
Chapter 635 Generous

"Who else dares to come up?!"

Holding the Dark Gold Emperor Spear, Luo Tian was panting slightly. After killing so many Xuan Xian, Luo Tian's physical toughness was a bit overwhelming. The Xuan Xian masters of these three camps each had their own set of fighting skills experience. If Luo Tian, ​​Chen Lin and Zheng Feng hadn't caught these mysterious immortals by surprise at the beginning of this group battle, they wouldn't have won such an easy and successful battle!

Who dares to come up!

Luo Tian is usually extremely low-key, but now once he becomes arrogant, he is so arrogant that there is no bounds. The dark gold emperor gun in his hand is pointed obliquely at the remaining Xuan Xian who are gathered together by the demon clan, "Demon cubs, how about you?" Come or not? Don't be so mean!"

The surroundings of the three of Luo Tian looked messy, but in fact it was an invisible formation that surrounded the three of them, and there were countless venomous looks towards the three of them.Because of the wanton killing of the three people just now, although they escaped by chance, some of their relatives and friends died in the hands of the three people. How can these people not be angry?

"Don't bully people too much! I'll meet you!"

At this time, in the demon camp, a tall demon whose whole body was made of fine steel flew out, and his whole body was covered with sharp brown spikes like a hedgehog. The sound of metal and iron was extremely uncomfortable to hear.

"Xiao Yizi, be careful, this is a race that is comparable to the carrion race among the middle-class demons of the demon race - the diamond iron thorn race, not to mention the supernatural power that can move mountains and seas, and the most terrifying thing is the brown spikes on the opponent's body Once stabbed by the sharp thorns, not only the essence and blood, but also the soul will be swallowed up by it!" Chen Lin quickly sent a voice transmission to Luo Tiandao.

"Xiao Yizi, why don't I come?" Although Zheng Feng was also slightly startled, he could still deal with the Diamond Iron Spike Clan, otherwise he wouldn't have dared to come out of the Medicine King Valley to practice.

"Little lunatic, I appreciate your kindness." Luo Tian said through voice transmission, then smiled lightly, directly put the Dark Golden Emperor Spear in his hand into the inner world, and quietly looked at the person who was confronting him in mid-air. Diamond Iron Thorn Clan Mystic Immortal.

"Human, you don't even use a magic weapon?" Xuan Xian of the Vajra Iron Thorn Clan couldn't help but sneered, "I really don't know what to do, do you think you can deal with Lao Tzu with your bare hands?"

"It's enough to deal with you." Luo Tian said calmly, and after finishing speaking, he hooked his fingers, with a gesture of not paying attention to the other party at all, "What are you waiting for, come quickly and die, young master and you Fight one on one!"

"I will fulfill you!"

Immortal Xuanxian of the Vajra Iron Thorn Clan stepped forward, and in an instant, the whole person directly crossed the space, directly in front of Luo Tian, ​​and viciously bombarded Luo Tian's head with a fist the size of a millstone. The strong wind spreading from the fist twisted and twisted the void endlessly.

The Vajra and Iron Spikes are also invulnerable because of their fur. Ordinary fairy treasures can't pose any threat to them at all.This is also one of the reasons why the diamond iron thorns are more difficult to deal with.This kind of race has almost no flaws in its body, and can only be killed by head-to-head, or it needs to use powerful divine channeling techniques to cause damage to it.

"Xiao Yizi, be careful, the Vajra Iron Spike Clan is full of poison, don't touch it!" Seeing that Luo Tian was motionless, as if he was relying on his strong physical body to face him head-on, Chen Lin couldn't help reminding him through sound transmission.

"rest assured."

The next moment, Luo Tian made a move.

I saw Luo Tian just gently stretched out his palm, his palm was as crystal clear as jade, it looked flawless, like a perfect jade.


Luo Tian's palm and Xuan Xian's fist of the Vajra Iron Thorn Clan finally stuck together, and there was only a crisp sound, nothing else.

"Hahaha, human, you are dead..."

There was an extremely weird and cold smile on the face of the Vajra Iron Thorn Immortal, and he had even seen the scene where the human being in front of him was torn apart alive by him and then swallowed by himself. Thinking of this, he was even excited. Some trembling.

The expressions of the other people watching from the side froze, and then everyone noticed something was wrong.

"No! That human evil star doesn't look like he was directly shocked to death!"

"Nonsense, the primordial aura on his body has not changed at all, how could he be dead!"

"This, this human being is too perverted. When did the human race produce such a peerless genius?"


All of a sudden, the Xuanxian who were watching around couldn't help talking about it.

"Die! Die! Die for me!"

The Immortal of the Vajra Iron Spike Clan has a hideous expression on his face, constantly urging the powerful force in his body. In his opinion, let alone a human race, even a master of the monster race might fight against him forcefully, and he will be seriously injured and will die !

Chen Lin and Zheng Feng were also taken aback for a moment, and immediately they both looked overjoyed.

"It's over?" Luo Tian looked calmly at Xuan Xian of the Vajra Iron Thorn Clan who was close at hand, as if he didn't even bother to roll his eyelids, "I've tried my best to suck it up, but it's still so useless. disappointment."

"Wow, I'm so angry!" Xuan Xian of the Vajra Iron Spike Clan roared angrily, and then the countless brown spikes on his body shook all at once, and finally shot countless shots that could only see the afterimage breath. Sharp wind whistling.

"More than that."

Luo Tian shook his head lightly, and immediately his hands danced like butterflies piercing flowers, and in the end he caught all the brown spikes shot out by Xuan Xian of the Vajra Iron Spike Clan. The next moment, Luo Tian seemed to be just Probe forward.


The pitiful scream of the Xuanxian of the diamond iron thorn tribe resounded through the entire void.

Looking at everyone's line of sight, everyone saw with great horror that the brown spikes on the body of the Vajra Iron Spikes were directly returned by Luo Tianyuan, and directly re-inserted on his body for him. enter.


At this time, Luo Tian's figure appeared above the head of Xuanxian of the Vajra Iron Spike Clan. With a light tap of his toes, the head of this demon clan known for its invulnerability with copper skin and iron bones was directly torn apart like a burst watermelon.

Luo Tian made another punch, completely knocking out the opponent together with the Yuanshen, and then he was relieved to send the opponent into the inner world to nourish Jinghongdao.

"It's really boring."

There was a trace of cold light on Luo Tian's face, which disappeared quickly, and he quickly sent a voice transmission to Chen Lin and Zheng Feng, "Xiao Yizi, little lunatic, I'm afraid the three of us have offended you by what happened today. It's hard to be kind to everyone here, the best way is for the three of us to join hands and kill all the remaining people here, otherwise there will be endless troubles!"

The complexions of Chen Lin and Zheng Feng changed drastically, and a look of astonishment appeared behind them.They never thought that Luo Tian could be so ruthless.But after thinking about it, this is probably the best choice for the three of them now.

"it is good!"

"The three of us don't hide our secrets later, let's all use our strongest cards!"

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