."

"Forget it." Luo Tian laughed dryly, "You don't even have to think about it, there is an immortal king behind Yaowanggu, not to mention the entire Lingyun Starfield, even the entire Jinzhou who can move the disciples of Yaowanggu There are not many, Xiao Linzi, you are clearly making me take advantage of you."

"Hey, I guess Miss Tang Yan will give in obediently now." Chen Lin said with a lewd | smile on his face.

Luo Tian shrugged and said, "I don't think so."

"If a nerd is strong, don't you want a hero to save the beauty?"

"Why not?" Luo Tian caressed his cheek with an intoxicated look, "With our handsome appearance, which is no worse than yours, if we want to capture the heart of this little girl, it will be a piece of cake..."

"Stop! Stop!" Chen Lin suddenly had goosebumps all over his face, his face twitched and said, "Uh, this, this is true, you are indeed handsome, brother believes in you..."

In fact, Chen Lin almost didn't vomit. I didn't see that Han Yi is still so narcissistic. If you want to say handsome, I'm afraid it's almost the same in the evaluation of the demons. In the human race, let alone you Chou's eyes are quite unique...

"Okay, the joke is over!"

Luo Tian waved his hand, and said seriously: "Xiao Linzi, let's move on, it's boring to watch too much of this kind of drama."

"Okay, okay." Chen Lin must have been tired of watching, and he agreed with both hands, and immediately urged the hidden mobile space to move towards the depths.


What Luo Tian and Chen Lin didn't know was that the stunned-looking scholar from the Valley of the Medicine King twitched his mouth slightly, as if he had discovered something interesting, but he immediately recovered, as if that expression had never been There has been no general.

"Hand of Secret Law!"

At this time, the expression of the scholar who had already reached the limit of Xuanxian's cultivation changed slightly, and he shouted in panic: "Little lady has actually practiced the secret art of the Immortal King of Secret Art?!"

After finishing speaking, the scholar kept flickering and moving away strangely in the void. If he calculated carefully, he would know that the scholar happened to be constantly changing directions around the hidden moving space where Luo Tian and Chen Lin were.

"Is this a coincidence?" Chen Lin chuckled.

"I don't think so." Luo Tian said with a wry smile, "It seems that this guy has discovered you and me a long time ago, so he can hold his breath!"

Chen Lin stuck out his tongue and licked his lips intoxicatedly, and said, "This guy is from the Valley of the Medicine King, so he can't be killed, but it's okay to beat him up."


Luo Tian shouted confidently, then stepped out of the hidden moving space, and appeared directly in the void the next moment, with the Dark Golden Emperor Spear in his hand whizzing out like a revived dark golden dragon with fierce flames .

"Wow! Here comes another fellow daoist who wields guns!" The scholar seemed to be rather panicked, and kept shouting in the void, "It's amazing! It's amazing! Men's level of using guns is really beyond what women can match! "

Luo Tian almost didn't laugh out loud when he heard that, this guy from Yaowang Valley is really a bit... obscene.

"So promiscuous?" Chen Lin appeared from the void with an undisguised laugh, "That's right, I like it."

"It's completely the same breed!" Luo Tian rolled his eyes, and he found that the two guys in front of him were very like-minded, and there was even a feeling of sympathy growing invisibly...

"Hand of Secret Law!"

At this time, Tang Yan, who had already seen Luo Tian and Chen Lin appearing, was even more anxious. Of the three people in front of her, any one of them could easily defeat her. Fortunately, after being interrupted by Luo Tian and Chen Lin, her The hand of secret law finally successfully condensed out.

In the entire void, after the hand of secret law is played, it seems that there is no other scene to be seen, no other law of heaven and earth and the power of heaven and earth, it seems that everything has become meaningless because of the hand of secret law. When it makes sense, it makes people feel weird that they shouldn't live in this world.

"Wan Dao Yin!"

Luo Tian muttered silently in his heart, and immediately printed the Wan Dao seal. As soon as the Wan Dao seal was released, the entire void was almost infected by the hand of secret law, and when it was about to be assimilated by the hand of secret law, a ray of light suddenly appeared in the void , like a bright light slowly seeping out in the boundless darkness, thus expanding infinitely.

A look of astonishment appeared in front of Chen Lin and the scholar.The astonishment in their hearts may be due to the hands of the secret method, or it may be due to the mysterious and incomprehensible means displayed by Luo Tian.

Bo bo bo bo!

Not long after, Tang Yan's condensed secret law hand began to emit bursts of clear and crisp sound of bubbles, and finally the secret law hand was finally broken and counteracted by an inexplicable force, and disappeared invisible.

"Impossible, it is absolutely impossible to break the hand of the secret law with the strength of Xuanxian!" Tang Yan backed up a few steps in the void with a pale face, looking at Luo Tian, ​​as if seeing a living ghost.

"Beautiful girl, nothing is impossible in this world." The scholar looked like a different person at this moment, from a ruffian to a Taoist gentleman, took a graceful step, and gently stretched out his arms when he reached Luo Tian's side. palm.

"It's an honor to meet you, friend." There was no negative emotion on the scholar's face, and he always had a calm smile, "My name is Zheng Feng."

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