
Chapter 651 Rapid Transformation

"Liar! Old man Luo, this hateful big liar, old liar!"

Soon, 300 years will pass.

On the Zixiao star.

Luo Tian is sweating profusely running around the whole mountain, his hands seem to be too busy, if it is not for the use of supernatural powers and secret methods, I am afraid that the work on any mountain will take Luo Tian a day and a night.

Luo Tian has only one job, which is to be familiar with and proficient in every elixir on the Zixiao star, and to take care of all the elixir as if he were his own father. .

Of course, Luo Tian didn't think of running away.But after he got familiar with how the entire Zixiaoxing's restraining circles were arranged, he was very depressed to find that these restraining circles were not only extremely powerful, but also unpredictable.What left Luo Tian speechless the most was that he once played all his cards and finally got out of Zixiaoxing's prohibition circle with a combination of danger and luck, but encountered the last hurdle.

The last barrier, which encloses the entire Purple Night Star, seems to be a huge magic circle with incredible power. Even if Luo Tian exerts 27 times the combat power, he will not be able to leave even the slightest ripple on this last barrier.

So, the poor and helpless Luo Tian had no choice but to succumb to the other party's lustful power and continue to do the hard work of a servant like in Hanyuexing Nie's house. , Tiring work.

You can't fight, you can't run, you can't run!If he stays and does not work, he has to endure inhuman torture. Luo Tian feels that his life is full of darkness, and life is simply worse than death.

There is only one thought in Luo Tian's mind now, and that is to look forward to that old guy Luo Yun coming on time after 300 years and taking him away... Apart from that, there is nothing else.

Of course, it is quite beneficial for Luo Tian to do this. At least, he has gradually become familiar with the immortal medicines on the entire Purple Night Star. At least he has clearly remembered [-]% of the immortal medicines, including the habits of the immortal medicines. , efficacy, growth conditions required for the elixir, and so on.

After spending a whole year, Luo Tiancai took care of all the growing elixir on Zixiao star and returned to his residence.

thatched cottage.

The thatched hut where Luo Tian lives is surrounded by all kinds of bamboos, red, purple, white, black, blue, and green. They are all kinds of strange things. Take the black one for example, it is the bamboo of Luotian. Tian is very familiar with Heiyanzhu.

These bamboos have different properties.Luo Tian thought for a long time, but he still couldn't figure out how these bamboos with different attributes can be put together and yet live in peace.

Sitting on the grass in front of the thatched hut, Luo Tian took a deep breath, and found that the fragrance in the air had actually cleansed his spirit and soul.

"This feeling? Specifically for Yuanshen?"

Luo Tian came to his senses all of a sudden, and then concentrated all his mind. The immortal soul in the world within his body directly and slowly emerged from Luo Tian's Tianling Cap. It was that kind of jet black, floating out bit by bit. , and finally condensed into a three-foot-sized dark black villain. The face of the villain surged, and finally turned into the appearance of Luo Tian. Just like Luo Tian, ​​he sat cross-legged in the air, breathing continuously, and began to feel The power of heaven and earth and that inexplicable breath came.

"It really works!"

Luo Tian's eyes lit up suddenly, and then greedily absorbed nutrients.

Sitting like this, three years have passed.

"Damn it! It's time to take care of the fairy medicine again!"

Unhappy, Luo Tian took the Immortal Soul back into the inner world, and then pulled himself together and flew away.After walking around like this, Luo Tian obviously felt the obvious changes in his body. The toughness of his physical body didn't seem to have improved much, but the world inside his body became wider and tougher.

"Presumably the power of using the inner world now will be much greater!"

Luo Tian thought happily, and at the same time began to concentrate on taking care of the immortal medicines of the whole planet. Only after taking care of these fairy medicines as soon as possible, he would have more time to cultivate the inner world and make the inner world better. powerful!

Ten months!

This time, Luo Tian only took ten months to prepare all the immortal medicines, and returned to the thatched cottage to practice hard again.

"It took decades to discover the beauty of the thatched cottage. It seems that this kid still has some potential to be tapped." In the void, within a bright spot, a person whose appearance and figure could not be clearly seen was standing in front of him. Sitting upright, he muttered to himself.


Time flies, in the fairy world, the most valuable thing is time.

Twelve years have passed.

On this day, the old man Luo Yun flew from outside the sky with a serious face, directly broke through Zixiaoxing's defense, and then used his great supernatural power to shrink the ground into inches, and directly moved into the radiant space.

"go out!"

"Little girl, you are really..."

At the moment when Luo Yun was about to enter, he was startled by a low shout, and then an unrivaled force rushed towards him, full of destructive aura.

"Miss Xuan, you are not polite to seniors!"

"Don't do this! You old ghost is quite famous in the whole Xuanhuang state for your reputation as an old disrespect!"

"Khan, girl Xuan, aren't you famous in Tianwang State..."

"Hmph! Old ghost, do you want me to drive people away?"

Luo Yun's forehead was full of white sweat, and he smiled repeatedly, "It's the old man's fault, it's the old man's fault! Girl Xuan, don't worry about these things, can you? What happened to Boy Han? That's a big man I can never afford to offend I told you personally."

"Could it be that one?!" The girl called by Luo Yun as Miss Xuan suddenly had fluctuations in her speech, and then fell silent.

"Exactly." Luo Yun said with a wry smile, "It was just his old man's words back then, and I was trapped on that shitless planet for hundreds of millions of years, girl Xuan, please don't trick my old man! You haven't played him to death, have you? If something happens to him, I won't hesitate even if I tear myself apart with you!"

"No! That little guy is alive and kicking now, not to mention how happy he is!"

Luo Yun's eyes lit up, and he said, "I knew this kid would not disappoint the old man. He must be the one that the master likes. How could he be so bad!"


At this time, Luo Tian, ​​who was sitting cross-legged in the thatched cottage and practicing, suddenly opened his eyes, and laughed like a lunatic. Then, with a shake of his shoulders, five white clouds of smoke appeared above his head, and one golden flower.

At first, there were no unexpected changes.Later, it seemed that many laws of heaven and earth were surging beside that golden flower, and then it condensed into a phantom of a golden flower, and finally slowly formed a second golden flower!

Two golden flowers!

In 300 years, Luo Tian actually condensed a golden flower again, and now only the last golden flower is formed, Luo Tian has comprehended enough Da Luo's law, he can directly break through the barrier of Xuanxian, and directly enter the golden fairyland!

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