
Chapter 664 Xuan Xian is invincible!

Soon, an astonishing news spread from the Western Theater of the Sixth Battlefield, that is, the Mangod and the Troll officially teamed up, and the two uttered wild words, whoever dares to attack the two, the two will definitely fight each other forever!

What is shocking is not the arrogant words of these two people, but what they did next, which has verified their statements. Many geniuses and immortals who do not believe in evil have already tasted the bitter fruit of it. In the end, the encirclement and suppression of Luotian All the geniuses and immortals of the two fell, and none of them survived!


"It's so fucking happy!"


On a certain planet, Luo Tian and Huang Jin, who were riddled with scars all over their bodies, laughed at each other with indescribable pride.

"Life is full of joy, don't let the golden bottle face the moon!"

Luo Tian laughed wildly, and threw several bottles of spirits to Huang Jin, "Come on, drink up all these fine wines, and then you and I will go out and kill him."

Huang Jin took a few bottles of spirits in embarrassment, and said: "Brother, I really don't know how to drink."

"What?" Luo Tian couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then laughed, "How can a man not drink! Alcohol is a good brother, drink it, you and I will have no fear, come on, do it!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian gulped down a bottle of wine into his mouth, opened several more bottles, drank them all in one go, and then wiped his mouth fiercely, "It's such a pleasure!"

Huang Jin finally drank a bottle of strong wine, as if a hot current poured into his stomach along his throat, which made him feel a little excited, "Haha, it really is fun! This wine is really strong! Cough Cough, by the way, brother, I don’t know how many points you rank in now?”

Luo Tian took out the Cauldron Order, checked it out, and said with a faint smile, "Not bad, we've already captured [-] people."

"Looks like I have to thank this group of biscuits!" Huang Jin giggled, blushing, "I'm ranked [-]."


After resting for about three days, Luo Tian and Huang Jin left again. This time, they had a better mind, and they would never stay on a planet for more than three days, lest the other party find out their whereabouts.On the battlefield of this genius battle, there is no distinction between the three races of humans, demons and demons, only enemies.No matter who it is, it is possible to become an enemy opponent.

"Brother, I don't think something is right, the group of sesame seed cakes seems to be silent."

In the void, Huang Jin sent a sound transmission to Luo Tiandao while flying.

The corners of Luo Tian's mouth turned up, and he said with a faint smile: "It's not that there is no movement, they may have suffered a lot, and now they are probably hiding in the dark and waiting for an opportunity to give us a decisive blow, otherwise even if they come, they will be defeated by us one by one of."

"This group of biscuits just have too many tricks." Huang Jin scratched his head, "There are always tricks and tricks all day long. Even if tricks and tricks can work for a while, they won't work forever."

"It's good that you understand." Luo Tian glanced at Huang Jin quite gratified, "Judging from your pure hearted state of mind, your cultivation level in the future will definitely not be low, at least you can cultivate to become a saint. "

"Scary! Holy Immortal!" Huang Jin's complexion changed drastically, and he waved his hands again and again, "Impossible, impossible, except for the first-generation patriarch of our Qingtian Giant Clan who is a holy immortal, and has been passed down for hundreds of generations, let alone holy Immortal, even the Taiyi Golden Immortal can count on one hand, how could I have the opportunity to covet the Saint Immortal Dao!"

"I said yes, you can do it!" Luo Tian said firmly.

"There is someone ahead!"

"I've known it for a long time!" Luo Tian chuckled, "I'll make a move first, are these demons finally ready to make a move?"


Luo Tian swayed in the wind and disappeared instantly.

Boom boom boom!

The next moment, Luo Tian flew directly over a strong demon from the Xuanxian limit, appeared silently, and launched an earth-shattering attack, bombarding the Xuanxian limit one after another. The powerful demon clan flew out backwards, spurting blood directly from his mouth.

"He's not dead?" Luo Tian was a little surprised. There are very few Xuanxian strongmen who can withstand his sneak attack and survive. It seems that this demonic strongman must have a protective body.

"Damn human race!"

The obviously seriously injured Mozu strongman let out a shrill roar, then rolled in the void, and turned into a huge monster with a height of hundreds of feet. This monster had countless rhino horns on its head, and its whole body They are all tightly wrapped by layers of thick scales the size of a millstone.

"Brother, be careful, this guy is the Hundred Horned Clan of the Demon Clan, known for their defense. It is rumored that once they fight with their bodies, no one under the Golden Immortal will be able to break through their defense!"

"Wan Dao Yin!"

"Yin Yang seal!"

Luo Tian's complexion was as calm as water, and he directly used the Tuntian Seal, first using the Wan Dao Seal to weaken the opponent's law of heaven and earth, and then using the Yin-Yang Seal to attack. Although Luo Tian is not proficient in using the Yin-Yang Seal now, the Yin-Yang Seal The enormous destructive power cannot be erased.

"Humans, whether you are gods or trolls, you will die today!"

The demon royal family of the hundred-horned tribe seemed to be really angry, and he fell from the air with a powerful aura of black clouds overwhelming the city. The body was crushed into pieces, even the void was no exception.

"What a thick skin!"

At this time, Luo Tian finally completed the yin and yang seal, and gently pushed the Xuanxian of the Baijiao tribe with both hands, the entire void was like a thunderbolt on the ground, and the black and white yin and yang in the entire void seemed to be separated, making people unable to tell where. Where is clear, where is turbidity.

Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha!

The Xuanxian of the Hundred-horned Tribe seemed to be stopped by an invisible and inexplicable force, and then his huge body seemed to be refined, and the scales the size of a millstone began to break apart inch by inch.

It's like, an invisible meat grinder, absorbing the Xuanxian of the Baijiao Tribe!

The next moment, Luo Tian and Huang Jin, the old partners who had a tacit understanding, moved together.

The Dark Golden Emperor Spear in Luo Tian's hand pierced towards the very conspicuous head of the Baijiao Clan with unrivaled momentum, and directly transformed into a dark golden long dragon about a hundred feet wide and several thousand feet long in the void. , Howling beyond compare.

Huang Jin used his weapon for the first time.Huang Jin's weapon was beyond Luo Tian's expectation, it was a dagger.

The size of the giants of the sky, even with a dagger...

Luo Tian couldn't help feeling a little funny.


At this time, the dagger in Huang Jin's hand had a wonderful change. The dagger in his hand suddenly formed a bright moon, and countless circles of bright jade-colored light spread out continuously. Among them, one of them looked like a tiger but not a tiger. The phantom of a bird-headed beast that looks like a leopard but not a leopard slowly emerges from it.

"Hehe, I didn't expect your human race to be able to subdue a violent jade chi monster. It's very rare, but today I will definitely kill this violent jade chi monster!"

Suddenly, a thunderous voice appeared in the void, and then a leisurely lavender figure came step by step from the void.

"Xuanxian is invincible!"

Luo Tian's pupils shrank suddenly.

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