
Chapter 663 Kill Chapter Go!

The sixth battlefield, the northern theater.

Boom boom boom!

Waves of loud noises spread out like tides. At the beginning, the sound was not loud, like knocking on a stuffy pot, and then it became louder and louder. Finally, it sounded like a thundering gong and drum, resounding throughout the entire western theater, and even the edge of the northern theater. Can hear the bang.

"Damn it! Who made such a big noise? Judging by the noise, at least hundreds of Xuanxians exploded at the same time to have this power!"

On a planet full of trees in the northern war zone, a handsome young man in white lay lazily on a branch growing out of the tree, half-closed his eyes and sighed.

"Blow yourself up!"

On another towering tree, leaning against a young man in blue, he cursed with a vague smile on his lips, "There is no fool who can enter the genius battle, who would blow his head into the water, Not to mention the collective self-destruction."

"That's hard to say!" The white-clothed young man's eyes widened. "In the past hundred years in the sixth battlefield, we brothers have never experienced any strange things. Do you need a reason to blow yourself up?"

"Don't you need a reason?" The young man in blue shook his head with a smile, and changed the subject, "How come there are fewer and fewer demon cubs in the northern war zone recently, and they seem to have disappeared in an instant. It's really strange."

"It's not that you are too fierce, scaring away the devils!" The young man in white teased with a smile.

"Impossible!" The blue-clothed young man retorted, "Didn't you see those demon beauties rushing up like something when they saw Lao Tzu, hey, the two congenital flaws of Taijun, who is too charming and long, are really impressive. Anxiety, distress wow!"


The young man in white just took out a fairy fruit and took a bite. He squirted it out when he heard the words, and then said with great difficulty, "Actually, these external shortcomings of yours are not bad, but my brother's handsome and unrestrained Sai Song Yushu Linfeng's little The inner flaws like Pan An are the most terrifying. You don't know, every time my brother shows up, he will invisibly offend many ladies who are waiting for him."

"... "


While these two guys were bragging and blowing their cowhide to the sky, the western theater was still bombarded by a piece of news.

The two powerhouses, the Mangod and the Troll, joined forces to become the point hunters and gradually encroach on the western theater!

Of course, for the truthfulness of this news, many secretly strong people smiled lightly. It is obvious that these two guys have offended a certain big force.Of course, some believed it to be true, and these guys united to get rid of the two pests, the gods and the trolls.


"Cannibalize his sister!"

In a cave on an unnamed planet, Luo Tian called out to the sky very depressedly, and then turned to face Huang Jin, "Little Huang Huang, this is a complete rumor. Why don't you clarify and prove our innocence , otherwise, how can we mix points in the future?"

"Clarify that fart! There is a group of biscuits who believe it is true. I just showed up, but I was forced out by a brigade with at least dozens of Xuanxians. This group of biscuits also threatened that the two of us are black sheep, and we must get rid of them quickly! "

"Quick! Master let them have a good time this time!"

Luo Tian's complexion was also a bit ugly, with a sneer all over his face, "Demon Race! Yan Mo, you are cruel enough, you seriously injured me, and you are almost going to be cut down to a level, and you will directly beat me back to the peak of Xuanxian , this hatred must be avenged!"

"How is your injury?" Huang Jin frowned slightly.

"Soon, there are at most three years before I can return to my peak state." Luo Tian replied gratefully, "Thank you very much, you are really loyal, not only did you not take the opportunity to kill me, but also helped me recover from my injuries , I owe you a favor!"

"What are you talking about!" Huang Jin turned dark and waved his hands, "Do you think I'm such a villain who doesn't believe what he says? Since we are an alliance, we are also allies until the end of the Genius War. I Huang Although Jin is a fool and doesn't understand etiquette, I still know etiquette, integrity, shame and humanity!"

"Okay! I will use time to speed up the recovery of my injuries now. When I recover from my injuries, I will definitely go to the bad luck of those devil bastards. It will be too late to make these sesame seed cakes regret it!"

After Luo Tian finished speaking, he directly communicated with the Black Lotus Space, and directly burned the spiritual veins on his body. At this speed, Luo Tian could indeed shorten the recovery time of his injuries a lot.

"Han Yi! No, someone has noticed our whereabouts, but they don't seem to be sure yet!"

One day two years later, Huang Jin's voice hurriedly rang out from Luo Tian's mind.

"It's okay!"

There was a sneer on the corner of Luo Tian's mouth, "How many of them are there?"

"Just a leading team, there are more than ten people!"

"Cooperate with me in a while and kill them quickly." After Luo Tian finished speaking, he stood up and disappeared from the planet as if he only took a step in the void.

The next moment, Luo Tian's figure directly appeared in the outer starry sky, spreading out the primordial spirit consciousness with a cold face, and then there was a slight shock behind him, and the purple Zhitian wings suddenly appeared.

"Old man, it's time for us to go out again!"

The Zhitian wings behind Luo Tian flapped, and the void in front of him twisted abruptly, changing rapidly, and soon formed a space portal.


Today's Luo Tian and Huang Jin have quite a tacit understanding. As the two of them get used to each other more and more, their cooperation has become extremely proficient. They can know each other's next move without even talking.

Seeing Luo Tian disappearing into the void in an instant, Huang Jin's heart just moved slightly. He never thought that this hard-core ally would hide a lot of tricks under the serious injury. The other party is going to have a headache.

Bang bang bang!

Luo Tian didn't care about a peak Xuanxian behind him chopping the middle-grade fairy weapon on his back, and the dark golden emperor spear in his hand directly penetrated the chest of the Xuanxian limit in front of him, and then stirred it slightly, It is to shake the opponent's inner world into powder, completely annihilating both body and spirit.

"You, how are you okay?"

The immortal at the peak of Xuanxian who attacked Luo Tian couldn't help being dumbfounded, as if he had seen something incredible.

"Of course I'm fine, but you will be fine soon."

Luo Tian grinned ferociously, and threw the Dark Golden Emperor Spear backhandedly, shooting directly into a certain void. Soon, countless blood mist gushed out of that void, and finally disappeared slowly.

"Dogs can't change eating shit!" Luo Tian snorted coldly, "Aside from sneak attacks and bullying, I'm afraid your group of sesame seed cakes have nothing to do with it!"

"Stop being presumptuous!"

"Die." Luo Tian was too lazy to say, the Jinghong gun in his hand appeared directly, shooting out countless dark golden light bars, these light bars made endless buzzing noises in the void, and finally killed the Xuanxian. The peak human Xuanxian directly and fiercely killed.

"Han Yi, my side has also been resolved, what about your side?"


"What's next?"

"Kill it back!"

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