
Chapter 632

"Congenital chaos, chaos divides yin and yang, yin and yang transform all things, and all things start again and again!"

Luo Tian sat on the blue-black mountain peak like a perfectly sculpted stone statue. His soul and consciousness kept changing, and many illusions came out, constantly colliding back and forth in his conscious world.

Luo Tian's immortal soul will soon be unable to resist.

"What a terrifying illusion, it's really rare in my life!"

Luo Tian's whole body felt an irresistible sense of astonishment, separated and condensed the immortal soul, and began to resist the inexplicable force that was squeezed from all directions.The strange thing is that this kind of inexplicable power does not come from the physical body, but from the primordial spirit and consciousness, which is similar to the coercion of heaven and earth, which makes people feel powerless and slack.

"If it goes on like this, I'm afraid I will become a walking dead without sanity, and eventually annihilate here!"

Luo Tian kept shouting in anger, he wanted to break this passive situation, but he didn't know where to start.

Live from the heart!

No distractions!

Straight to the heart!

Soon, in Luo Tian's mind, the memory scenes of his previous life and present life appeared like a revolving lantern, and the familiar pictures were continuously projected and enlarged in his mind, and finally became more and more blurred, and finally disappeared slowly in the memory In the long river.

"Yes, straight to the heart!" Luo Tian suddenly became enlightened, "All these are just the illusion of distracting thoughts in my heart, why can't I let go?"

In the end, a figure in red suddenly appeared in Luo Tian's sea of ​​consciousness, vaguely, so familiar yet so distant.

"Break it for me!"

In Luotian's sea of ​​consciousness, gray trails suddenly appeared, and these trails changed into various shapes, including mountains and tall.There is water, flowing in turbulence.There are treasures, swords, guns, swords and halberds.There are people who love and hate.

"Everything is within the law of yin and yang!"

Luo Tian laughed loudly, "There is no yin and yang, and there is no everything."

Then, Luo Tian's physical body suddenly moved, his body slowly floated up, his hands kept dancing in the void, and he played a series of moves that he had never seen before, constantly deducing the laws of heaven and earth, even, The law of destiny.

Luo Tian's mind and consciousness have never been so clear as at this moment, like a mirror.

One year passed, two years passed, three years passed...

In the blink of an eye, five years have passed.

Luo Tian has always maintained the posture of playing the formula like this, without interruption, without stopping.

"The fourth form of the Heaven Swallowing Seal, the Yin-Yang Seal!"

At some point, Luo Tian, ​​who was sitting cross-legged in the void, opened his eyes. Countless gray sword qi surrounded his body, finally piercing through space cracks one after another slowly. Then, each space crack opened again. Correspondingly, countless small space cracks were derived.

"Splash attack!"

With a smile on Luo Tian's face, like a breeze blowing on his face, the hand formulas of both hands finally converged in one place, and he patted them lightly.

With a loud bang, the void in front of Luo Tian quickly spread from the size of a millstone, and finally filled half of the area before stopping.

"Yin Yang seal!"

Luo Tian twisted his body for a while, and suddenly he felt refreshed, "I broke through to the middle stage of Xuanxian, this time, don't say that I am allowed to run amok among Xuanxian, even if I encounter a low-level Da Luo Jinxian with a weak cultivation base. I'm afraid I have the power to fight! Everything in the world is nothing but yin and yang!"

Finally created the Yin-Yang Seal, and his cultivation level increased again. Luo Tian was full of joy. He knew that no matter how hard he tried, it would be difficult for his cultivation base to increase again in a short period of time. .

The inexplicable power inside the Shenxuan Heart was finally absorbed by Luo Tian to a bottleneck.If it is absorbed again, it will be beneficial and harmless.

"Don't be greedy."

Luo Tian sighed secretly in his heart, and in the end his figure flashed, and he returned to the white jade attic where he had been lingering with Tang Yan before.

"Miss Tang Yan, I'm back."

Luo Tian stepped into the Baiyu loft, and couldn't help being startled when he saw the scene in front of him.

In front of him, the building is already empty.

"When did she leave?" Luo Tian frowned slightly, and said to himself, "With her strength, I'm afraid it would be difficult to get out of here without my help?"

"Could it be that she sneaked out during my absence? It's too bad!"

Luo Tian disappeared in a flash, and the next moment he appeared directly in the sky. The Immortal Primordial Spirit shook, and the powerful primordial spirit consciousness spread out to the surroundings at once.

"no one?"

Luo Tian's face suddenly became a little solemn.

"Yin Yang seal!"

Luo Tian tore at the space in front of him forcefully with both hands, and the void in front of him was like fragile straw paper, split into two from it, and a dark space portal appeared.

"wait for me."

Luo Tian muttered something to himself, and then dodged in directly.


"This group of idiots, I really can't stand them!"

In a certain space outside, Chen Lin and Zheng Feng stood in the hidden mobile space, quietly watching the countless people in front of them cast their magic channel method to attack a powerful restriction like water lines.

"You can't say that." Zheng Feng turned his head to look at Chen Lin, "Without them, it would be very difficult for us to get in there, and I'm afraid there will be no chance at all."

"To enter or not to enter, it doesn't make any practical sense to me at this moment." Chen Lin's face was cold, his palms were clenched into fists, and he was clenched so hard that blood even dripped from his palms, "Wang Zhaoxin, dare to sneak attack my brother!" , I will kill you in this life!"

"Count me in." Zheng Feng said lightly, shrugging his shoulders, "Don't think that you are the only one who is loyal enough, okay? That boy Han Yi is very appetizing to me."

Chen Lin stared at Zheng Feng, finally let go of his palm slowly, and said softly: "You'd better not lie to me, otherwise even if you are from Yaowang Valley, I will not be afraid, and I will kill you together."

Zheng Feng raised his eyebrows and was about to speak when he saw a commotion in the crowd in front of him.

I saw that the water-like restriction suddenly opened a gap by itself, and then made everyone's immortals stunned, and then countless people frantically rushed towards the gap that could only accommodate three people at a time.

"Get out of here!"

"Whoever blocks me, die!"



Next, several thunderous shouts came out from the sky, and then several rays of light suddenly appeared from the clouds, and they all rushed towards the gap. At the same time, these rays of light directly spread out of their bodies. Da Luo's law breath.

"Golden Immortal!"

"It's Wang Zhaoxin and Tie Ao!"

"There are also Shen Luoyun and Ling Ruoxu!"

"It seems that we are the pawns of this group of guys!"

"Why, why should they enjoy the opportunity we fought so hard for for nothing! I don't accept it!"

"Don't accept the fart, don't you want to rush up and argue with them?"

"I'll go now!"


The man who spoke rushed towards the gap in extreme anger.

"court death?"

The one who was closest to the Xuanxian was Ling Ruoxu, who was standing in front of him with his iron tower-like body, and said lightly, "Get out now, spare your life."

"Why, why do you want to go in first?!"

"That's a lot of nonsense." Ling Ruoxu shook his head with a smile, and then slapped out a huge red fist, blasting the Xuanxian who had something to say to death with one punch, then turned around and flew towards the gap shoot away.

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