
Chapter 627 Luck

Everyone was quite speechless about Luo Tian's long-lasting sloppy eye.

Of course, Chen Lin still knows some of the inside information. At least, he has seen Luo Tian displaying a shocking five times combat power. Generally, only Jinxian from the extremely powerful first-class sect family is qualified to peek at this kind of combat power. Get a glimpse.Among the Xuanxians, they can have five times the combat power. It's not that the background is unpredictable, but it is really rare.

Obviously, Luo Tian, ​​who was only at the beginning of Xuanxian's cultivation at this moment, had already become an important person and brother in Chen Lin's eyes.It's true that Chen Lin's family has a big business, but his things are not blown by the wind. He has been influenced by the family so much since he was a child, and he has long been proficient in the world, knowing how to invest properly and manage his contacts. In this way, Chen Lin's status in the family can only be regarded as upper-middle, and there are still several children of the same generation who are stronger than him and have more advantages in the family.

Therefore, Luo Tian, ​​Zheng Feng, and even Tang Yan have become the people on Chen Lin's short list that must be wooed.

"The vitality fluctuation ahead seems to be becoming more and more unstable."

After a while, Chen Lin's eyes flashed, and he said lightly.

"According to legend, wherever the Mysterious God's Heart appears, all the powers of heaven and earth will surrender and gather away. I don't know how far the Mysterious God's Heart is from us this time, and the farther the distance is, it represents The master of the heart was stronger when he was alive." Zheng Feng thought about it carefully, and finally spoke seriously.

"A lot of golden immortals have come this time." Tang Yan added appropriately.

"Golden immortals are not a problem, the problem is that if these golden immortals gather together..." Luo Tian felt the rapid transformation of the Jinghong knife in his body, and it would not take long for Luo Tian to see another high-grade immortal weapon in his hand.

"Come one or two golden immortals, even if I don't rely on Qing Luo Gourd to scare them away, with our strength, if we want to leave safely, the problem will not be too big." Zheng Feng analyzed and said, "It's just Shen Luoyun, Tie Ao, Wang Zhaoxin, and Ling Ruoxu are powerful guys who face us, and the four of us will suffer losses if we try our best."

"So strong?" Luo Tian frowned slightly.

"Of course!" Zheng Feng raised his brows slightly, with a somewhat helpless expression, "These guys should all be in the middle stage of the Da Luo Jinxian, and they each have treasured body protection, so they are not so easy to deal with. Especially Ling Ruoxu, who claims to be a peerless genius who can be ranked in the top [-] among the monster clan, anyway, I have never seen his real body."

"Being able to force the monster race to display its body means that it is the strongest form." Chen Lin laughed and said, "It seems that Ling Ruoxu is really strong, and no one has been able to force him to display his body, no wonder he is so arrogant .”

"But everyone, don't worry, except for these few perverted beings, we can still deal with other ordinary golden immortals with the four of us." Zheng Feng immediately waved his hand on the ground.

Luo Tian and Chen Lin looked at each other, and the contempt for Zheng Feng in their hearts rose linearly. You have Qing Luo Gourd in your hand, let alone an ordinary golden fairy, I am afraid that even if he is as powerful as Ling Ruoxu, he would not dare to approach him. You kill it!Really standing and talking without back pain!

"Standing and talking doesn't hurt your back!" Compared to Luo Tian and Chen Lin, who were more sullen, Tang Yan was much more straightforward, and blurted out coldly.

"Well, I don't mean anything else." Zheng Feng was embarrassed by the beautiful woman, and explained again and again, "The four of us are now an alliance, and Qingluo Gourd will naturally protect you..."

Luo Tian and Chen Lin's faces remained unchanged, and they remained silent.

"According to what you said, can you protect a planet or even a star field with a green calabash gourd?" Tang Yan, this little girl was really hot enough, and continued with an aggressive attitude.

"..." Zheng Feng was speechless for a moment.


After Luo Tian and the others walked in the void for several days, they finally realized that something was wrong.

Chen Lin wrinkled his brows slightly and pinched the formula with his hands, as if he couldn't stop calculating the future, but it was clear from his expression that he had no clue.

"I thought, maybe we might be...lost."

After a long time, Zheng Feng said softly, "Thinking carefully about the journey we took all the way just now, it seems that this area should not be our planned journey before."

"How could it be possible to get lost?" Tang Yan raised her eyebrows and turned to Luo Tian, ​​"Hey, Han Yi, do you know what's going on?"

Luo Tian shook his head slightly, and then nodded slightly.

"Xiao Yizi, what do you mean?" Chen Lin took the lead in expressing that he did not understand what Luo Tian was trying to express.

"I didn't know just now, but maybe I know now." Luo Tian's wooden face finally showed a smile, "Sure enough, these golden fairies have made a move. We have traveled this way, and none of us have noticed. We have already Through some kind of clever prohibition circle, and thus go out in a big circle!"


Chen Lin, Zheng Feng, and Tang Yan's expressions changed immediately. With their strength, if the opponent secretly arranged a restraining circle, they should be able to sense it.

Luo Tian stretched out his palm, and said: "It is precisely because the closer to the heart of Shenxuan, the more disordered the power of heaven and earth and the laws of heaven and earth, that we didn't realize in time that this group of golden immortals really wanted to Swallow the heart of Shenxuan alone!"

"Hmph! If you want to swallow the heart of Shenxuan all by yourself, you are afraid that they will lose their lives!" Zheng Feng's face suddenly became angry when he heard this, and he directly took out hundreds of black fist-sized beads from the portable space.

"Heavenly Fiend and Dark Thunder!"

Luo Tian and Chen Lin looked at each other, and couldn't help shouting in a low voice, "So many?"

"Hey, do we have any resources in Medicine King Valley?" Zheng Feng shook his head triumphantly, with a hint of ferocity on his face, "This group of bastard golden fairies think that they are really superior in normal times, not only want to eat meat, but even The soup is not even willing to let us drink, he is not benevolent and I am not righteous! When the four of us are close to the heart of Shenxuan, a big battle will inevitably break out between the golden immortals. They are all smashed into the void, at least they will be ashamed! Dare to design us!"


Luo Tian's complexion changed, and he grabbed the void in front of him with his right hand, and the Dark Gold Emperor Spear appeared directly in his hand, exuding a blurred color of dark gold, and the aura from it vibrated endlessly in the void.

"I thought, this time we don't know if it's good luck or bad luck?"

Seeing the other three people looking towards him, Luo Tian couldn't help laughing dryly, "Here, if it's not what I expected, the heart of Shenxuan seems to be galloping towards us."

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian condensed the Mysterious Light Mirror without hesitation, directly suspended in the void in front of him, with a slight tremor, countless scenes of flying horses and flowers appeared in the Mysterious Light Mirror, the most eye-catching one was a long seven-eighth An oval-shaped golden light group with a width of three feet.

Mysterious heart? !

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