
Chapter 660 Sexy Devil!

In the vast starry sky, several rays of precious light galloped from afar, as if they were frightened birds, and they also carried a trace of bloody killing that was extremely difficult to detect.

Whoosh whoosh!

Seeing the planet in front of these beams of precious light, the originally blood-red eyes suddenly glowed with an unprecedented look.

"Hurry up! The planet where we set up the temporary teleportation array is ahead, work harder, and forgive them for not being able to catch up with us!"

Within Baoguang, there are several demons, and among them there are a small half of the upper-class demons. From the lavender brilliance flashing on them, it can be seen that even if these few people are among the upper-class demons, I'm afraid it also belongs to the category with a fairly high status, otherwise the lavender brilliance would never appear on his body.

Purple is the unique color of the demon royal family.This cannot be imagined.Of course, even if it could be transformed, and given a thousand courage to these high-class demons, they would not dare to do so.Among the heinously high-ranking demon clan, pretending to be the demon royal clan would be hunted down by the entire demon clan.

Speaking of which, these high-ranking demons were used to being domineering, so they sneaked out to do their best when they were bored for a while. Unexpectedly, before they enjoyed the treatment of the uncle, they met the grand master who is now in the western theater of the Sixth Battlefield. Famous primals and trolls.

"His grandma! When did the gods and trolls get mixed up? Do it!"

The youngest-looking superior demon couldn't help gnashing his teeth and shouted, "It's just passed a hundred years now, if the opponent kills us, he can get [-]% of our points!"

There are many natural rules in the battle of geniuses.Among them is a very interesting one. After a hundred years, if you can kill the opponent, [-]% of the opponent's points will automatically be counted on your head.

The genius war will last for 500 years!

After a hundred years, Luo Tian and Huang Jin will naturally become more unscrupulous. The two of them are already extremely strong alone, and they rarely meet opponents when they form an alliance. Solve all the opponents.

"12 ranked, this rule is not bad."

In the void, Luo Tian and Huang Jin were flying very fast. The demon clan in front obviously included high-class demon clans with considerable background. If they were killed, they would earn a lot of points.

"Han Yi, I want to get the points this time too!" Huang Jin clenched his fists tightly, looking swearing.

"Each according to their ability, how about it?" Luo Tian said lazily.

"it is good!"

"Then I'll go first!"

After speaking, Luo Tian's speed increased sharply, leaving Huang Jin far behind in an instant.

"Rogue! You are playing a rascal!" Huang Jin's angry voice came from Luo Tian's mind.

"Hey, there's nothing you can do if the speed is too fast." Luo Tian replied shamelessly, thinking in his heart, if your brother uses the wings of the sky, you won't even be able to eat my fart.

The Giants of the Sky are gifted, with strong natural defenses and thick skin, but they also have shortcomings. Their speed is too slow, and they are just a small branch of the human race, and there is no one in the race that speeds up their flight How can Xianbao compare with Luotian?

I'm afraid that even Huang Jin, who looks down on the world with flying speed, can only eat dust compared with Luo Tian, ​​who has the wings of the sky.


"Here! We can go back soon!"

"At that time, there will be a sister-in-law to make a move. These gods and trolls are not chickens and dogs! Hahaha..."

"Congratulations, my lord! Congratulations, my lord!"


Those middle-level demons immediately flattered and slapped on, but they escaped successfully, so it was worthy of such congratulations, it was really speechless.

"Wahahahaha, I am really looking forward to seeing the frightened expressions on the faces of the gods and trolls, wahahaha..."

The superior demon immediately looked up to the sky and burst into laughter. Seeing that there were still two or three breaths left, he stepped into the teleportation array and teleported to the camp.

"Demon cub, have you laughed enough?"


A lazy voice came from the void.

"Who is it?! Get out of this seat, and stop playing tricks in front of this seat!"

"Ghost sister! It's true that your smile is uglier than a ghost!"

The next moment, an ugly man in white appeared directly in front of the teleportation formation, and directly looked at the transmission formation.


"How could he be so fast?!"

"This is impossible!"

"This teleportation array is quite exquisite." The ugly man in white is undoubtedly Luo Tian, ​​but when he just finished speaking and was about to turn around, several demons made their moves one after another, and the whole void suddenly burst into howls of ghosts and wolves. The breath of the demon race soared into the sky.

"Don't fight and kill, it would be nice to have a peaceful settlement! I'm stupid..." Before Luo Tian finished speaking, Huang Jin, who had just arrived, shot directly in mid-air, "Little Huang Huang, you are shameless!"

Bang bang bang!

Almost instantly, the attacks of several demons were neutralized by Luo Tian, ​​and then Luo Tian bullied himself forward, directly beating the medium-sized demons closest to him into meatloaf.

"You want to kill me! You have to pay the price too!!!"

Those high-ranking demons obviously also had body protection from immortal treasures. With Luo Tian and Huang Jin working together, they were unable to break through the body protection masks in front of them for a moment.

"Qiankun Seal!"

Luo Tian's pupils shrank slightly. He has never encountered a powerful existence that could allow him to use the Heaven Swallowing Seal in the sixth battlefield for a hundred years. Of course, it is impossible to force him to use weapons. Thirty times the combat power is more It's nonsense.

"Blood sacrifice!"

Those high-ranking demons roared in unison with ferocious faces, as if they were performing a mysterious ritual of the demons.

"Stop them! They're calling for their accomplices!"

Huang Jin seemed to have some understanding of the methods of the demons, so he yelled out hastily.


Luo Tian Qiankun Seal was printed, and the mask in front of him immediately fell apart, and then a strong force kept tearing back and forth, and those few high-ranking demons were directly injured by Luo Tian, ​​flying straight out of dozens of people. out.

"It's not dead?!"

The next moment, Luo Tian's eyes widened, and he was secretly surprised, these demons are really rough and thick.

"Hehehe, who is this, who wants to shoot my younger brother?"

At this time, a charming and ecstatic voice came from the temporary teleportation array, and then a beautiful woman who was only covered with a black veil slowly walked out of the teleportation array.

"Han Yi, be careful, it's Yanmo, that's the strongest of the Demon Clan, the Heavenly Demon Clan!" Huang Jin hurriedly sent a voice transmission to Luo Tian when he saw this, "This Yanmo is on the list of the top [-] in the Western Theater of the Sixth Battlefield. The character is even higher than me!"

"There's no point in having a high ranking!" Luo Tian couldn't help snorting, "It's just a female class, especially the women of the Demon Race. I like dealing with them the most! How about grabbing them back and making them your daughter-in-law?"

"You, you sesame seed cake!" Huang Jin was trembling all over, almost so angry that the top of his head was smoking.

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