
Chapter 630 Trouble

This is a beautiful and quiet world to the extreme, even if it is comparable to some beautiful scenic spots in the fairy world, it is not far behind.

There are endless woods and grass, and most of the trees are familiar peach blossoms.

The pink peach blossoms are flying down from the trees, rendering the whole world pink. In the pink, the occasional green grass and the blue and black boulders are intertwined, making it look more beautiful.

This world is not big, it only looks like a hundred li.But there is no shortage of pavilions, towers and pavilions, which is the best interpretation of the sparrow's small size and complete internal organs.

At this moment, in a white jade loft leaning towards the outside, two white naked bodies are tightly entangled in one place, heavy panting sounds and low moaning sounds come out intermittently, matching the surrounding The white jade-like radiant scene brought out a little obscene | extravagance.

After a long time.

"What the hell is going on with this mother?"

Luo Tian's spiritual consciousness gradually regained his sobriety, but he felt top-heavy, with almost no strength in his body.And when he saw clearly the face of the woman under him, he finally let out an angry growl.

Of course, after Luo Tian yelled just now, he was already panting like a cow, and his lower body seemed to be moving again...

"Uh... um..."

The jade girl under Luo Tian was Tang Yan. At this moment, her white and jade-like body was covered with a layer of pink, and she exuded a fragrance that could not be described in words.

Luo Tian's lower body reacted again, and he was about to go crazy.

"Tang...Miss Tang, this...this..." Seeing Tang Yan's charming eyes almost dripping water, Luo Tian finally felt a sense of guilt from the only wit left in his heart, and this guilt made Luo Tian feel guilty. Tian hardly dared to face Tang Yan, and he stammered when speaking.

Then, Luo Tian finally woke up with a sliver of wisdom that was wiped out again, and immediately rushed towards the stripped and beautiful body in front of him viciously...

I don't know how long it took, after the clouds dispersed and the rain gathered, the two who had gone through a long battle finally separated slowly.


Luo Tian was very conscious at the moment, looking at the bright red under Tang Yan's body, Luo Tian was a little dizzy, but when he stood up, he felt his legs go weak for a while, and he fell to the ground.

"Hey, how many times has this mother come here!"

Luo Tian sat on the ground and yelled angrily. Immediately, Luo Tian's expression changed, and he found that Tang Yan's body, whose back was facing him, seemed to move slightly.

A quarter of an hour passed.

Luo Tian let out a long breath, and sighed: "Nie Yuan, why did this happen to Tang Yan, a savage girl? This is too tragic..."

"Han Yi! What do you mean! Explain to my old lady today!"

Tang Yan jumped up from the ground in a jerk, naked, with his hands on his hips, facing Luo Tian with a fierce look, his small face turned pale with anger.

Luo Tian was obviously taken aback for a long time, and finally looked Tang Yan up and down, and said softly: "Miss Tang, even if what I said below is wrong, you don't have to be so blatantly honest with each other, right?"


Tang Yan let out an octave-high exclamation, and then grabbed the portable space with her jade hand, directly took out a red dress, and quickly put it on.Then, Tang Yan seemed to be stunned for a moment, and immediately threw out a white scholar's shirt from the portable space.

"Here, this is yours!"

Looking at Luo Tian's sturdy body, Tang Yan couldn't help feeling a little hot on his cheeks.

"That, thank you very much."

Luo Tian was stunned for a long time, and didn't know what to say or how to explain. He was worried that Tang Yan would make a scene before, but now it seems that Tang Yan didn't have too violent mood swings, but was very calm look like.

But the more Tang Yan was like this, the more abnormal Luo Tian felt.

After putting on their clothes swiftly, Luo Tian and Tang Yan glanced at each other, and immediately turned their heads at the same time, but neither of them spoke first.

"Miss Tang." In the end, Luo Tian took the lead in breaking the awkward atmosphere between the two, and said softly, "You are not at fault for this matter, nor am I. It was caused by external forces, but no matter what, as long as you are willing , Han is willing to take responsibility for you."

"no need."

Tang Yan's body seemed to tremble slightly, and even after he regained his composure, his face when he turned his head was extremely flat, showing no emotion, "I know you don't like me very much, of course, I don't like you too. .”

After finishing speaking, Tang Yan gently stroked the long hair hanging from his forehead, and said proudly: "I admit that your strength is good, but you should know that in the fairy world, good strength does not necessarily have a corresponding status. What about you, but You are a poor boy from a Tier [-] planet, how could I, Miss Tang, have a crush on you? You just need to keep your mouth shut about what happened today, and for the rest, just pretend it never happened."

"If this is your sincere words, I can promise you." Luo Tian stared at Tang Yan for a long time, then said with a faint smile.

"Okay, I'll go out and check the situation. It's definitely not a long-term solution to stay here. We will go back after all."

After speaking, Luo Tian waved his hands, then strode out of the Baiyu loft, and then rose into the air.

Tang Yan's performance from the beginning to the end is superior and very strong.

But when Luo Tian walked out of the white jade loft with a leisurely attitude, her eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of moisture, hazy, and no one could see what it meant.


After Luo Tian left like this, even if he didn't come back for dozens of days, Tang Yan could sit still at first, but later, she couldn't help feeling a little annoyed and resentful. It's fine if you don't ask, anyway, I have already said my cruel words, but I didn't expect that he would really let himself here alone and ignore it, this is simply not the way a man behaves!

In fact, when Tang Yan walked out of the Baiyu loft in a rage.

Luo Tian, ​​who was sitting upright with his eyes closed in the distance, finally had a smile on his face. It turns out that this is the real hiding place of the Mysterious God's Heart. The outside one is just an illusion to attract attention, but that illusion also contains The law, power and aura of the Mysterious God's Heart, otherwise, would not have deceived so many golden immortals.

"But it's a bit expensive."

Immediately, a wry smile appeared on Luo Tian's face, it was true that he found the heart of Shenxuan by mistake, but everything that happened with Tang Yan was also real, could it be that blessing and misfortune depend on each other?

Next, Luo Tian naturally didn't want to waste any more time on the attack, since the whole small world here is the heart of the Mysterious God, then he can finally absorb the original power of the Heart of the Mysterious God unscrupulously.

Luo Tian, ​​who was caught in a retreat, didn't know that his heartless actions almost made Tang Yan extremely angry.

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