
Chapter 657

Luo Tian didn't need to dodge at all, let alone hide his strength.

Because in the first few years before he entered the sixth battlefield, he spent time in the void journey. Fortunately, Jinzhou is relatively close to the battlefield of this genius battle. The bearded brother Hou Kui explained the function of the Dingtian Order in detail. After a while.

For unused Ding Tian Ling, the original points will be displayed on it, zero.And the ranking below will appear accordingly.Of course, the premise of all this is that the immortal power and the primordial consciousness must be injected into the tripod order at the same time in order to query these data that only he knows.However, due to the participation of golden immortals in this genius battle, the rules of the genius battle have also changed accordingly. For example, if you defeat an immortal below the golden immortal cultivation level, if the opponent dies in battle, you will get one point, and if you kill a golden immortal , it reached an astonishing one thousand points.Of course, the geniuses and immortals who entered the battlefield of the genius battle were all projected light curtains arranged by the great figures of Xianjun, and everyone including Luo Tian entered it with nothing more than projected clones, but this projected clone is Exercising all the strength and using all the resources on the body, being wiped out at most means damage to some cultivation bases, and dying is only the price of minor injuries, and it is impossible to truly die.

What's more, every battlefield has a monitoring system, and most of the golden immortals can only fight each other. If the immortals below the golden immortals take the initiative to attack the golden immortals, the golden immortals are not allowed to do so. The Xianjun consciousness will directly obliterate the other party, even the main body will suffer unprecedented heavy damage.

The rules are tough!

Immortals of the same level of cultivation fight each other without any restrictions.Of course, as everyone's points get higher, the magic of the Dingtian Token will be further developed. For example, at the beginning, the Dingtian Token can only detect the enemy's aura within a radius of a hundred miles. However, the range that the Ding Tian Ling can detect will be further expanded.

To put it bluntly, the higher the points, the wider the scope of investigation.This also means that if you want to enjoy this power, you must kill as many opponents as possible.

Of course, unless the other party voluntarily handed over the Cauldron Order to release the mind connection between his own consciousness and the Cauldron Order, in that case, he would be automatically teleported to a safe area, and the body would not suffer any harm.

It can be said that this year's talent competition has changed too many rules, and it can be regarded as a brand new experiment!

Bang bang bang!

Luo Tian's current strength is comparable to that of an ordinary Da Luo Jinxian. With this punch, the opponent even showed horror on his face. At the same time, he realized what a terrifying person he had offended, so he was killed and sent directly to the safe area gone.

Luo Tian casually glanced at the tripod sky order, the corner of his mouth turned slightly, three points, it was so easy to get it, but when he looked at the ranking, Luo Tian's face turned dark, 30...

There are too many people, this ranking is simply crazy.

Luo Tian smiled wryly, and then shook his head helplessly. He had just entered the sixth battlefield for a while, and the killing had already started in full swing. When he thought that he would stay in the sixth battlefield for 500 years, Luo Tian felt a little bit big head.

500 years is enough time for Luo Tian to meet enough opponents, of course, including Jinxian opponents.

Soon, Luo Tian calmed down, and then used the Void Assassination Technique to hide in the void. Now, he has almost integrated all the innate abilities of the Void Beast into the Void Assassination Technique. In the 400 years of special training with the old man Luo Yun, the technique has been practiced to an extremely proficient level. Even if a powerful Xuanxian has a top-grade defensive fairy body protection, he is hit by Luo Tian's void assassination technique. Also seriously injured.

Luo Tian has a lot of hole cards, and he has accumulated thousands of second-level spiritual veins, and even half of a first-level spiritual vein. These spiritual veins are enough for Luo Tian to squander 500 years in the genius battle.

Because, even in the battle of geniuses, not many people can force Luo Tian to display thirty times the combat power!

"This planet seems to have a lot of people on it."

Soon, Luo Tian landed on a planet that was completely gray in color.

Just entering the earth-gray planet, Luo Tian saw the general topography of the planet. This planet seemed to be filled with countless large or small gray mountains. The aura of the primordial spirit soared into the sky, and it seemed that the battle had already begun!

Standing with his hands behind his back on a soil-gray high mountain, Luo Tian frowned just as soon as he took shape.

"Quack, it seems that luck is quite good today! I even met a little guy who is at the peak of Feixian!"

In the void, a beige brilliance continued to spread, and a demon in armor slowly walked out of the brilliance.


Luo Tian glanced lightly, and couldn't help showing a little disgust on the back, "Among the demon clan, I hate the carrion clan the most!"

"Humans, obediently hand over the Cauldron Order, and it will save some pain."

Then, the carrion demon saw Luo Tian rushing down the mountain. After a while, the mountain where Luo Tian was standing made a loud bang, and then slowly floated up.

"With infinite strength, can you move mountains?!"

The carrion demon's eyes widened at once, and then he watched the mountain range fall from the top of his head stupidly, directly crushing his protective precious light and smashing it, hitting him directly, smashing him from the air fall.

Boom boom boom!

"It's not your fault for being a demon, but it's your fault for being a carrion demon and being a disgusting person." In mid-air, Luo Tian clapped his hands leisurely, as if he had done an insignificant thing, and turned his head indifferently. He looked in a certain direction, "As a demon, you shouldn't do it so directly if you don't want to save yourself? Get out and die!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian sneered, and then grabbed out towards the void, and instantly grabbed a middle-aged man of the Shura Demon Race from the void.

"Hmph! You dare to kill me!"

The middle-aged man from the Shura Demon Race didn't seem to be panicking at all, but instead, Tuo Dadi sneered, "Humans, are you out of your mind? All three major races can participate in this Genius War, and you human race Golden Immortals dare not!" I will strike at you, but our holy clan golden immortals are not subject to such restrictions! If you don’t want to die, let me go, I will spare you if I have a lot of adults!”

"Golden Immortal of the Demon Race?" Luo Tian grabbed it with his big hand, and the Asura Demon Clan died instantly. ?”

"Well, next, we have to speed up, otherwise it will be more difficult to get points the further we go!"

The next moment, Luo Tian stepped forward directly, causing bursts of air explosions in the air and blasting towards a certain direction of the planet below him.

A month later, all the strongmen in the western theater of the sixth battlefield knew a name, which represented infinite domineering and wildness.

'God' Han Yi!

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