
Chapter 656

Luo Tian shouted depressingly: "You mean those big shots can watch us fight each other leisurely like watching beasts?!"

"Although I don't want to admit it, it's the truth, and no one can deny it!" Hou Kui, the bearded brother, shrugged helplessly, "The Genius War, from the very beginning, was just a boring game for these big shots. Only geniuses can catch their eyes, like us, they are almost green leaves, perhaps, at best, they can only be regarded as cannon fodder."


Pure fart!

Luo Tian roared in his heart, I am not a green leaf, I am here to be a red flower, to fight for my wife!Whoever dares to snatch Lao Tzu's tripod order will be destroyed as much as he comes!

"Also, only immortals who have entered the top [-] rankings in a certain battlefield are eligible to appear in the vision of those big shots." Hou Kui, the bearded brother, continued, "Think about it, even if the number of geniuses dropped sharply in this genius battle, , but there are almost two trillion people in each battlefield, how difficult is it to enter the top three thousand?"

However, Luo Tian didn't pay much attention to this enthusiastic bearded brother who was a little too far away.

To immortals, a few years is nothing at all. A low-level immortal can live for millions of years. To them, a few years is just a drop in the bucket, not worth mentioning.

Years passed in the blink of an eye.

Soon, the huge ship that Luo Tian was riding on arrived at the destination. Since the first battlefield was the closest, the two roommates in the same room as Luo Tian had already got off the huge ship and started preparing to enter the first battlefield.

Not long after, the bearded brother Hou Kui looked at Luo Tian who was still in samadhi with great reluctance, sighed softly, and then left the room, the second battlefield arrived.

It didn't take long before the fifth battlefield arrived, and the only person left in the room suddenly opened his eyes, and then whispered to himself: "I hope those guys who live in the Tianzihao room and Dizihao room don't touch me! "

In the end, when only Luo Tian was left in the room, he finally slowly opened his eyes, with the corners of his mouth turned up, and said: "Interesting, interesting, a guy who hates the rich has entered the Fifth Battlefield, and I look forward to his coming out alive! "

Then, Luo Tian's eyes shot out countless lights, which filled the whole room in an instant, and the restraining magic circle around the whole room kept shaking and became extremely chaotic.

"The sixth battlefield, Tianwang State!"

"Just don't mess with me, otherwise you will be turned upside down!"


In the end, like Luo Tian, ​​who walked out of the giant ship and participated in the sixth battlefield, there were only a few hundred geniuses. It can be seen that the unlucky guy who was randomly assigned to the sixth battlefield, which is called the cruelest battlefield this time, is still alive. Not much.

At this moment, except for Luo Tian, ​​the rest of the people had bitter faces, and there was a Jinxian among them, and most of the rest were Xuanxians.Golden Immortals may be able to dominate and become a big man on weekdays, but on the battlefield of this genius battle, there are also many Golden Immortals with strong cultivation bases. The most important thing is that on the sixth battlefield, most of the Golden Immortals From Tianwang Prefecture.

Luo Tian looked sympathetically at the golden fairy whose complexion was changing, and admired secretly in his heart. This buddy is really brave. As a golden fairy, he should have known that the sixth battlefield is the cruelest genius battle of this year. However, he still insisted on coming and did not abstain. It seems that he has some tricks, but in the face of those perverted and fierce people in Tianwangzhou, no matter how many tricks you have, you will be punished.

"Damn it!"

Luo Tian saw that most of the other Xuanxians were in groups, obviously they were familiar with each other, and couldn't help cursing inwardly, how could Maple Leaf Star be so unlucky to have such a representative as himself, and yet be assigned to the Coming to the sixth battlefield, if I hadn't been lucky enough to meet the old man Luo Yun, coming here with my cultivation base 900 years ago would definitely have a tragic end.

Even now, Luo Tian doesn't think his situation will get better.Even if he doesn't provoke Jinxian, the Xuanxians in Tianwangzhou are not easy to provoke, maybe there are perverted Xuanxians who can kill Jinxian single-handedly.

After thinking wildly for a moment, Luotian people standing on the clouds in the midair only felt that there were more and more people around them, and they began to gather together one after another.Of course, those who gather are naturally talented immortals from other star regions or even other states.


A strange bell rang, and then a palace flew up in the sky. The palace was simple and elegant, with countless lines looming on it, and many lingering laws of heaven and earth. It seemed to be another holy treasure.

"The sixth battlefield, open!"

A powerful voice came to everyone's ears immediately, and then, as the voice fell, the cloud layer where Luo Tian was standing immediately rolled up from bottom to top, and countless clouds and mists shot out, sending out the faintest light. ring.


The next moment, the clouds disappeared immediately.


The sixth battlefield is undoubtedly huge. On this point, Luo Tian has long learned from the bearded brother Hou Kui that each of the six battlefields in this genius battle is different, but the smallest battlefield is at least the top. The dozens of Lingyun Starfields are as big as the Lingyun Starfield, which is really vast and boundless.

Luo Tian was lucky this time, and was directly randomly assigned to a relatively desolate place in the sixth battlefield. When he appeared in the sixth battlefield, he immediately used the method of concealing the breath learned from the old man Luo Yun, All the breath in the whole body was restrained, and there was no trace of it leaking out again.

If you want to survive on the battlefield of the genius battle, keeping a low profile is the kingly way to survive!

This is what the old man Luo Yun said.

Luo Tian naturally dismissed it, and kept a low profile. If you just keep a low profile, there is no problem with your life, but where did the tripod order come from?Just hide in the sixth battlefield for 500 years until the end of this genius battle?

I can't afford to lose that man!No matter how low-key you are, you have to kill people, and if you don't kill people, you have to get the Ding Tian Ling!

The sixth battlefield is big, but there are at least two trillion people participating in the sixth battlefield, and the number of people is also large.These six battlefields were created by great figures such as Xianjun and Shengxian, and they were already full of various inexplicable crises.

Soon, the aimless Luo Tian searched the planet in front of him. He was very speechless, but he didn't find that the owner of the Cauldron Order was on the same planet as him.

"It seems that we can only go outside to try our luck!"

Next, Luo Tian directly flew away from the beautiful planet in front of him, and flew towards the void.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the void, Luo Tian ran into three evil spirits galloping towards him.

"Hand over the tripod order! Spare your life!"

"Hurry up and grab it!"

Luo Tian shrugged helplessly, and said lightly, "A bunch of idiots."

At this time, the three opponents had already launched their immortal treasures and supernatural powers at Luo Tian, ​​and the attacks arrived in the blink of an eye after dozens of miles away.

"Small idea."

Luo Tian chuckled, and punched out directly.

"The three Profound Immortals dared to act presumptuously in front of Lao Tzu in the middle stage. See how Lao Tzu beats you up!"

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