
Chapter 659 Troublemaker


Huang Jin opened his mouth wide in shock, staring at Luo Tian who had gone and returned in the blink of an eye, he froze in place for a while.

Huang Jin asked himself that he was also a character. Even in the sixth battlefield where the strong came out in large numbers, Huang Jin was not afraid of anyone, and Jin Xian couldn't kill him easily, but he never thought that the ugly man in white in front of him Brother had a bitter face just now, but now he got up like two people, and killed a group of talented monks in front of him without any suspense in a moment.

In the final analysis, it was Luo Tian who resolved the battle too fast, and it was too late for people to react.

"These biscuits have already been taken care of by my brother, why don't you and I fight?" Luo Tian stared at Huang Jin with fiery eyes, expecting him to give a satisfactory answer.

for a long time.

"I won't fight with you." Huang Jin shook his head lightly, "Let's not talk about whether there is someone secretly waiting for an opportunity to attack the two of us, even if there is no one, Huang must save his strength. Fellow Daoist made a move just now, and the move is unparalleled. , Huang has no way to win for the time being."

"Khan, are you admitting that you're not my opponent?" Luo Tian couldn't help but smile as he met such a cute guy for the first time.

"No and no." Huang Jin shook his head again, and said very seriously, "Even if Huang can't beat Your Excellency, Your Excellency can't beat Huang either."

"Oh, so confident?" Luo Tian couldn't help feeling a little fond of the simple, honest and silly Huang Jin in front of him.

"That's natural." Huang Jin scratched his head, and sent a voice transmission to Luo Tiandao, "Huang is practicing the Great Nirvana Technique, fellow Taoists cannot completely defeat me."

Great Nirvana!

Luo Tian couldn't help but grimaced. It was another law of heaven and earth that ranked very high among the three thousand avenues. It was rumored that this law of heaven and earth was extremely difficult to cultivate, and it progressed very slowly. There are really few opponents.At least, before the battle, Huang Jin was already invincible. This Great Nirvana Art communicates the power of heaven and earth and the laws of heaven and earth. Even if he is severely injured, he can quickly recover, and his cultivation will be even better in the future. Go up one level.However, this advanced level of cultivation only has a certain time limit, and after that, it still needs to return to the original cultivation base.

Therefore, the immortal who possesses the great Nirvana technique belongs to Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death.Unless his cultivation level was much higher than Huang Jin's, it would be extremely difficult to kill him.

Luo Tian rubbed his nose with some headaches, and said with a wry smile: "Friend Huang, you are really..."

"Don't know the last name of Fellow Daoist Gao?" Huang Jin smiled honestly.

"Han Yi."

"Brave God Han Yi?" Huang Jin fell into deep thought, "They said just now that you are well-known in the Western Theater of the Sixth Battlefield."

"Not as good as you." Luo Tian rolled his eyes, "Your nickname is quite domineering, troll! Why do they call you troll?"

"These guys are all scumbags!" Huang Jin was rarely annoyed, "Because I am a small branch of the human race, and I was born in the Qingtian giant race. Once I show my real body, my body is comparable to that of a monster race. I came up with such a nickname, let me know who it is, and I will surely fix him up!"

"Okay, okay." Luo Tian said haha, "The two of us can't fight, so I'll continue to find some guys to get points, otherwise the more we drag on, the more difficult it will be to get points."

"You want to earn more points?" Huang Jin's eyes lit up.

"Nonsense!" Luo Tian looked at Huang Jin very speechlessly, "You think everyone is like you, who has entered the top [-] of the sixth battlefield ahead of time, so leisurely, my brother's life will be miserable !"

"It's better for you and me to form an alliance." Huang Jin said suddenly, "Well, I will give you all the points we will encounter later, as long as you and I go to the same place to snatch a treasure."

"It's nothing to form an alliance..." Luo Tian agreed without hesitation, then his expression changed and his voice raised, "What did you just say?! Take a treasure?"

Huang Jin looked at Luo Tian with a tangled expression, and said, "Fellow Daoist Han, don't you know the treasure of the Sixth Battlefield?"

"I know why I'm still asking you!" Luo Tian said angrily.

"Oh, it's like this." Huang Jin chuckled, "Every genius battle, every battlefield will have a treasure area, as long as the treasure area is opened, everyone can go in and try their luck. Immortal Artifacts or even Half-Rank Immortal Artifacts!"

"That's it." Luo Tian rolled his eyes, no wonder Jin Xian was allowed to participate in the battle this time, this group of big people who are so idle obviously just let their apprentices and grandchildren come in to get some fairy treasures, shameless and shameless.

"How is it?" Huang Jin asked anxiously.

"Of course—" Luo Tian laughed and said, "No problem! If you don't grab the treasure, you will be struck by lightning!"

Huang Jin was sweating profusely, this Fellow Daoist Han really had no scruples.

"Xiao Huanghuang, I said you are so nervous, have you been coveting those fairy treasures for a long time?"

After agreeing to form an alliance, Luo Tian joked about Huang Jin again.

"Fellow Daoist Han, can you stop calling me Xiao Huang Huang?" Huang Jin said with a bitter face.

"That's called Xiao Jinzi, it's all the same."

"...It's better to call me Xiao Huang Huang."

"Hurry up and tell me about your plan." Luo Tian still asked relentlessly.

"Actually, it's nothing." Huang Jin's face suddenly flashed a touch of deep sorrow, "Among the treasures in the sixth battlefield, it is very important for our clan to have a treasure inherited from our Qingtian giant clan. Therefore, I spent almost all of my net worth before I was assigned to the sixth battlefield."

Fool, pure fool!

Luo Tian couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and even took the initiative to apply to come to the sixth battlefield?This Huang Jin really can't describe him in words. Doesn't he know that the sixth battlefield is a famous death battlefield?

However, Luo Tian then thought about it from Huang Jin's point of view. There was nothing wrong with Huang Jin's actions. After all, he came here for the family's inheritance of immortal treasures.For a small race, this inheritance treasure is undoubtedly very important.

It can be seen from this, how shameless those immortal kings and saints are, it is really a pain in the ass to have fun by enshrining some small races as the treasures of the inheritance of the whole family's life.

"Let's go! Help you get points first, if you don't have enough points, you won't be able to enter there!"

After a while, Huang Jin returned to his original resolute expression.

Soon, Huang Jin tasted the bitterness of forming an alliance with Luo Tian...

This guy Luo Tian seems to be a natural troublemaker, a root cause of trouble, after forming an alliance with Huang Jin, he became even more lawless, and directly led Huang Jin towards the place where the most crowds gathered, and once even caused hundreds of Xuanxian Extreme masters teamed up to hunt down the two of them, and even Huang Jin, who possessed the Great Nirvana Technique, was slightly injured, which is really daring to the extreme.

"I, I don't think you should be called Man Shen!" Huang Jin said with a mournful face.

Luo Tian chuckled, showing two rows of white teeth, winked and said, "What does Xiao Huang Huang think I should be called?"

"Crazy! You are a complete lunatic!"

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