
Chapter 644 Banished!

"What about the one called the Demon Lord?"

Luo Tian continued to ask.

"The demon king is also very strong. Although he is one level lower than the king of the demon clan, his cultivation level must be at least a Taiyi Jinxian!" Zheng Feng waved his hand and said, "Forget it, look at your thirsty for knowledge!" It looks like, brother will tell you the rest. The general division of the demon clan is the lower demon clan, the middle demon clan, the upper demon clan and the royal clan. This is relatively vague and divided according to strength. In addition to these most basic divisions, there are demon generals, demon commanders, demon kings, demon kings, demon emperors, and the demon ancestors who exist like us human fairy kings. Demon generals generally correspond to Xuan Xian, And so on."

"What about the monster race?"

"The division between the Yaozu and the Mozu is almost the same." Chen Lin took it over and said.

"Uh, so that's the case." Luo Tian finally understood everything, and said thoughtfully, "That is to say, the carriage outside with the banner of King Pingshan is one of his sons?"

"That's right." Chen Lin nodded and said, "In the Demon Realm of the Lingyun Starfield, there used to be a demon king, but unfortunately he fell during the battle with the human race, and no new king has been produced yet. This Pingshan King is He is the Lord of the Demon Realm of the Jushan Star Region next to the Lingyun Star Region. It is rumored that King Pingshan is extremely cruel and will take revenge. It is said that once a demon king of the demon clan verbally offended him, and this King Pingshan personally took action to wipe out the other party. Go to [-]% as a punishment."

"Damn, how did such a narrow-minded guy become a saint?" Luo Tian couldn't help but feel a little headache.

Zheng Feng was also annoyed and said: "In the fairy world, there are no surprises. At least I heard from the brothers in the door that a peerless evildoer was born in the holy land of Tianwang Prefecture tens of thousands of years ago, and it only took 10 years to become a great monster." Luo Jinxian is really a pervert!"

"Achieving Da Luo Jinxian in 500 years?" At this moment, Luo Tian's expression changed. This kind of talent is really shocking.

"The human race and the demon race seem to have similar peerless evildoers born." Chen Lin sighed, and looked up into the distance, "The fairy world has never lacked geniuses, and even in the genius battle in the southern fairy world, which one is not the so-called genius?" Let alone the entire fairy world, the geniuses in the entire fairy world add up to at least trillions, which is worthless."

Luo Tian and Zheng Feng laughed wryly when they heard the words, and looked at the extremely arrogant carriage in silence.

King Pingshan!

This name is like a thorn in the throat of Luo Tian and the three of them. If the Pingshan King's forces intervene this time, it will undoubtedly increase the difficulty for the three of them to break through.


Demon Pass.

At this moment, in addition to the mighty demon soldiers on the periphery who cannot be seen at a glance, an incomparably wide road of lavender clouds is paved in the pass. The road is as real as it is, emitting a hazy light, restrained Scattered, it seems that this lavender cloud path is actually a high-grade fairy treasure.

On the lavender cloud road, at this time, several high-class demons stood one after another, all with serious faces, looking quietly outside the pass.

In the end, as Chen Lin guessed, when the extremely luxurious carriage descended on the pass, several high-class demons standing in the front raised their right hands one after another, and drew a small circle in the air. After a long arc, the small arm finally lay directly across the left side of the body, hovering in the air and stopping at the position of the left chest, straight as a gun.

"See Prince Pingshan!"

Obviously, the status of several high-ranking demons standing in the front is the most respected, but they still bent down together and shouted respectfully.

The rest of the middle-level demons and low-level demons behind them knelt down on one knee even more neatly, and shouted in unison: "See Prince Pingshan!"

The sound was like the roar of the wind and the tsunami. Just the shouts from the mouths of the countless demons created countless hurricanes in the starry sky, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

When those gangsters just rushed towards the luxurious carriages flying towards the starry sky, the four flag bearers at the forefront of the luxurious carriages all took a step forward, and then the banners in their hands waved quickly. Among them, the pale Several lavender light curtains immediately appeared on the purple flag, forming a semicircular light barrier in an instant and blocking the front, quickly dissipating those gale winds into the invisible.

"The power of the Holy Immortal blessing!"

In the distance, hidden in the moving space, Chen Lin frowned slightly, and said: "These four flags have the power of the saint personally blessed by the saint. It seems that this prince of Pingshan must be extremely favored on weekdays. King Pingshan's most beloved son!"

"It would be fun to kill him!"

Zheng Feng grinned and laughed.

Luo Tian rolled his eyes and said helplessly, "Little lunatic, please, you have Yao Xianjun behind you, but Xiao Linzi and I don't. You can boldly kill Prince Pingshan, but neither of us have such arrogance. It’s hard to say that I really want to ask you to take action this time.”

"Are you kidding..." Zheng Feng laughed a few times, "Just now I used the secret technique of the Medicine King Valley to investigate, and the cultivation base of Prince Pingshan has reached the level of Da Luo Jinxian. The guy is asking for it!"

"not good!"

Luo Tian's complexion changed slightly at this time, and then he immediately wiped the Xuanguang Mirror from the void in front of him, breaking out in a cold sweat.

at the same time.

In the extremely luxurious carriage, Prince Pingshan's face in a lavender brocade robe moved slightly, and then his handsome face, which was almost indistinguishable from that of a human race, turned and said to an unknown corner, "Deng Yun, Northwest A thousand miles away, there seems to be some movement, go and have a look."

"As ordered!"

A translucent figure appeared out of nowhere from the void, only flashed for a moment, and then disappeared.

"Change direction!" Luo Tian shouted anxiously, "Quick! The three of us work together to drive the hidden mobile space!"

"it is good!"

Chen Lin and Zheng Feng hurriedly made moves together.

In an instant, an extremely imperceptible ripple appeared in the entire void, and then the void returned to calm.

"Want to run?"

The translucent figure descended in an instant, and then let out a hoarse cold snort, "Large space technique, exile!"


It has already been regarded as one of the most mysterious application methods in the large space technique. Once this method is used, even if the opponent casts the supernatural power of crossing the void, it will be affected by it.

"This is really miserable!"

Luo Tian secretly groaned in his heart. He also has a lot of research on the way of space. At this moment, he couldn't help but quickly sent a voice transmission to Chen Lin and Zheng Feng, "If I make a mistake this time, you two will definitely avenge me!"

After finishing speaking, under the horrified gazes of Chen Lin and Zheng Feng, Luo Tian jumped out of the hidden moving space, and with an unprecedented seriousness behind him, he directly drew half of the second-order spiritual vein Yuan Li displayed 27 times the combat power in an instant. Because it was in the void and affected by the large space technique, Chen Lin and Zheng Feng couldn't detect anything about Luo Tian at all.

"Yin and Yang are cut off at dawn!"

Luo Tian's deep voice was the last memory for Chen Lin and Zheng Feng.

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