
Chapter 650 3 years

"I am leaving."

Luo Tian wore a white robe fluttering in the wind, his long black hair fluttered up, and his brows were full of tenderness. After speaking, Luo Tian wanted to step into the space portal in front of him and follow Luo Yun.

"and many more!"

In Tang Yan's heart, she was still very reluctant to let Luo Tian leave, and then she made a decision that she was most proud of in her life. She stepped forward in one step, and then came to Luo Tian, ​​and Tankou was very fast. Luo Tian kissed her on the lips, then turned and left.

Luo Tian smiled wryly. Originally, he just wanted to return this great favor to Tang Yan, so he decided to stand out in the genius battle, so as to gain a certain right to speak so that Tang Yan would not have to marry the man he didn't love. However, Luo Tian discovered that Tang Yan seemed to be in love with himself...

The idea that I have been reluctant to admit has finally been confirmed.

On the contrary, Luo Tian relaxed all over.

Twisting his neck, Luo Tian sent a voice transmission to Tang Yan when he was about to disappear into the space portal, "Girl, wait for me to come back to marry you!"

Tang Yan froze for a moment, and finally turned around suddenly, only to find that the space portal had disappeared.

"I'll wait for you, I'll wait for you even if I die."

Tang Yan murmured.


"let us start!"

Sure enough, at the other end of the space passage, Luo Yun was happily drinking a small wine.

"So impatient, don't you stop flirting with me?" Luo Yun narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"I'm not that anxious." Luo Tian couldn't help but rolled his eyes, this old guy is really a trouble, I don't know what his so-called test of strengthening his strength is?

"Alright, I originally planned to take a rest for a year and leave after you fully recovered to your peak state. Since you are so impatient, the old man can only help you." Luo Yun chuckled, and there seemed to be a hint of conspiracy flashing across his face.

Luo Tian had no other choice at the moment, so he could only bite the bullet and let out a dry laugh.They have all come out, the Nie family must have learned the news of the two running away soon, and Han Yuexing will definitely not be able to go back.

"Then let's rest for a year." Luo Tian quickly wiped his sweat.

"That's what you said!"

After finishing speaking, the old man Luo Yun directly used the great magical power of the universe in his sleeve, and took Luo Tian into it at once, and then shrunk to an inch, breaking through countless layers of space-time and worlds in an instant, and went out tens of millions of miles in an instant .

"What speed is this?!"

Luo Tian was in old man Luo Yun's big sleeves, but he didn't obstruct his sight. He only felt the time, space and the world around him keep regressing, and he even had a weird feeling of time going backwards. It can be seen that the flying speed of the saint is terrifying. What a point!

It was probably just a meal, Luo Tian could only see the scene of the void outside constantly changing, and finally came to a huge planet with a dark green body.

"After resting for so long, it's time to come out, it's time!" Luo Yun waved his sleeves, and threw Luo Tian out mercilessly.

Luo Tian was sweating profusely. He just had a rest for a meal, and when it came to old man Luo Yun's mouth, it seemed as if it had been hundreds of years. It really made people speechless.

"Where is this place?" Luo Tian immediately began to look around the surrounding environment. The aura is abundant, and all kinds of rare birds and animals emerge in endlessly. It doesn't look like such a dangerous place. It seems that there is no need to worry about old man Luo Yun playing tricks for the time being. .

"Hehe, of course it's a good place. Didn't you see it yourself?" The old man Luo Yun shrugged, then took out the fine wine, continued to pour himself a drink, and at the same time sent a voice transmission to the only existence on this planet. .

"Little girl, the old man sent you a very interesting little guy for Zixiaoxing! I believe you will be very interested in training him! Hehe, the old man will leave first, and he will lead someone after 300 years."

After finishing speaking, the old man Luo Yun directly cast the supernatural power of shrinking the ground into an inch and disappeared in Luo Tian's collapsed eyes.

"Hey, Luo Lao, you can't leave me here alone! This place has no effect on my recovery!" Luo Tianru shouted loudly.

"It works, it definitely works, don't worry, the old man will come to pick you up in 300 years, just be honest!"

Then, no matter how Luo Tian yelled, the old man Luo Yun didn't respond.

"Since you're here, let's start, don't talk so much nonsense!"

Suddenly, there was an indistinguishable male and female voice in the void, and then an inexplicable force directly attacked Luo Tian, ​​directly knocking Luo Tian away for dozens of miles.

There is no fighting back!

Another saint!

Luo Tian felt his head grow up several times. This is not a joke. These saints are full of food and come to trouble him. It seems that he is not qualified to offend these saints, right?

"Start what?! I want to leave here!" Luo Tian suppressed the huge pain coming from his body in horror, and couldn't help shouting boldly.

"After 300 years on the Purple Night Star, you can leave, otherwise, even a fairy king will not be able to ask for someone!" The strange voice continued.

"You have such a big breath..."

The next moment, before Luo Tian finished speaking, he was swept up into the sky by a tornado that fell from the sky. Even with all his strength, he couldn't shake the tornado.

That tornado seems to be condensed from the pure law of heaven and earth, and it has reached such a point that it is already close to the existence of a fairy.Xianjun, on the other hand, has cultivated one of the three thousand avenues to the peak. As long as he crosses this threshold and makes a breakthrough directly from the original avenue, he is expected to enter the illusory realm of the immortal king. From then on, he became the real king in charge of the fairy world.

Luo Tian had never seen a holy immortal, the one in front of him who only heard his voice but not seen him barely counted as half, and the old man Luo Yun counted as half. Due to the huge difference in realm, Luo Tian didn't have much understanding of the holy immortal at all.However, Luo Tian made a bold guess and came to two conclusions: first, he should have been deceived by the old man Luo Yun, and this Zixiao star was obviously owned by the mysterious person who spoke just now.Second, this mysterious person is obviously familiar with the old man Luo Yun, and the difference in strength between the two is not very big, it may be hard to say what kind of agreement they made secretly.

When Luo Tian was crying inwardly, the tornado had already swept him outside a bamboo forest, and the bamboo forest was shrouded in a thick layer of mist. hut.


Luo Tian cursed inwardly, why don't these big men have weird tempers and don't treat people as human beings, if it wasn't for my rough skin and thick flesh, I'm afraid you would have killed me if I fell.

"From now on, this is where you live." The voice of the mysterious figure came again, "Moreover, you are only given one year to recover your strength. I will sort it out for you, and after 300 years, you can leave."

"Working as free labor for 300 years?!"

Luo Tian became angry all of a sudden, old man Luo Yun is a liar!

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