
Chapter 665 Move my brother, die!

Huang Jin's complexion also changed, he resolutely chose to stop, and then kicked hard in the void, and his whole body was shot back like a projectile, as fast as lightning.

"Isn't it? Xiao Huanghuang, you can actually have such a fast speed? Your kid is hiding deep enough!"

Luo Tian stared blankly, then said with a wry smile.

"This secret method consumes a lot of energy, and I won't use it until a critical moment. Here comes another powerful Mozu biscuit!" Huang Jin said in a deep voice, his face full of dignity.

"Do you have the confidence to kill him?" Luo Tian asked with an extremely indifferent expression.

"No, this guy gives me the feeling that it's extremely dangerous and absolutely extraordinary!" Huang Jin stared at the purple-clothed demon that appeared in the void, and slowly shook his head.

Luo Tian saw Huang Jin's appearance as if he was facing a formidable enemy, so he said to himself, "This guy doesn't seem to be from our western theater, does he?"

"Certainly not. If I were in the western theater, I should have heard of it by now."


Luo Tian snapped his fingers and said flatly, "Then just kill him."

"Hehe, human beings, you are very courageous. Not only did you not run or kneel down when you saw me, but you even dared to kill me? Are you going to lose your mind?" The purple-clothed demons in the void are naturally the demon royal family, even The two races of humans and demons have unresolvable enmity, but in this genius battle field, except for extremely special circumstances, death is generally not life-threatening, and they are not afraid of being killed at all.

Without a real burden of death, it caused extra blood and chaos on the battlefield of the genius battle.

Luo Tian stretched out his hand and patted his forehead a little speechlessly, and said sarcastically, "Can you guys stop being so good at self-superiority? You fucking think you are a holy fairy, and you have to kneel and run away when you see you? I beat you to death. Do you believe it or not?"

"not good!"

While speaking, the expression of the Baijiao demon who was wounded by Luo Tian and Huang Jin suddenly changed, and then his figure retreated violently, and he was about to move in the void.

"I just found out now? It's too late!"

Luo Tian laughed out loud and stretched out his fingers, pointing to the void, a small cannon suddenly appeared in front of Luo Tian, ​​but as soon as the small cannon appeared, it directly locked on the breath of the Baijiao Demon Race, and then Luo Tian The celestial power accumulated in the dark early in the day turned into a crimson beam of light about six feet in diameter, and the flames shot towards the hundred-horned demon clan.

"help me!"

The hundred-horned demon was already wounded, and even though he had a strong defense, his attack power was too weak. I am afraid that even among the high-level demons, he had more attack power than the hundred-horned demon. To be strong.Naturally, the object of his appeal for help would not be Luo Tian and Huang Jin, the two humans, but the purple-clothed demon royal family standing by with his hands behind his back.

It's a pity that the purple-clothed royal youth didn't even raise his eyelids from the beginning to the end, as if everything in front of him had nothing to do with him, and he was so cold-blooded that heinously.


The hundred-horned demon was immediately hit by the small cannon that Luo Tian sacrificed. Although the small cannon in Luo Tian's hand may not look amazing, it is quite powerful.It was Luo Tian and Huang Jin who captured them from a mysterious human from the skillful hand tribe who besieged them. Although this small cannon is quite powerful, it also has some shortcomings. For example, the time for this small cannon to accumulate immortal energy is slow , and it also consumes [-]% of the immortal energy of a second-order spirit vein. If it is a battle, if there is not enough preparation time, it is tantamount to a chicken rib.

Luo Tian had been talking nonsense for so long before, his mouth was parched, and his words were lacking. Just now, he induced the other party to use this powerful little cannon, and finally succeeded. All kinds of conditions and factors were lacking One must, if the hundred-horned demon ran away early or the purple-clothed demon made an early move, all of this would become impossible.

Of course, just in case, Luo Tian finally came out of the void with lightning speed, and used the void assassination technique to kill the hundred-horned demon directly and completely, and then quickly returned to the original place. bit.

Taking a breath in his heart, Luo Tian finally felt a little relieved. The cultivation base of this purple-clothed demon in front of him was Xuanxian Invincible. Seeing his confident appearance, Luo Tian guessed that he must have a proud trump card, otherwise he would not He would watch helplessly as a fellow clan was killed in front of his eyes.Of course, there are also reasons why the Baijiao clan has always been unpopular among the demon royal clan.

"let's go!"

Suddenly, Luo Tian's complexion changed slightly, and then he hurriedly sent a voice message to Huang Jin.

"What?" Huang Jin didn't realize it yet, but he and Luo Tian were close comrades-in-arms, so he instinctively followed Luo Tian and flew away into the distance.

"No rush, no rush."


A straight and huge light curtain descended directly from the sky, and then stretched across the void like huge fishing nets criss-crossing in length and breadth. Above it was a burst of decadent aura of doom at dusk, and Luo Tian's secretly cast sky-swallowing law couldn't do anything about it for the time being. A huge colored light curtain.

"It seems to be the signature supernatural power of the Twilight Devil Emperor, Doomsday Love Tribulation!"

After a while, Huang Jin seemed to have thought of something, and sent a voice transmission to Luo Tiandao with an ugly face.

"Twilight Devil Emperor!" Luo Tian was really shocked at this moment, the battlefield of genius battles this day is really unpredictable, a lot of guys who can be related to Xianjun have joined in, it is getting more and more It's not easy to mix.

"The Doomsday Love Tribulation is specially designed to deal with those immortals who possess the seven emotions and six desires, but all immortals, even the immortals, have a trace of extremely elusive emotions. If this Doomsday Love Tribulation has been cultivated to the extreme, once this magical power is released, the cultivation base below the Xianjun All living beings will be wiped out without warning, and will be completely wiped out from the world, unless there is a top-level king-grade fairy body protection, they can preserve their vitality, otherwise there is only a dead end!"

At the critical moment, the voice of the Robber Xianjun suddenly appeared in Luo Tian's mind.

"Don't even you have any countermeasures?" Luo Tian couldn't help but feel a little headache. Many times, these disciples and grandchildren of the level of immortal kings are really troublesome. Let's kill them and bring out a lot of strong people, no Kill it, and he will kill you.


"Hmph, don't you kid use the aggressive method, this deity doesn't take this kind of trick." The robber fairy hummed, "Emperor Twilight, the strength is not bad, but the deity has not yet seen it in his eyes. Not to mention his disciples and grandchildren." .”

"Then help me out with an idea!" Luo Tian started to smile.

"Get out of your sister!"

Unexpectedly by Luo Tian, ​​the Bandit Immortal actually learned his mantra, and he couldn't help but look dumbfounded.

"Look at the fart! The little demon guy in front of you is not bad at cultivation, I'm afraid it's almost comparable to ordinary golden immortals. You just shoot with all your strength. You only have a [-]% chance of winning against him. If you use that dozens of times With combat power, there is a [-]% chance of winning. But it doesn't matter, your reinforcements have arrived!"

"Fuck you all! Anyone who dares to touch my brother today will die!"

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