
Chapter 628 Wang Zhaoxin and Xiangyan

"It should be good luck!"

Zheng Fengqiang swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his throat rolled involuntarily. He thought what was wrong with him, and he didn't see a peerless beauty, so how could his heart be so hot?

"Blessings and misfortunes depend on each other." Chen Lin murmured, "I hope it's not a situation where blessings and misfortunes depend on each other, I hope..."

Tang Yan was even more unbearable. At this moment, her soul and consciousness had almost stopped functioning. What filled her eyes and her mind was only the golden light ball in front of her. It seemed so far away, but it was so within reach that she could feel it. My heart itch.

Speaking of which, among the four, if anyone can keep calm, it is probably Luo Tian.

Ever since Luo Tian sensed the sudden appearance and approach of the Shenxuan Heart in advance with the help of the Immortal Soul, a trace of anxiety flashed in his heart. This trace of anxiety can be said to be a whim in his state, but it is not entirely counted. Yes, it's a weird feeling.

"This Mysterious God's Heart appeared so suddenly, there may be something tricky in it."

Soon, Luo Tian's extremely calm voice reached the minds of the other three people, waking them up from their dazed state.

"Greedy, I've fallen to the bottom." Soon, Zheng Feng shook his head with a wry smile on his face, "This should be the heart of Shenxuan. It is recorded in my ancient books in the Valley of the Medicine King, and you guys Don’t think that the Heart of the Mysterious God is so close to us, in fact it is probably millions or even tens of millions of years ago!”

Chen Lin nodded, and said: "What the little lunatic said is right. The heart of the Mysterious God is the core of the Mysterious God's law conceived by a super big man at the level of a saint. It can be said that it basically ignores the constraints of time and space, and it may even be just In one breath, we have to exert all our strength to be unable to touch it."

Tang Yan continued to be shocked.She had never seen the heart of Shenxuan before, when she met for the first time, she almost sank into it deeply.This mysterious heart is really extraordinary.

"It's just fucking!" Zheng Feng slapped his hands fiercely, "I have never seen such a huge Mysterious Heart before!"

"Me too." Chen Lin also nodded and said.

Luo Tian said noncommittally: "I'm afraid this is one of the two elders of the Void God. Perhaps only the explanation of Banbu Xianjun can make sense."

Half step fairy!

Then, Luo Tian and the four fell into dead silence.

"This deal, do you want to do it?"

Chen Lin seemed to have a dry throat, and said hoarsely, with a low voice.

"Done!" Zheng Feng laughed fiercely, "This shocking opportunity may not come across once in [-] million years. If I still shrink back, then I will blame myself for not being a man!"

Luo Tian and Tang Yan did not express their opinions.

After a long time, Luo Tian sighed deeply: "I don't know how many lifetimes of misfortune it has been for the two of you...Since I want to do it, how can I miss it!"

"Uh, that, I can also agree, but there is a condition."

Seeing the gazes of Chen Lin and Zheng Feng falling towards him, Tang Yan hastily responded coquettishly.


Not to mention Chen Lin and Zheng Feng, even Luo Tian was a little confused.What on earth does this savage little girl want to do?

"Don't worry, as long as your condition is within our acceptable range, feel free to mention it!" Zheng Feng smiled and agreed directly.

Chen Lin didn't say much, but just stretched out his finger and pointed at Zheng Feng. The meaning was very clear, everything was decided by Zheng Feng...

"I hope that when everyone acts later, I can act together with Han Yi."

After a while, Tang Yan said with a blushing face, "I have no other intentions, because the two of us knew each other before..."

Luo Tian almost didn't cry, Miss Xindao, we don't play like this, why are you being ashamed when you have nothing to do?The latter sentence is even superfluous, and there is no silver 300 taels here. If it spreads out, Lao Tzu's innocence will be gone!


"It turns out that we have known each other for a long time—"

The two beasts, Chen Lin and Zheng Feng, immediately lost their minds, and the old elders with Qiqila voices made Tang Yan almost ashamed to dig a hole under his feet and jump in.

Luo Tian had an expression that I knew, and hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, don't talk anymore, the opportunity is fleeting!"

Soon, the four of them tossed out several sets of plans, which were all-inclusive, and it could be said that there were strategies to deal with almost any situation.

"Let's go!"

With a big wave of Luo Tian's hand, he and Tang Yan jumped directly into another small and time-limited hidden mobile space prepared by Chen Lin for the two of them. After that, Luo Tian immediately took the lead, traveled through time and space, Flying away at the heart of Shenxuan who didn't know where it was at all.

"You seem to be hiding a lot."

Moments later, Tang Yan sighed lightly, "Although I have erased my memory, the feeling about you cannot be erased."

"The fairyland is too dangerous, so we have to do it." Luo Tian said calmly without turning his head, "I hope Miss Tang Yan will forgive me."

"It's nothing, I'm not interested in you for the time being." Tang Yan said.

I hope you will never be interested in me.Luo Tian said in his heart.

Afterwards, Luo Tian focused on manipulating the hidden mobile space and headed towards the heart of Shenxuan. At the same time, a ray of light flew out from his celestial spirit cover, which instantly turned into a mirror of Xuanguang, and he began to keep in touch with Chen Lin and Zheng Feng at any time. connect.

"So fast?"

On the other side of the Xuanguang mirror, Chen Lin and Zheng Feng looked astonished, apparently caught off guard by Luo Tian.


Luo Tian swears unabashedly, and said speechlessly: "Can you two stop being so boring? By the way, how is the situation over there? Nothing wrong with you?"

"Everything is fine."

Chen Lin and Zheng Feng said in unison.

"Oops! I have trouble here!"

With a movement of his consciousness, Luo Tian immediately sent the scene that appeared in the Xuanguang mirror to the two people over there.

At this moment, in the infinite void in front of Luo Tian and Tang Yan, clusters of scattered and regular lavender light spots wandered in the void scatteredly, incompatible with the laws of the surrounding heaven and earth origin force and heaven and earth.

"It's Wang Zhaoxin! Xiao Yizi, be careful!"

Chen Lin saw through the origin of the other party just by taking a look, and immediately warned Luo Tian.

"Interesting human being."

On a certain planet in the depths of the void, Wang Zhaoxin, a young master of the demon clan in purple clothes and purple hair, stood with his hands behind his back. The hexagram on his forehead suddenly lit up, and then his milk-white pupils twisted all of a sudden.

"Space transport!"

"not good!"

In the distance, the hidden mobile space where Luo Tian and Tang Yan were located seemed to be broken open by someone with a great supernatural power, and immediately fell apart, and finally Luo Tian and Tang Yan were completely exposed in the void.

Immediately, Luo Tian clearly felt that a soft and warm body was pressed against him behind him, and the bumpy body rubbed against his back, which made him feel a little distracted.

Tang Yan behind him didn't seem to notice Luo Tian's impatience, he moaned softly, and kept stroking Luo Tian's body with a pair of small hands.

"No, I fell into a trap."

This evocative scene made Luo Tian's nerves tense, and he immediately realized that it seemed that he had really fallen for it.

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