
Chapter 640 Royal Lineage

Regardless of whether the Bandit Immortal Monarch ordered it or not, Luo Tian had already decided in his heart to destroy Xu Baoxing.This is not selfishness, not harming others for self-interest, not blasphemy, but Luo Tian's special respect and remembrance for the two elders of the Void God who founded Xu Baoxing.

When the two elders of the Void God were still alive, Xu Bao Xing was a well-known top-level planet in Jinzhou of the Southern Immortal Realm. Not to mention the Daluo Jinxian and Taiyi Jinxian, even the Saint Immortals were countless, and they were extremely prosperous and powerful. Later, because the two elders of the False God seemed to have offended some big figures who couldn't afford to be provoked, the catastrophe came.Of course, Xu Baoxing turned from prosperity to decline so quickly, there must be Xu Baoxing's insiders doing some unknown dark deeds.

Luo Tian couldn't help but feel a little regretful when he learned that one of the Void God's elders, the monster clan's great power, came from the Tianxuan plane.So what about the Immortal Realm, if you offend a big shot, you will end up dead, what's the difference with the Profound Sky Plane?

"However, those behind-the-scenes men who pushed Xu Baoxing to decline, when they have the time and energy, will definitely find them out one by one!"

Luo Tian thought like this, but his hands were not slow at all. Almost in an instant, he and Chen Lin completed all the formulas. In the end, countless mysterious laws of heaven and earth appeared around the three of them again, and they crossed the void directly. go.

"Half a step slower!"


"Lucky them!"


Millions of miles away, the four strongest young masters of the three camps that came to Xu Baoxing this time, after jointly launching an attack, they found that the opponent had extremely desperately cast crossing the void in the turbulent space. , couldn't help being startled.

"The chances of them surviving are less than half."

Ling Ruoxu finally said something softly, then turned around and left.

After the other three were stunned for a moment, they finally left separately.


There are two flowers on each table.

That is to say, the three of Luo Tian crossed the void again in the turbulent space without fear of death, and the three of them secretly prayed in their hearts that they must not cross and teleport into the extremely dangerous turbulent space, otherwise the three of them might die there forever up.

Facts have proved that God seems to have heard the prayers in the hearts of the three of them. When the three of them did not know how many times and spaces and how many worlds they traveled, the speed of the three of them suddenly slowed down, and finally, they stopped at a certain place In the turbulent flow of space, it kept stagnating.


The next moment, Luo Tian and the three of them stared at the void that was about to be broken in front of them with blazing eyes. They all had a trace of apprehension and uneasiness in their hearts. Of course, there was also a trace of expectation and hope.

The answer will be revealed soon.

Luo Tian and the others were very lucky this time. The three of them did not teleport to the extremely dangerous space turbulence, but instead teleported to somewhere in the Lingyun Starfield.

"What a strong evil spirit!"

The three of Luo Tian had just been teleported out, and despite being a little dizzy, they quickly got up and looked around. Unexpectedly, the three of Luo Tian seemed to have been teleported to the territory of the demons.


Chen Lin, who has always been unfazed by the demons, clenched his palms into fists, his eyes turned red and he shouted in a low voice.

"Not urgent!"

This time, it was Zheng Feng who stopped shouting. When Zheng Feng saw that Chen Lin was obviously in a bad mood, he steadied Chen Lin, and kept winking at Luo Tian, ​​signaling Luo Tian to persuade Chen Lin. .

"Xiao Linzi, we are not in a hurry." Luo Tian's face moved slightly, and he said, "Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. We don't know which race of the demon race lives here, so we should first find out the situation of the other party before making a move." Late."

"Alright." Chen Lin seemed to have made a difficult decision, and his slightly dry voice came out immediately.

In the end, after the three of them fully adapted to moving from the state of crossing the void, they went straight into Chen Lin's hidden moving space.

"This hidden mobile space is the last one. There were originally three, but two were destroyed on Xubaoxing. If this is destroyed again, the three of us can only be completely exposed to the vision of the demons." Chen Lindun He paused and said, "I see that the surrounding area is almost all the planets of the demon race. We may have come to the demon realm of the Lingyun star field!"

"Moyu!" Zheng Feng, who was about to stretch, froze immediately.

Luo Tian was also secretly surprised when he heard the words, the number of demons seemed too small compared to the human race, but in fact the number of demons was still extremely large.And the demon clan is different from the demon clan, the demon clan lives with humans, unlike the demon clan, most of the demon clan are entrenched in the demon god island.And it is precisely because the distance between the Demon Race and the Human Race is very close, and after years of fighting, the Human Race already knows the Demon Race very well.

For the demon clan in the Southern Immortal Realm, each state generally has a holy place, while each major star region has a demon domain.The overall strength of these demon domains is difficult to divide, but what is certain is that the people living in the demon domain are all the strongest demon masters in a certain star domain, and there are many golden immortals among them. Immortals may also reside in it.

"Now I don't know where we are located in the Lingyun Star Territory Demon Territory. If we come to the most central area of ​​the Demon Territory, I'm afraid there will be no return this time." Luo Tian shook his head and smiled wryly. Even if Luo Tian burns the second-order spirit veins on his body, it can only restore the immortal power. The consumed law of heaven and earth cannot be re-condensed in a short period of time. It is extremely difficult to perform the third time to cross the void.

In other words, even if the three of Luo Tian could easily perform the third time crossing the void at this moment, they would not dare to try it lightly. This time they were lucky enough, what about the next time?Always walking at night, always seeing ghosts.

"There seems to be a second-order demon planet one hundred thousand miles ahead." Chen Lin, who was silent for a while, finally said slowly.

"Okay, let's take this second-order planet of the Demon Race as a breakthrough!" Zheng Feng laughed, "By the way, let's see if there is an ultra-long-distance teleportation array on this second-order planet. If so, we can directly teleport back to Lingyun Star domain!"

"What a beautiful idea!"

Luo Tian and Chen Lin Qiqi despised this shameless guy.

Two hours later.

The three of Luo Tian kept looking at the second-order demon planet in front of them from the hidden moving space, and saw that the second-order demon planet was separated by green and blue, like a strange big watermelon lying across in the void.

Whoosh whoosh!

Soon, three rays of light wrapped in devilish energy flew out from the planet in front of Luo Tian and the others.

Two men and one woman.

The woman looked dignified and beautiful, and she was flying in front of the two men behind her at this moment.

The appearance of the two men behind the woman is unflattering. I saw that the two men had blue arms and three heads on their necks. Each of them was covered with a faint green aura. Possessing four arms, countless magic fires spewed out between facial changes.

"Sura Clan!" Chen Lin whispered, "It is rumored that their ancestor was a fairy king. Although they are now in decline, they have always been proud of their royal blood!"

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