
Chapter 652 Finally caught up!

"Not bad, in just 400 years, you have once again condensed a golden flower, and your inner world is thick and spacious, full of a hidden domineering, if you don't want to participate in the genius battle, you are expected to be in the next 2000 years." Become a Golden Immortal within this year!"

A figure flashed in the void, and a smiling person appeared.

Luo Tian didn't even look up, just by hearing such a shameless voice, he knew that the old man Luo Yun finally didn't break his promise and came to Xiaoxing to pick him up.

"I must participate in the genius battle." Luo Tian said slowly, there was a determination in his words that no one could shake.

"Okay, okay, I knew you must participate, so I came to take you to the special training." Luo Yunyun smiled lightly.

"I'm sorry, but I don't want to leave now." Luo Tian directly refused, "The benefits of staying in Zixiao star definitely outweigh the benefits of special training. Why don't you pick me up in another four hundred years and send me off directly?" Just go to the genius battle."

"Are you really stupid or fake?" Luo Yun spit and said, almost jumping.

"What do you mean?" Luo Tian looked at Luo Yun vigilantly, the old man was full of words, so he couldn't be fooled again.

Luo Yun rubbed the center of his brows, and said: "Didn't you realize that? Your boy's absorption of Zixiao Yuan's power has slowed down a lot now? Zixiao Star is different from other high-quality planets. It does not improve the physical body, cut hair Washing the marrow, but directly tempering and improving the primordial spirit, thus expanding the inner world to an extremely strong upper limit!"

"I don't understand." Luo Tian shook his head.

"Idiot!" Luo Yun rolled his eyes speechlessly, "For example, the world inside your body is only a few hundred miles around now, and it will only be thousands of miles or even tens of thousands of miles when it grows to the limit. Now, after passing through the purple With the improvement of Xiaoyuan power, the world in your body has expanded to the point where it can accommodate millions of miles or even tens of millions of miles. The world in your body is tens of millions of miles, even among the saints, there are very few people who can reach it! Got it! No?"

"You mean that I have the potential to be promoted to a higher level in the future?" Luo Tian blinked and said.

"Definitely!" Luo Yun said seriously, "You know, I didn't have the supreme opportunity to absorb Zixiao's yuan power in Zixiao star. Now that you do this, you will definitely be able to be promoted to the holy fairyland, but if you If you fall in the middle, just treat it like an old man."

"Don't worry, even if I'm not strong enough, I still have a lot of ways to save my life." Luo Tian chuckled, "In that case, I'd better stay at Zixiaoxing until the genius battle begins."

"Damn, the old man has been talking for a long time in vain, and the relationship is a waste of saliva? Are you going?"

"I don't, I won't..."


In the end, the hard-pressed Luo Tian still couldn't hold his arms against his thighs, and was directly taken away by the old man Luo Yun with an incomparably tough posture...

"Old man Luo, if you have the ability, don't overwhelm me with the cultivation of a saint!"

"You let me out, everyone will only fight with Xuanxian's strength!"

"Let me out!"

Luo Tian didn't expect that the old man Luo Yun didn't follow the rules, and directly forcibly sealed all of Luo Tian's cultivation, and then took away Zixiaoxing, and kept shuttling in the infinite starry sky and the world.

I don't know how long it took, Luo Tian was tired of cursing, and then he stayed obediently in Luo Yun's big sleeves with his eyes closed.

"Boy Han, it's your turn!"

A thunderous roar resounded in Luo Tian's mind, directly waking Luo Tian up from his trance.

"What kind of move! I haven't recovered my strength yet..."

Before Luo Tian finished speaking, he felt his body lighten up, as if there was a layer of strength supporting him, he appeared directly in the void, and shot towards the black planet in front of him.

"Damn, this speed is too fast, it will definitely turn into meat if it falls!"

Luo Tian danced and shouted strangely in the void, "Old Luo, you old bastard!..."

Finally, when Luo Tian was still tens of thousands of feet away from the demon planet in front of him, the old man Luo Yun came step by step in mid-air, and said with a smile: "Little bastard, I have scolded the old man for so long, don't scare you kid, why don't you?" I really think this old man is a vegetarian!"

Of course, Luo Yun didn't dare to be cruel to Luo Tianxia. First of all, this kid is very fond of Luo Yun, and the most important point is that there is a person who doesn't want Luo Tian to die, and wants him to live better than anyone else. Chic!

Luo Yun couldn't afford to mess with this person.


Finally, when Luo Tian was still thousands of meters away from the demon planet in front of him, Luo Yun with a smirk on his face finally waved his hand to remove the isolation restriction, and then the strong man on this demon planet's second-order planet finally Sensing the uninvited arrival of Luo Tian, ​​an uninvited guest, they came through the air one after another. It seems that there are dozens of breaths of time left before Luo Tian is about to face the siege of the powerhouses of the entire planet.

"Boy Han, I'll give you fifteen minutes to slaughter this second-order planet in front of you."

Luo Yun smiled slowly, and then his figure gradually disappeared in the void.

"Old man Luo Yun, are you kidding me? Kill a second-order planet in a quarter of an hour? Do you think I'm a golden fairy?!"

"It's up to you. You can't do it this time. The next planet will be more difficult than this one. You can figure it out."

"... "


The next moment, Luo Tian recovered his full strength in an instant, and then flew out all at once, displaying 27 times the combat power in an instant!At this moment, Luo Tian couldn't care less about the depletion of his heart veins. He wanted to resolve the battle as quickly as possible, because although the old man Luo Yun looked very serious, he still kept his word.


In the blink of an eye, more than 400 years have passed.

It is only three days before Lingyun Starfield departs for the battlefield where the Genius Battle is located.

On this day, Lingyun Star was already in chaos, because there were so many immortals who had signed up for the genius battle, and it was said that several young ladies from Lingyunzong came out to go shopping together to see the scenery, which attracted this group of people from various planets. The bachelor immortals came towards the Lingyun Sect one after another, pretending to look at the sky, or watching the vegetation, or talking with each other, and so on.

"Dead man, why don't you come!"

Tang Yan, who was sitting in the sedan chair, muttered, complaining nonstop.

Seeing that another two days have passed, the time to sign up for the talent competition is only the last day.

In the past few days, Tang Yan always found excuses to hang out, just to see if Luo Tian was here. In her opinion, Luo Tian would definitely come to Ling Yunxing to sign up.Unless, he doesn't participate in the genius battle.

Tang Yan also asked about the number of applicants, but there was no name 'Han Yi'.

Seeing that there is still an hour before the registration time is coming to an end, those registrars have already stretched their waists. If it were not for their duties, they might have left a long time ago. In their opinion, at the last hour, no one would come .

"Damn it! I finally caught up!"

At this time, outside Ling Yunxing, a ragged figure burst into tears, "Grandma, I was almost cheated by old man Luo Yun. If I miss this, Tang Yan will still castrate me!"

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