
Chapter 636

Half a year.

Luo Tian had never fought for such a long time since he ascended to the fairyland.

At this time, Luo Tian looked exhausted, but his eyes were still piercing. At the level of an immortal, unless he didn't carry enough immortal pills and spiritual veins, he would definitely not be exhausted to death .In particular, in the past six months, the three of Luo Tian launched an unprecedented massacre, among which Luo Tian shot the most ruthlessly and decisively, and almost [-]% of the Xuanxians died at the hands of Luo Tian, ​​although Luo Tian's body was tough The level still hasn't broken through to the hardness level of a high-grade fairy weapon, but the cultivation base has reached the peak of the middle weapon of the Xuanxian, and it is only a short step away from entering the late stage of the Xuanxian.

Of course, what makes Luo Tian most happy is that the Jinghong Dao has finally been promoted to the level of a high-grade immortal weapon in the past six months.This is also the main reason why Luo Tian doesn't feel tired at all.

Chen Lin and Zheng Feng were also a little trembling with excitement, and they even had some color on their bodies.But the gains of the two are far greater than their efforts.

"Xiao Yizi, you are still cruel enough! Brother really convinced this time!" Chen Lin raised his thumb and praised.

"Convinced!" Zheng Feng also cooperated.

Luo Tian couldn't help rolling his eyes, the three of them have cultivated the inner world, their own Heaven Swallowing Pagoda, Chen Lin's Qinghuang Bell, and Zheng Feng's Fortune Cauldron.Even Luo Tian didn't expect that the core of the world in Zheng Feng's body turned out to be the Creation Cauldron. Although the attack power was not as good as Luo Tian's Swallowing Tower, and the defense power was not as good as Chen Lin's Qinghuang Bell, this Creation Cauldron could disrupt all the magical powers of the opponent. And to use it, there is a bit of a taste of time and space.It was also because of Zheng Feng's fortune-telling cauldron that the three of them were able to eliminate all the Xuanxians of the three camps here within half a year, otherwise the three of them would have spent twice as long.

All the people in Yaowang Valley are really good.

This was the common thought of Luo Tian and Chen Lin.

"I don't know if there are any fish that slipped through the net?" After Luo Tian finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and typed out several moves, which directly condensed the Xuanguang Mirror. This half-year battle made Luo Tian's Void Assassination Technique almost reach perfection. It has already been running extremely smoothly, and the mastery of escaping into the void and exiting the void for assassination is simply superb. Every time Luo Tian appears, he can take away the life of a Xuanxian.

Even, Luo Tian has gradually integrated the fully refined Void Beast blood in his body into the Void Assassination Technique, which greatly increased the power of Luo Tian's Void Assassination Technique.If you are not careful, you will be successfully assassinated by Luo Tian.

Absolute offense, absolute defense and absolute chaos, the three of Luo Tian seem to have really reached a delicate balance, which makes the three of them together. As the cooperation becomes more and more tacit, the power of the three of them will also increase exponentially.

"It should be gone." Chen Lin and Zheng Feng were busy cleaning up the loot, and replied casually.

"I don't think so."

Luo Tian smiled coldly, and immediately swallowed the sky tower directly from the inner world, burning two second-order spiritual veins directly, and the immortal soul spread out without reservation, sweeping across the thousands of miles of space suppressed by him in an instant .

Half an hour passed.

Luo Tian suddenly let out a cold snort, and immediately burst out countless destructive flame lotuses from his body, the flames were light gray, and the lotus flowers were lavender.With the growth of his cultivation, Luo Tian's perception of the way of swallowing the sky and his understanding of the sword intent reached a new height.

Bo bo bo bo!

Several soft sounds came into the ears, Luo Tian waved, and the Tuntian Pagoda finally returned to the inner world.

Chen Lin and Zheng Feng looked at each other with wry smiles, but did not speak.

Although each of the three has its own hole cards, Luo Tian's hole cards are undoubtedly the strongest, just because Luo Tian seems to have flaws all over his body. In fact, you won't know until you actually fight him. Any flaws, and there will be a jaw-dropping rebound in an instant.

"Go! Someone is coming!"

At this time, Luo Tian's complexion changed slightly, and he pulled Chen Lin and Zheng Feng to leave.

"Hehe, the little guy's perception is still relatively sharp. You noticed this seat just after I arrived."

Soon, in the void, there was a teasing voice.


Luo Tian didn't speak, Zheng Feng only frowned slightly, and Chen Lin blurted out directly.

"Child of the Chen family, is that how you treat your elders?"

In the void, a dark green ghost claw phantom emerged, and above the phantom sat a bony old man in colorful clothes, who looked like a skeleton.

"Old Demon Bone Brake!"

Chen Lin's complexion suddenly changed, and then he shouted in a low voice.

"Be careful, you two, this old devil is a real golden fairy!"

"Old devil Gusha? I've heard that this old thing is neither good nor evil. He does things according to his preferences, and he has a weird temper. I don't know how many people he has offended. Isn't it said that he was wiped out by Jinzhou's law enforcement team? "Zheng Feng recalled for a moment, then said in a deep voice.

"It's just Da Luo Jinxian's initial cultivation base. The three of us may be able to kill him together." Luo Tian said more directly. Hearing Chen Lin and Zheng Feng sweating profusely, I thought to myself, how dare you think, Killing Xuanxian is fine, after all, it is not difficult, but killing Jinxian, even if the three of them join forces, it may be a bit mysterious.

"Xiao Yizi is right!"

Chen Lin's face remained unchanged, and he saw an undetectable translucent smoke flashing away from his fingertips, "This old devil seems to be seriously injured. He has fallen from the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian to the early stage of Daluo Jinxian at this moment, and the injuries on his body It still doesn't seem to be cured."

"Damn it!" Zheng Feng yelled angrily, "This old bastard is obviously here to rob. Damn it, he probably wants to devour the three of us to heal our injuries."


"Have you three little guys finished discussing? After discussing, I will send you on the road, and I will have a companion on the road to Huangquan."

The old devil Gusha sat on the phantom of the ghost claw, and said with a sinister smile.

"Send off your mother!"

This time it was Zheng Feng who quit, this old guy really thought he could secure the three of himself, he raised his hand and shot a divine light, and went straight to the old devil Gusha, and then the green Luo gourd floated above his head , a layer of cyan light curtain diffused down.

"Green Luo Gourd!"

The old devil Gusha stared at Qingluo Gourd with a sinking face. Others might not recognize the origin of this treasure, but he knew it very well. Not many people in Yaowang Valley could afford to offend it.

"Little guy who doesn't know how to live or die, and wants to attack me!"

All of a sudden, the old demon Gusha yelled sharply, and then he stretched out his hand to touch the void in front of him. Countless winds roared, and thousands of white skeletons flew out of it, including the three major races of humans, monsters, and demons, and immediately surrounded a certain void live.

"Old man, you've been fooled!"


Several flaming lotus flowers appeared behind the old devil Gusha, and they fell lightly towards the old devil's hood.

"Little guy, you're still too young!"

A vague smile appeared on the corner of Gusha Old Demon's mouth, then he turned his head towards a certain void and stretched out his palm to grab it fiercely. The condensed net came out, as if to seal off the opponent's retreat.

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