
Chapter 633 Crazy battle with 8 parties!

Killing a Xuanxian casually, Ling Ruoxu seemed to be lightly dusting off the dust on his body, with a look of indifference.

The rest of the mysterious immortals who were about to rush forward were all stunned at once, they were all shocked by Ling Ruoxu's blow, and no one dared to rush forward again.Even the many mysterious immortals below did not even dare to take a breath.

Whoever goes to theory will die!

In front of him is such a bloody example.

"Mourning for his misfortune, anger for not fighting."

In the distance, Chen Lin shook his head lightly, "There are so many mysterious immortals coming together, not to mention Ling Ruoxu, even if Wang Zhaoxin and the others formed an alliance with Ling Ruoxu, I'm afraid they wouldn't dare to take the lead lightly, so they can only avoid it temporarily, what a pity gone."

"It's impossible for them to go together." Zheng Feng also watched and shook his head again and again, "First of all, these mysterious immortals are divided into three camps, not just one iron bucket. Didn't you see the one who Ling Ruoxu killed just now?" Xuanxian, are you in the demon camp?"

Notch front.

Wang Zhaoxin intentionally lagged one behind, and only left after Ling Ruoxu arrived, and at the same time, the corners of his mouth outlined a very nice arc, "Ling Ruoxu, this beam has been settled. In the future, it will be doubled!"

"You are welcome at any time." Ling Ruoxu stepped into the void, exuding a powerful and invincible aura around him, "This sentence, even if your godmother is standing here, I will say the same."

After finishing speaking, Ling Ruoxu flicked his red hair and walked into the gap.

After Ling Ruoxu entered, the gap had become faintly blurred, and it seemed that it would close again soon.

Wang Zhaoxin's complexion changed slightly, and then a well-concealed cold light appeared in his long and narrow eyes, and finally stepped into the gap.

The gap finally closed slowly.

"You, who has seen a human woman in a red dress?"


An extremely calm voice came from the void, and then, the clouds cleared, and a white figure slowly appeared from the void, and walked towards the remaining hundreds of immortals step by step from the void. The gray sword aura exuded a domineering aura that was about to destroy everything.

"Xiao Yizi!"

Hiding in the moving space, Chen Lin and Zheng Feng couldn't help but stare at each other, as if they saw something incredible, and their expressions became dull for a while.They never imagined that Han Yi, who was clearly plotted by Wang Zhaoxin, would appear here unscathed?

"Okay, good, my brother, it's not that easy to die!"

Chen Lin was so excited that he was a little incoherent.

"Hahaha, where did this idiot come from? Did my wife run away with someone?"

Suddenly, a human Xuanxian with thin lips smiled back and forth. The reason why he was so unscrupulous was because his spiritual sense detected that the ugly man in white clothes in front of him was only a middle-stage cultivation base of Xuanxian, and there would be absolutely no mistakes, because he was Majoring in meta-occult law.

"Silly boy, I have seen a girl in red, she is quite beautiful." At this time, a shadowy young man from the demon race also laughed and said, "If you want to know where she is, hurry up and give me I kowtow a few times, and if the uncle is in a good mood, he may tell you."

Soon, among the following crowd, there were still some Xuanxian interfaces, just to tease the silly boy in front of him.

Luo Tian suddenly raised his head, and the two black vortexes in the depths of his eyes twisted for a moment, and then looked at the shadowy demon youth, "You really know? If you lie to me, you will end badly."

"Of course I know." The demon didn't seem to be aware of Luo Tian's mood swings, and still teased without shame, "The girl in red is really in good shape, and she insisted on crying and yelling to flirt with the uncle. In the end, I had to reluctance to accompany her to have a good time, but I didn't expect that she was still a virgin, and the feeling was really ecstasy!"

After finishing speaking, the gloomy young man of the Demon Race squinted his eyes recklessly, looking quite intoxicated.

"You can die."

The corners of Luo Tian's mouth turned up slightly, and without seeing him make any gestures, the whole person disappeared in the same place in an instant, and the next moment it directly turned into a gray light and shadow, penetrating through the body of the shadowy demon youth, and then the gray breath on his body condensed into A long gray sword was gently wrapped around the fingertips.

"You! How dare you really kill me!"

The shadowy youth of the Demon Race had an expression of disbelief, and then his whole body exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

Luo Tian stretched out his hand, collected all the energy and laws of heaven and earth in front of him, and threw them into the inner world, and said lightly: "I said so."

"How dare a foolish boy kill someone on the spot!"

"It's against him! How dare you kill everyone in my holy clan!"

"Big guys shoot together and kill him!"


Immediately, dozens of mysterious immortals from the demon clan started clamoring one after another.

"You want to kill me? Then I'll kill you first! Swallowing Tower!"

Luo Tian gave a low shout, and the world in his body opened instantly, and then the Tuntian Pagoda flew out of it, spinning around, turning into tens of thousands of feet, lying directly on top of Luo Tian's head, with an endless aura of coercion It spread out and directly suppressed the surrounding space.

"There are so many Profound Immortals from the Demon Race, it should be enough for my physical body to be promoted to the realm of a high-grade fairy weapon."

Luo Tian smiled and said to himself: "Then don't blame me for killing people today!"

Chi Chi!

Luo Tian stretched his hands towards the void with great speed, with the Scarlet Sword in his left hand and the Dark Gold Emperor Spear in his right, flying directly into the demon camp, the swords and guns were dispatched together, and directly chopped off a demon in front of him who was too late to use his supernatural powers. It became two pieces.


Luo Tian still had a smile on his face, and he shuttled through the demon camp at an extremely fast speed. Whenever he met Luo Tian, ​​all the demon immortals were beheaded by Luo Tian, ​​and half of the rest was given to Jinghong Dao, and half was replenished into the inner world Among them, Luo Tian also laughed at the portable spaces of those dead Demon Race Profound Immortals.





While killing fiercely in the demon camp, Luo Tian counted the number of demon immortals he killed, like a god and demon.

"how is this possible?!"


"He is only in the middle stage of Xuanxian's cultivation, but he can easily kill Xuanxian's limit. Where did this abnormality come from!"

"Everyone doesn't do anything, the demons are dead, I'm afraid it will be our turn and the human race!"



Luo Tian's frenzied killing aroused the anger of all the Xuanxian masters of the three major camps present. The Xuanxians of the Human Race and Monster Race camps also began to rush towards Luo Tian. People in the inner world have played magic weapons or divine channels.

"Dare to bully my brother, have you asked me?"

From the sky, a thunderous laugh came, and after that, countless black fist-sized beads fell like raindrops.

"Heavenly Fiend and Dark Thunder!"

"Get out of the way!"

Boom boom boom!Bang bang bang!

"Blue Emperor Bell!"

Finally, a smile appeared on the corner of Luo Tian's mouth, "Xiao Linzi, I didn't expect you to be here again this time. Thank you very much."

"Haha, why are we brothers so polite? I have never had such a good time in my life, so let us two brothers try to fight these hundreds of mysterious immortals!"

"And me, motherfucker!"

Zheng Feng, who was full of bitterness, opened his hand and pulled out the green gourd, shouting loudly: "Xiao Yizi, come here, little lunatic, today, the three of us brothers will go crazy! It's so fucking happy!"

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