
Chapter 643

At this moment, in the deepest part of the sea of ​​consciousness in Luotian Primordial Spirit World, five pale white leaf-shaped clouds kept trembling and shaking in the void. On the left above it, a bright golden flower gently rotated, measuring three inches square.

"Three flowers gather at the top, and five qi are towards the Yuan, only then can the golden fairy's Da Luo way be achieved!"

Luotian's primordial spirit sits cross-legged solemnly under a golden flower and five light-white leaf-like clouds, silently absorbing the power transmitted from the world in his body, and thus enriching it into the golden flower. The golden flower is now It's just pale gold, when it turns into gold, it's a small success, and it's only when it turns into the deepest gold that it's a great success.At that time, Luo Tian will be able to give birth to the second most golden flowers, and so on, after finally condensing into three deep golden golden flowers, Luo Tian will have great hope of breaking through to the Da Luo Jin fairyland!

"Xiao Yizi is very laid back!"

Chen Lin joked with a chuckle, he didn't learn from Zheng Feng, he just lay down, anyway, the ground in the hidden mobile space is made of clouds and mist, which automatically filters out impurities, and keeps it clean at all times , and whether it is lying on it or sitting on it, it is soft and extremely comfortable.

"The road is a long way to go, and I will go up and down to find out."

Luo Tian smiled and replied, "Recently, I feel that I haven't made much progress in my cultivation, so I have to practice hard. This is also in the Demon Realm, and the more strength you have, the more chances you have to save your life. This is also due to helplessness."

"That makes sense." Zheng Feng interjected, "Xiao Yizi, it seems that you have cultivated for at least ten thousand years. You are indeed a genius monk. No wonder Xiao Linzi cherishes you."

"Nonsense!" Chen Lin laughed and cursed immediately, and then sighed heavily, "Brother, I counted reincarnation and recultivation, I am afraid that I have practiced for more than a thousand years... more than ten thousand years, I dare not even think about it!"

Luo Tian and Zheng Feng's complexions changed slightly, and then they looked at Chen Lin and said in unison: "In the fairy world, you can only reincarnate once and rebuild it once. Could it be that you are now?"

"That's right, even if I have the opportunity to be reincarnated and reincarnated now, I won't be qualified to do so." Chen Lin smiled calmly, "I have died once before I understand that life is nothing but a carefree life. It's a pity. Few people can do it completely, not even Xianjun."

"I have been taught." Zheng Feng pondered for a moment, then suddenly said seriously.

"Also, little lunatic, don't think that Xiao Yizi is not strong. He has only cultivated for hundreds of years, and he has plenty of time to catch up with us..." Chen Lin said next.

"... "

Zheng Feng was speechless all of a sudden, looking at Luo Tian his expression changed several times, and finally he lay down like Chen Lin in a burst of powerlessness, his hands kept scratching at the void, and his legs kicked wildly, "It's not fair! It's not fair! Is Xiao Yizi still a mother? He has cultivated to Xuanxian for hundreds of years, let alone a genius, even a peerless genius can't be used to describe this guy, this guy is obviously a monster!"

"Monster?" Chen Lin thought for a moment, then shook his head lightly and said, "If you are a monster, you can barely be regarded as a quasi-monster. Xiao Yizi is still far from a real monster, but I remember it clearly. The geniuses of the human race who are called evildoers all became golden immortals within 2000 years. And Xiao Yizi is only at the peak level of the early stage of Xuanxian... Wait! Damn, when did you break through to the middle stage of Xuanxian?!"

"I'm sorry, I made a breakthrough when I was in Xubaoxing a few days ago, hey." Luo Tian scratched his head embarrassingly.

"Damn it!" Chen Lin cursed again, "It only took you a few decades to break through from the early stage of Xuanxian to the middle stage of Xuanxian?"

Luo Tian nodded slightly.

"Inhumane and unreasonable!"

Hearing this, Zheng Feng rolled on the ground again.


Next, the three of Luo Tian made their own moves, almost making the hidden moving space almost impeccable, and then the three of them began to practice continuously in the hidden moving space. Only then did people seize the opportunity to sneak through the pass.

In ten years, the three of them passed through the four gates by luck.

And the three of Luo Tian had to go through the last two barriers before they could escape from the Demon Realm.However, the last gate of the Demon Realm is a natural barrier, almost unguarded. It can also be said that the gate in front of Luo Tian and the others is already the last one. As long as they pass, the three of them can return to the human race of the Lingyun Star Region Territory gone.

"Did you make a mistake?! The guards are too tight!"

Chen Lin returned to the hidden mobile space from the outer space a little annoyed, "I used Sakyamuni Baye, which almost made the devil cubs almost notice his whereabouts. Could it be that something big happened in the devil realm, otherwise how could it be possible in normal times?" The guards are so tight that even an ordinary Da Luo Jinxian would not be able to pass through the pass!"

"Impossible?" Zheng Feng yelled dubiously, "This kind of situation rarely happens to the demons. Is it a frightening illusion produced by the restraining magic circle!"

"Illusion shit!" Chen Lin spit and said, "Brother can guarantee that it is definitely not an illusion! Damn it, there are [-] people in the late stage of Xuanxian alone. Could it be that the devil wants to fight this battle?" Want to fight the human race again?"

"It's unlikely." Luo Tian shook his head and said, "It's only been a while since the last battle between the two clans, and I think it seems that there are signs that a big shot is coming."

"Hey, it's impossible to put up such a big battle for the three of us, right?" Chen Lin had a coquettish smile on his face.

Zheng Feng rolled his eyes, "Please, do you still have to fight for the sake of the three of us? Directly driving the two thousand immortals is enough to kill the three of us dozens of times! And take off your pants and fart-is it unnecessary?"

"That may not be true."

"Look, it seems that someone is coming!"

Soon, the mysterious light mirror that Luo Tian condensed reflected the scene beyond the pass, and in the distant starry sky, suddenly a gigantic carriage flew over, and the cart was not pulled by horses, of course. It was dragon horses. There were twelve dragon horses alone, and there were four hundred demon guards around them. This battle was quite grand, and the space occupied by this carriage alone was tens of miles.Those demon guards moved indistinctly, and they had the demeanor of marching and fighting. As long as an enemy attacked, they would immediately form a large formation to inflict heavy damage on the opponent.

At the front of the carriage, the four flag officers each held a large lavender flag with the word "Pingshan" written on it.

Purple is the most noble color of the demons.

"It's King Pingshan!"

Chen Lin's complexion suddenly changed, "It is impossible for King Pingshan to come here! Could it be one of his ineffective sons?"

"Who is King Pingshan?" Luo Tian interjected.

"Let me tell." Zheng Feng, whose face was also a little ugly, said, "Every star domain has a demon domain, and in some powerful star domains, the demon domain is also powerful, and the domain master of the demon domain is from the demon clan To be a king, of course, if you want to be king in the demon clan, you must at least have the cultivation base of a saint."

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