
Chapter 645

Hanyuexing is a special existence in Lingyun Starfield.Just because this second-order planet has a Golden Immortal in charge, and the person in charge is a Golden Immortal whose cultivation base has reached the Taiyi Golden Immortal realm. Just because of this, some Xiaoxiao dare not make mistakes on Hanyuexing.

Of course, the main reason why Han Yuexing can have such a big name is that this planet is rich in beauties.Moreover, most of the beauties are proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. The remaining few beauties are also proficient in any two of them. Gentle and considerate, very good at taking care of others, attracted some strong men with relatively rich pockets in Lingyun Starfield to flock here, and they were willing to spend money on Hanyuexing.

Hanyuexing is recognized as the ecstasy cave and the gold-selling cave. Even if the strong man who comes here to be happy and happy is rich, he may not be able to survive hundreds of years before he will lose his fortune completely. Give some money back to these uncles, so that they can have enough money to continue to bring more wealth. This so-called trick of exchanging small money for big money is clear to everyone, but it still makes people addicted to it. , This shows that the methods of the Hanyuexing power holders are really clever.

Compared with ordinary second-order planets, Hanyuexing is several times larger. Moreover, Hanyuexing is rich and rich, so the ruler of Hanyuexing is naturally willing to spend a lot of money to invite all kinds of strong people to set up brilliant The Gathering Restriction and Magic Circle, of course, the purchase of spiritual veins is also very generous.

Therefore, while Hanyuexing is ushering in a golden age of glorious development, the power holders of the surrounding planets are secretly complaining, almost turning their hair gray, and swearing every day, just because Hanyuexing's Yuan Gathering Restriction and Magic Circle are really bad. It is too strong, almost all of it has extended into the starry sky, and began to quickly absorb the heaven and earth energy in the starry sky for its own use. In this case, many surrounding second-order planets naturally absorb less and less heaven and earth energy .

Without sufficient supply of heaven and earth energy, even a top-level planet will sooner or later be exhausted and become an abandoned planet.

But the power holders of the surrounding second-order planets are very helpless, because even though the strength of their planets is good, compared with Hanyuexing, they are nothing compared to Hanyuexing. Luo Jinxian acts as a guest minister, guarding Hanyuexing day and night.

For an ordinary second-order planet, it is not bad to have two Da Luo Jinxians. Under normal circumstances, an ordinary second-order planet has only one Da Luo Jinxian.And Hanyuexing is twenty or thirty Daluo Jinxians who can scare people to death, and there is a Taiyi Jinxian who sits in Hanyuexing and controls the overall situation.In such a situation, unless more than five Taiyi Golden Immortals joined forces to attack, no one would be able to touch Han Yuexing.

As Hanyue Star is so rich, there are naturally many families on it. Of course, among them, the most powerful and famous four families are the Nie family and Feng family in the eastern region of Hanyue star, and the Wu family and Cheng family in the western region of Hanyue star.These four aristocratic families are the four most powerful forces other than the Hanyuexing City Lord's Mansion. Of course, these four forces are strong no matter how strong they are, and they also have to look up to the City Lord's Mansion to survive. Everyone knows that the Hanyuexing City Lord is a grand prince Yi Jinxian, and his background is amazing, even ordinary saints would not dare to provoke him easily.

To the southeast of Hanyuexing, the Nie family.

At this moment, the tens of thousands of servants of the Nie family received orders from their superiors, and began to rush around in a hurry. Although they were extremely busy, these servants of the Nie family were obviously very disciplined, and they did not show any signs of trouble. Disorder comes.

Hanyuexing is a servant of the Nie family, and there are tens of thousands of people. From the small to the big, it can be seen how vast and boundless this Hanyuexing is.

At this moment, among the servants of the Nie family, if one is the most leisurely, there is one.

He was discovered and brought back by a middle-level manager of the Nie family more than [-] years ago on a deserted planet outside Hanyue Star. Finally, he got a job to look after the medicine garden.

Taking care of the medicine garden is a busy job, not to mention time-consuming and energy-intensive, and the wages are not high, so not many people are willing to do this job with no future.

And the new boy who learned that he was going to take care of the medicine garden was obviously very happy when he heard that he was taking care of the medicine garden. Therefore, this ugly little boy had a good friend in the circle of Nie's servants over time. Nicknamed "Silly Treasure".

"Everyone laughs at me for being crazy, and I laugh at others for not being able to see through."

At this moment, the boy "Silly Treasure" was lying very comfortably on the grass under the shade of the trees. The medicine garden where he was located belonged to the back mountain of Nie's family, and the terrain was relatively high. Compared with the crowded Nie's courtyard, He seems quite quiet here, of course, he is also happy to enjoy it.

Sha Bao naturally cannot be really stupid, on the contrary, he is very smart, but now his strength has only recovered [-]%, and has not yet reached the peak level.Of course, he didn't dare to make mistakes when he reached the peak level, because the Nie family has a Jinxian sitting in charge.

Silly treasure, it was the time when he was exiled by the unnamed master of the demon king Shizi Pingshan 400 years ago when he performed the large space technique, and he sacrificed himself to stand in Luotian, who was exiled from the secret technique.

When Luo Tian was hit by the secret art of exile, if his physical toughness had not broken through to a high-grade fairy weapon, he might have died in the turbulent flow of exile. , the injury has also been serious to the point where the oil is exhausted. At that time, before the consciousness could react, it automatically entered the state of tortoise's breath and fell to a deserted planet.

Of course, when Luo Tian woke up, he was already in Hanyuexing Nie's house. After that, he worked carefully for more than a hundred years before he had a chance to recover his strength. It took a full 300 years to recover to the current state.If there were no accidents, Luo Tian would be able to return to his peak level in ten years at most. After all, with his current [-]% cultivation base, as long as the Golden Immortal did not make a move, there would be absolutely no problem for him to retreat completely.

"You kid is still slacking off to sleep!"

At this time, a loud shout interrupted Luo Tian's memory, and then a chubby old man poked his head out in the distance, "Hurry up and get ready, all the people in the backyard have been transferred to the front yard , not enough manpower, come over and fight!"


When Luo Tian saw the person, it was Nie Yun, a veteran in the kitchen who had a good relationship with him on weekdays. This old man likes to secretly cook a table of good meals when he has nothing to do, and then he dragged Luo Tian to drink, and then boasted about how he was when he was young. How tall, majestic, handsome and unrestrained is a cliché.He really likes to see Luo Tian's face full of admiration and admiration, but when he lowers his head, he finds that almost half of the delicacies on the table have gone into Luo Tian's stomach...

Luo Tian shook his head and smiled, old man Nie was a good man, and he was one of the few friends in the Nie family who could get along with him.

At least, for now.

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