
Chapter 629

"wide awake!"

The power of swallowing the sky transformed by the law of swallowing the sky suddenly appeared in Luo Tian's body, and it was sent into Tang Yan's body without money, but in the end it only slowed down the spread of the inexplicable poison in Tang Yan's body, and could only Temporarily suppressed but not completely expelled.


Luo Tian's complexion was really red and white at the moment, and the sudden change made him a little at a loss.

"Xiao Yizi, how are you doing?"

At this time, the slightly anxious faces of Chen Lin and Zheng Feng appeared in the mysterious light mirror in front of Luo Tian.

"It's nothing. Who are you bastards!..."

Just as Luo Tian shook his head, his complexion changed, and then he was shocked to find that the lavender starlight spots in front of him were connected in series at once, and finally changed into a series of arm-thin ropes, and then Luo Tian and Tang Yan were tightly bound together. Bound tightly, an inexplicable space portal slowly appeared at the source of these ropes.

"That is!"

Luo Tian's pupils constricted all of a sudden, and finally turned into boundless hostility.

"Break it for me!"

Luo Tian slapped his left hand abruptly, and a boundless palm print descended from the sky, and landed heavily on the space portal, but it seemed to be bounced back quickly by a soft force, without success.

"Qiankun Seal!"

The malevolent energy between Luo Tian's brows immediately formed, and the Qian Kun seal was printed, the whole space became violently shaken, and countless laws of heaven and earth began to wither.


The backhand reached out again, and several purple lotus flowers wrapped in flames sprang out from Luo Tian's fingertips, quickly condensed into a purple silk thread, and flew towards the space portal, which was just in front of him. It is the source of all the other party's designs, as long as it is destroyed, the other party's conspiracy will definitely be self-defeating.

Luo Tian was able to see this point, and just now made a series of heavy blows in an extremely wild manner.

On the distant planet, Wang Zhaoxin's pupils suddenly sped up and twisted, and he said lightly: "This human is a bit interesting, he can temporarily resist the space transmission of this seat, could this be the monk who secretly killed and slaughtered me?" guy?"

The demons, how could they call themselves the demons, they have always called themselves the supreme, otherwise they would not brazenly call themselves the saints.

"In that case, let him die."

The corner of Wang Zhaoxin's mouth outlined an absolutely beautiful arc, and then the milky white light in his pupils accelerated again.

"Five times the combat power!"

Luo Tian used most of the means, but he still couldn't get rid of the shackles of the purple bright spot in front of him. Tang Yan's spiritual consciousness behind him was intermittent, and he definitely couldn't help him. At this time, he used five Double the fighting power!

Once the five times combat power was used, the pressure and restraint on Luo Tian's body were relieved a lot at once, and then Luo Tian suddenly soared into the sky with the semi-conscious Tang Yan on his back, about to break the space barrier and cross the void.


Suddenly, a purple triangular ancient magic circle above the head slowly formed, swaying endless purple brilliance, these purple brilliance kept changing in the void, every ray of brilliance seemed to turn into an ancient demon, these demons They are all in the most primitive form. They look like demons but not demons. They seem to be shrouded in layers of darkness and unable to break out, and they can't stop roaring.

Looking at these huge ancient demons, Luo Tian couldn't help but feel a little headache. His actions have always been extremely secretive. Logically speaking, it is impossible for these guys from the demons to directly calculate their way and block them here.

At this time, a sudden change occurred in the sky.

A beam of light of an indeterminate color quickly fell from the sky, and the surrounding white, gray, and black clouds immediately dispersed by themselves, as if directly exposing a bright eye that one dare not look directly at.

"what is this!"

Luo Tian received too many stimuli today and was already in trouble, but he was still shocked by the bright flame.


When his consciousness was almost numb, Luo Tian seemed to hear these four words. Afterwards, Chen Lin and Zheng Feng's anxious voice transmission kept digging into Luo Tian's ears, stirring endlessly in his numb and intoxicated consciousness. .


When do the flowers bloom?When will the flowers fall again?

Who the hell give me an answer!

Luo Tian's last silent roar was still of no avail.


Luo Tian and Tang Yan seemed to be set up by Wang Zhaoxin as a trap. In fact, Wang Zhaoxin was secretly horrified at the moment. He didn't even know that even though the human being just now was powerful, he was not enough to look at in front of him. Why did he appear in front of him? Disappeared without a sound?

Could it be that the sky is about to change?

When Wang Zhaoxin thought of this, his heart became cold for a while, and finally he walked out of the planet with some fear, even ignoring the trap he set up, which shows how far the fear in his heart has reached.

at the same time.

On a Tier [-] planet that is hundreds of millions of miles away from Luotian, an old farmer who was weeding weeds leisurely with a hoe in his hand suddenly shook, and the movement of waving the hoe stopped abruptly, as if time Stopped in general.

After being stunned for a full hour, the old farmer who had maintained the same posture from the beginning to the end finally turned his face full of surprise into joy, and then the old farmer turned his head up to the sky and laughed loudly, "How many years? How many years! The old man finally waited. On this day, this time, the old man will not let go of this opportunity no matter what! Hahaha... The ancestors really opened their eyes, and the unfilial sons and grandchildren thank you here!"

After finishing speaking, the old farmer, who looked a bit crazy, knelt down to Dongfang directly on the spot. After kneeling three times and prostrating nine times, he stood up tremblingly. At this moment, the old farmer's eyes were as sharp as a knife. It seems that the entire third-order planet is going to be shaken into powder.

"The old man can finally go home!"

After finishing speaking, the old farmer laughed wildly again, and his figure exploded.

same moment.

On a certain top-level planet in Jinzhou.

Apart from flowers, plants, trees, birds and animals, there is only one residence on this top-level planet. From the inside to the outside, this residence is made of a kind of Qingxiang bamboo, which is also called a rare treasure in the fairy world.

The residence is neither big nor small, and it also has a range of hundreds of miles.But in the eyes of the venomous fairy, this residence is no different from a living treasure, of course, only by this residence.

At this moment, above a certain room in the residence, a curl of light smoke floated up, rushed straight up for about a foot, and then began to shake and dissipate.


After a while, a beautiful woman in white cloth came out of the room. She didn't have any luxurious clothes or decorations on her body, but the woman's demeanor alone was enough to be called a first-class saint and fairy.


Suddenly, the woman in white looked into the distance, her pair of beautiful eyes were extremely deep, and the long black hair hanging behind her head suddenly flew up, flying high and high in the wind.

"The person that daddy said has finally come in response to the robbery."

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