
Chapter 641

Shura Demon Race!

Luo Tian and the others finally came to a realization. The Shura Clan is quite famous among the Demon Clans. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are famous. The Shura clan and the human race broke out in a war, and the Shura clan was the elite among the elites on the battlefield, and they were often at least a ten-thousand commander, leading tens of thousands of people to fight.

The reason is nothing more than that the Shura clan is a typical genius fighting race. The more they fight, the excited blood flowing in their blood can be stimulated infinitely, thus breaking through one after another.To break through in battle, for the Shura clan, it is as simple as drinking water and eating.

Therefore, even a big shot in the human race would feel quite a headache when meeting a strong Shura clan of the same level.Once the Asura clan enters the fighting state, they are simply not afraid of death to the point of frightening. In addition, their fighting talent is enough to rank among the top three among the countless races of the three major camps in the fairy world.

Of course, the Shura clan's ability to be superior to other heroes must be attributed to the four origins of the demon ancestors. The ancestors of the Shura clan were one of the four origins of the demon clan. An era ago, the demon clan of the Shura clan confronted the three immortal kings of the human race with their own strength, and finally retreated.

Although the Shura Demon Ancestor disappeared in the end and disappeared completely, but no one among the demons dared to underestimate the Shura Demon Clan, because the Shura Demon Clan has an extremely perverted or even pathological enthusiasm for fighting. The more you fight with him, the more he likes it. On the contrary, when you see him from a distance, you turn around and leave. The Shura demons despise this kind of behavior extremely.

However, most races among the demons would choose to turn their heads and leave when they saw the Shura demons from a distance.Because compared with the Shura demons looking down on you, your life is undoubtedly more important.When fighting against the Shura demons, unless the level difference is too large, even if you win, it will be a miserable victory. What this race does is to injure the enemy eight hundred and self-destroy one thousand.

"Let's go, the Shura demons are not easy to mess with."

Zheng Feng suggested with some trepidation.

Luo Tian also nodded in sympathy.

"No hurry, no hurry! Hehe." Chen Lin, the poet, looked at the three Shura demons on the other side, and his wolf eyes were always staring at the leader of the female Shura. The cultivation of the three Shura demons is not high, and the female Shura with the highest cultivation at the head is only the limit of the Xuanxian, and we even killed the golden fairy, so we are afraid of it!"

Luo Tian and Zheng Feng rolled their eyes together, wondering what's wrong?Chen Lin has always hated the demons the most among the three, why did he change his routine this time and become so magnanimous towards the demons.

At this time, the three Shura demons had moved from far to near, and they were only a few hundred miles away from the three of Luo Tian.

Luo Tian and the others didn't see that, when they were a hundred miles away from the three of them, the headed female Xiu Luo stretched her eyebrows slightly, and an inexplicable smile flashed from the corner of her mouth.

At the same time, Luo Tian and the others also stood motionless in the hidden moving space, quietly watching the three Shura demons who were obviously flying towards the three of them.

"...This is a coincidence." Chen Lin couldn't bear the accusing eyes of Luo Tian and Zheng Feng, so he could only explain with a dry smile, "I can assure you that these three Shura demons just happened to pass by us, and they definitely didn't You will be aware of our presence, don't worry."

"Don't worry!" Zheng Feng was too lazy to listen to Chen Lin's fooling around, and directly sacrificed the Qingluo gourd. Anyway, in this hidden movement space, as long as the breath fluctuations are not too violent, it is impossible to spread it out. However, unless people outside are using extremely powerful immortal treasures and supernatural powers to search the space every inch of space, it is simply a daydream to find the three of them.


At this time, the sea of ​​consciousness in Luo Tian's primordial spirit was churning, and Luo Tian's spirit also fluctuated a little. This strange omen made Luo Tian feel a sense of danger, and he quickly sent a sound transmission to Chen Lin and Zheng Feng. people.

"I don't see anything wrong..."

Chen Lin still smiled stubbornly, but soon his smile froze on his face.

"Three sneaky human races dared to come to my sanctuary to inquire about information, and you are so daring!"


The three female Asura who were only ten miles away from the three of Luo Tian opened their mouths to speak, and stared straight at the true direction of the three of Luo Tian. The two Shura demon men behind her flew out from the rear, like two agile birds, one of them flew down and landed in front of Luo Tian and the other three. The three cyan heads kept switching, each spewing out magic fire from their mouths Shot out.

"I knew it!"

Zheng Feng yelled angrily, and immediately threw the green Luo gourd out of his hand. Fortunately, he was well prepared.

"The Demon Race, still can't change the bad habit of claiming to be a Saint Race."

Luo Tian sighed softly, blinked at the stunned Chen Lin, then stepped out from the hidden moving space, punched with one hand, and struck without hesitation.

With one punch, Luo Tian directly defeated four of the opponent's six magic fires, and the remaining two were refined by Zheng Feng, who followed closely behind, with the green Luo gourd.

"Human race, you are so courageous!"

The six heads of the two Shura demon men kept shaking, and their faces were extremely angry.

"It's so ugly, it's so ugly, it's really ugly!" At this time, Chen Lin put his ears on, walked out of the hidden mobile space, and exclaimed with an exaggerated expression, "I heard that all the women of the Shura Demon Race are beautiful. She is extremely gorgeous, but the men are all three-headed and four-handed, extremely ugly, and even their voices are unacceptable, now after verification, I finally believe it!"

"My grass!"

"My day!"

Luo Tian and Zheng Feng yelled at each other directly, "Xiao Linzi just fucking exposed our whereabouts just to verify this? You bastard bastard!"

"Don't panic, don't panic! Calm down!"

Chen Lin chuckled, waved his hands and said, "Are the three Shura demons golden immortals? I'm afraid of a ball. We are three brothers, one for each, and the beauty will be given to Xiao Yizi. You don't mind, little lunatic." ?”

"No no!"

Zheng Feng waved his hands again and again, jokingly, there are more women than men among the Shura Demon Clan, and the female Shura has always been much higher than the male Shura, even with the same cultivation level, the male Shura is far from the opponent of the female Shura. The female Shura is obviously the limit of Xuan Xian's cultivation.

"... "

Of course, Luo Tian also knew something about the Shura demons, so he looked at these two shameless guys speechlessly, "You two are so kind to me. Hmph."

"Those who are capable work harder, and those who are capable work harder!"

"That's right, you can't steal Xiao Yizi's limelight."

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