
Chapter 626

Everyone has their own secrets.It's just that there are some secrets that can be told, and everyone knows it.There are some secrets that even I don't want to remember, but try to learn to forget.

At least, from Luo Tian's point of view, the real feelings of Chen Lin, a guy who is usually idle, are not what he seems on the surface.

Of course, all this is just Luo Tian's guess.But his guesses are always quite accurate, aren't they?

"Follow up, I feel that this guy Chen Lin is not in the right mood."

Luo Tian felt a slight heaviness on his shoulders, but it was Zheng Feng who stretched out his palm and patted him casually, and then suddenly a white cloud rose up under his feet, flying out quickly.

Luo Tian was naturally on guard. He was even sure that if Zheng Feng had evil intentions, even if he was seriously injured, he would be able to kill this powerful guy instantly, but in the end Luo Tian still restrained himself.

Isn't it tiring to live on guard against others all the time?

"Aren't you tired?"

Tang Yan seemed to be talking to himself, but also seemed to be speaking to Luo Tian, ​​he opened Tan's mouth lightly, and said lightly.

After finishing speaking, Tang Yan also stepped on the rays of the sun, and directly drew strange arcs one by one, and flew towards the direction where Chen Lin and Zheng Feng disappeared.


Luo Tian shrugged, said with a wry smile, at this moment, for some reason, his heart became a little disordered, which is very unusual.

In fact, Chen Lin, who seemed to be holding a breath in his heart, suddenly exploded, not much worse than Luo Tian.When Luo Tian and the others came after him, they could only watch Chen Lin standing alone in the void from a distance, holding the Beast War Stick tightly in his hand, his eyes were as cold as smoke.

"It's over, it's just a few devil cubs who can't stand on the stage."

There was a smile on Chen Lin's face, and he covered himself up again. He was still the happy Chen Lin, never changed, like a dream that couldn't tell the truth from reality.

"Okay, I admit that you took the lead this time." Luo Tian spread his hands and smiled, "But next, shouldn't we plan carefully? You know, there may be that treasure in front of you."

"What treasure?" Zheng Feng and Tang Yan asked in unison.

"Hey! Beautiful Miss Tang Yan, I didn't expect that we have such a tacit understanding, why don't we let it go?" Zheng Feng said with a playful smile.

"Death!" Tang Yan's face twitched for a long time, and finally squeezed out two words from between his teeth.Compared to Zheng Feng, who has a good appearance, she would rather choose Luo Tian, ​​an ugly man with general demeanor.

Chen Lin seemed to put all the negative emotions behind him, and after a while, he said with a bright smile: "Heart of the Mysterious God."

Except for Luo Tian, ​​the other two were dumbfounded.


Under the endless starry sky, there are suddenly several rays of divine light galloping from afar. The aura of the divine light is evil but not upright, restrained and not obvious. Experienced immortals can recognize at a glance that these rays of divine light are the unique symbol of the demon race. .

"Is it my turn this time?"

Hidden in the moving space, Luo Tian, ​​who was sitting upright in the air with his knees closed and his eyes closed, suddenly opened the only eyes that could be called good-looking on his face, and said with a light smile.

"Of course!"

Chen Lin and Zheng Feng looked like you don't want to be lazy, while Tang Yan's beautiful eyes widened, with a half-smile expression on his face, and he stared at Luo Tian without blinking. Guys, it doesn't seem that annoying either.

"I'm thinking, if we do this, will we provoke the wrath of the heavens and the people, and eventually become the public enemy of the whole people?" Luo Tian twisted his neck, making a series of crisp and continuous light sounds.

"Stop fucking pretending to be noble!"

"You are a wolf in sheep's clothing!"

Chen Lin and Zheng Feng looked at each other, then laughed and cursed, and then Qi Qifei kicked, aiming at Luo Tian's ass.


Luo Tian dodges lightly, and instantly exits the hidden moving space.

"Aren't you two good guys? Don't take advantage of me, okay?" The next moment, Luo Tian's teasing voice suddenly sounded in the hidden moving space.

"This guy!"

The three of Chen Lin couldn't help but smile wryly. They really don't know what kind of character this guy is.Sometimes clear, sometimes cloudy.

"Would you mind watching Xiao Yizi show off his might?" Zheng Feng said with a smirk on his face.

"Of course!" Chen Lin and Tang Yan nodded without hesitation.

Zheng Feng immediately took out an ancient bronze mirror, and then typed out a few spells. Clouds and smoke surged on the ancient bronze mirror in front of him, locking onto Luo Tian's aura in an instant.


"So fast!"

"Isn't it?"

When the three of them looked at the ancient bronze mirror just now, they found that those powerful demons still disappeared, and Luo Tianshi stood still in the void. If there were not some battles around him The fluctuations of Yuanli and Law, the three thought that those demons suddenly evaporated from the world.

At this moment, Luo Tian grinned, turned his head and winked in the direction of the three of them, with a provocative gesture.

"... "

The three of Chen Lin were a little speechless. After Zheng Feng took back the ancient bronze mirror, Luo Tian had already returned to the hidden mobile space, and he sat down on the ground with a lazy look, closing his eyes and recuperating.

"Say! How did you solve the battle so quickly?!"

Zheng Feng couldn't hold back his curiosity the most, so he flew up first, and landed on Luo Tian with his teeth and claws open.

Ding Ding!

With a flick of Luo Tian's fingers, a bewitching purple lotus flower slowly emerged in the air. There were even flames dancing in the purple lotus flower. Of course, the few strands of Fumo Ganghuo mixed in it did not escape Chen Chen. Lin's eyes.

"This kid is going to be unlucky!"

Chen Lin closed his eyes in pain. Of course, he knew the power of Fumoganghuo well. Although Fumoganghuo is the most powerful restraint against demons and evil sects, it is also very restrained against other races. At least, Chen Lin Lin himself didn't dare to use his physical body to confront Fu Moganghuo head-on, and only Zheng Feng could do this kind of courting death...


Sure enough, at the next moment, Zheng Feng let out a shrill howl of ghosts and wolves, and flew into the air, with some thick smoke even gushing out from his hands.

"Zheng Feng is also prepared!"

Tang Yan looked on coldly, and saw at a glance that Zheng Feng's hands seemed to be wearing a pair of crystal-colored translucent gloves. Fortunately, this pair of gloves, otherwise Zheng Feng would probably have suffered a tragedy.

"I said, little lunatic, don't be so affectionate, okay? We are all men!" Luo Tian said with a chuckle, "Don't be fine and always jump around. It's too bad to be seen by outsiders like this. , if it were Miss Tang, she would do the same."


Tang Yan was taken aback for a moment, and then he snorted coldly with his face flushed, "There's a nest of raccoons, snakes, and rats..."

"Then tell me, why do you end every battle so quickly?" Zheng Feng asked unwillingly while shaking the gloves in his hand distressedly.

"Really want to know?"


"Then tell you, there is only one reason: I am too fierce!"

"... "

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