
Chapter 666

Luo Tian was communicating with the Robber Xianjun freely, and when he listened to the robber Xianjun's shameless words, he was cursing in his heart, and suddenly there was an angry shout and curse from the distant space.

This voice sounds familiar!

Luo Tian was taken aback for a moment, then frowned slightly, how could he be so familiar?

It's him!

If it wasn't for Luo Tian's recent mental tension, almost spent in continuous fighting, he would have recognized the human voice immediately.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

After the loud curse that came out of the void, even the purple-clothed demon frowned involuntarily, and he felt a trace of dangerous aura fluctuations from the voice that came from the void.

Quick fight!

There was a grim smile on the corner of the purple-clothed demon's mouth, and then he changed his position in the void strangely, looking erratic, even with Luo Tian's powerful primordial spirit consciousness, he couldn't lock his aura for the time being.

"Damn boy, is it true that I am a clay figurine for you to knead?!"

Luo Tian smiled coldly, opened his hands, and shouted in a low voice: "The seal of heaven and earth!"

In a trance, the purple-clothed demon felt the surrounding space shake violently, tearing irregularly in all directions. Even the heaven and earth energy and the laws of heaven and earth seemed to be divided into countless spatial regions of different sizes.

"Such supernatural powers are really amazing!"

The purple-clothed demons were only stunned for a moment, and then the iconic evil smile emerged from the corner of his mouth again. His long lavender hair danced without wind, flying high, spreading and growing in the void!

Chi Chi Chi!

Purple hair three thousand feet!

The lavender long hair of the purple-clothed demon clan was like an invincible fairy treasure, directly covering the surrounding chaotic void, and finally clustered together, shrinking rapidly and growing again!

"Return to the original!"

Huang Jin's eyelids twitched, and he hurriedly sent a voice message to Luo Tiandao, "Han Yi, this demon must have a great background, and he has already glimpsed the original law of the demon. It seems that even if someone helps us today, we It won't be easy to clean him up!"

"You son of a bitch! I have already said that anyone who dares to touch my brother will die, but you still act recklessly, so stay!"

Finally, the visitor quickly crossed countless time and space and small worlds, and came directly. As soon as he appeared, he shot out dozens of colorful rays of light, and these colored rays of light exploded halfway, condensing into various colors All kinds of attacks, like the meteor shower, fell towards the purple-clothed demons, in no particular order.

"Consumable fairy treasure? So many!"

Even if the purple-clothed demon race was so entrusted to him, his face changed slightly when he saw this. With so many consumable fairy treasures, even if he continued to move forward regardless and killed the two human races in front of him, he would still suffer a little lightly. hurt.

After just a moment of weighing, the purple-clothed demon made a decision in his heart, and then the endless purple hair that protruded from his head was taken back at once, the whole person turned around to the right side of the void, and then disappeared.

Chen Lin!

Sure enough it was him!

"Haha, Xiao Linzi, long time no see, I miss you so much brother!" Luo Tian finally landed a big stone in his heart at this moment, looked at the visitor with a happy face, and broke through the disguised identity of the other party.

"Isn't it?!" Chen Lin's eyes widened in astonishment, "Brother's disguise of such a miserable image can be seen through by you?"

"Hey, I can recognize you even if you turn into ashes."

"Bah, bah, bah! Tong Yan Wuji, the strong wind blows away!" Chen Lin spit a few times, and then sighed softly, "Damn, Xiao Yizi, you have made my brother feel guilty for a long time, since you tried to save The little lunatic and I..."

"Damn, you still dare to sneak attack?!"

Before Chen Lin finished speaking, a shocking rainbow appeared directly behind him, and then a huge cyan gourd light and shadow appeared in the void out of thin air. The mouth of the gourd tilted slightly, and countless light cyan juices sprayed out of it. Wherever the juice passed, countless small potholes were corroded into the void.

"The little madman is here too!"

Luo Tian's eyes lit up, these two guys!

"People in the Valley of the Medicine King!"

It was the purple-clothed demon just now who secretly attacked Chen Lin. At this moment, he retreated from the void with a face full of horror, his figure flashed, and he retreated hundreds of miles.

"Hahaha, Xiao Yizi, long time no see, you are getting more and more aggressive. You have even provoked Yang Sheng, who can be ranked in the previous life from the younger generation of the Demon Clan in Tianwangzhou. You are really kind!"

Luo Tian smiled bitterly and said, "I provoked his sister! This guy took the initiative to find me, okay?"

"Okay! Very good! Since you are all here today, don't leave any of you!"

In the distant void, came the voice of the purple-clothed demon.

"This guy's ally is probably here." Luo Tian shrugged, looking at Chen Lin and Zheng Feng leisurely, "How is it? Can we brothers do it?"

"Fuck, we must kill them!" Chen Lin laughed loudly, smiling, his eyes seemed to be full of mist, "Damn, since you were exiled by that old thing under King Pingshan, I and the little lunatic I vowed to avenge you, this time I brought enough treasures with me, and the little lunatic came prepared, haha, Xiao Yizi, to tell you the truth, the demons in the northern theater of the Sixth Battlefield let the two of us I was scared!"

"I made you worry." Luo Tian chuckled.

"Worried?" Zheng Feng took the words with a wild laugh, "I have no friends in this life, and I will never have any in the future! Because you and Chen Lin are brothers in my heart! Since you are brothers, don't worry about it so much! What you want to do, have fun Just do it as long as you want, you just want to live a happy and vigorous life!"

"Okay!" Luo Tian yelled, pointing at Huang Jin, "This is Huang Jin, a new friend I met in the sixth battlefield. He is honest and straightforward, and he is worthy of friendship!"

"It's too good, it's too good." Huang Jin scratched his head embarrassingly, and then asked, "Brother Han, that devil is obviously calling for reinforcements, should we still fight?"

"Fight!" The three of Luo Tian shouted without hesitation, and then burst out laughing.


"Damn, I didn't expect Yang Sheng to be so shameless and shameless!"

Half a day later, the four of Luo Tian finally came to a rest in the void. It turned out that Yang Sheng had brought in some reinforcements earlier, but for some unknown reason, those reinforcements suddenly disappeared, and Yang Sheng finally fled in despair. What made Luo Tian and the others a little depressed was that Yang Sheng, who was a real hero in order to escape, actually burned his life yuan and used a secret method to escape. Luo Tian almost couldn't catch up with his wings.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, this neighborhood is also the territory of the demons. Since we are here, we can't leave empty-handed!" Chen Lin chuckled, and immediately began to look around.

"Of course I can't go home empty-handed." Zheng Feng's face turned serious, "The points of all of you must be within [-], but my pity is still hovering around [-]. You guys need to help me out. .”

"Your chance is here."

At this time, Luo Tian just pointed to the distance, "A team of demons is coming."

"Kill them! Be sure to kill them! It's agreed in advance, none of you will rob me!" Zheng Feng rushed out eagerly.

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