
Chapter 667 Battle Flag, He 3

"Xiao Yizi! Xiao Linzi! Xiao Huanghuang! Come and help me..."

A bewildered light and shadow rushed from left to right in the void, and the void behind him kept shattering, superimposing, and exploding, and kept sinking and expanding the void, which looked like a piece of roasted I don’t know when it will be sprayed out. The intensive attack like locusts behind him really makes Zheng Feng a little tired of coping. This guy has returned to Yaowang Valley for nearly a thousand years. His strength has also increased greatly, and he has already reached the peak of Xuanxian's limit, and it seems that he is only one step away from stepping into the invincible state of Xuanxian.

But with Zheng Feng's current level of cultivation, he would flee in embarrassment when he met a human team of seventy or eighty Xuanxians.In this battle, even if it is Zheng Feng, even a Jinxian must avoid it for the time being, otherwise it is really possible to be consumed alive.

"Little lunatic, please hold on for another quarter of an hour, the formation will be set up soon!" Chen Lin's voice came from a light blue planet not far away, quite gloating, who made this guy volunteer Don't go to seduce...

"One quarter of an hour!"

Zheng Feng immediately exclaimed, "No, no, no! Don't say a quarter of an hour, I can't even last a cup of tea, and there are less than eighty crazy peak Xuanxians. Why don't you try it? "

"I didn't volunteer to say I was going."

"... "

Zheng Feng continued to shout without giving up: "Xiao Yizi, come and have fun instead of brother!"

"At the beginning, I didn't volunteer."

"... "

"Damn, you two are so inhumane, Huang Huang, brother knows you are the best, come and replace brother to have fun..."

"I'm not human either."


Zheng Feng finally broke down. It was really painful to communicate with two shameless guys and a guy who came to grandma's house sincerely.

In the end, Luo Tian and the others successfully arranged the formation before a cup of tea, and Zheng Feng, who was jumping up and down, was greatly relieved. Then he threw a thunderbolt from the sky as if venting his anger, and then shouted arrogantly : "Grandchildren of Tianwang State, have the courage to come with grandpa, come, come...

Before the next sentence was finished, Zheng Feng was dragged into the formation by Luo Tian and disappeared.

"Hahaha, this kid from Jinzhou is really shameless. He has been hunted down by us for so long, yet he is still so arrogant."

"It's just that Jinzhou, who is at the bottom of the ranking, is not a genius. He thinks that he is the limit of Xuanxian's cultivation, so he is quite proud. It's really funny. This kind of stuff, even if it is against our Tianwangzhou late Xuanxian, I am afraid His opponent, if it wasn't for someone above asking to catch him alive, this kid would have been killed long ago!"

"Brother Li is right." Among the crowd, there was a young man who looked only thirteen or fourteen years old. His eyes were narrow and cold, and his lips were as thin as willow leaves. One could tell that this person had a cold nature. Thin.

"Ha ha."

The other people around were all smiling. Although they met the boy's eyes, no one was willing to communicate with him. Cause and effect, right and wrong are continuous.

In fact, the real age of this young man will naturally not be the thirteen or fourteen years old on the surface. If he can cultivate to the peak of the Xuanxian at the age of thirteen or fourteen, he is a monster like heaven defying, and the reincarnation of the immortal king is nothing but in this way.In fact, this young man's surname is He Mingjing, and he is more than [-] years old this year. He belongs to the kind of peerless evildoer who can step into the golden fairyland before the age of [-].

But everyone here doesn't know his real age, and even his real strength is at a loss.

He Jing is different from all the new recruits who first stepped into the battlefield of the genius battle. He was only confused for a moment, and then he adapted to everything in the genius battle battlefield like a duck to water, such as sneak attacks, assassinations, and aboveboard killings. It gave people an inexplicable horror.No one believed that he was a young man, and everyone even regarded him as an old monster who had matured into a mature person, because during the continuous gathering of the crowd, many people saw that this young man had fought a high-ranking demon with his bare hands. Clan battles, tearing each other into pieces abruptly, is so cruel that it is heinous.

Such a person seems to only bring fear, but never warmth.Even if they are friends, they don't want to be with such a guy who is extremely vicious.

Bunch of idiots!

He Jing watched coldly, watching the people around him keep a certain distance from him, as if he was the god of plague, he couldn't help but sneered in his heart, he was just afraid and jealous of people in the same realm, even if he was extremely talented, he would not There are too many achievements.

Is that person above going to catch him alive?

He Jing rolled his eyes, and the sneer on his face was even worse, it couldn't be him, could it?

Then, regardless of the surprised gazes of others, He Jing didn't advance but retreated, directly entered the depths of the void, the speed became faster and faster, and soon disappeared.


On a planet full of glaciers, the four of Luo Tian quietly suspended in the void, looked up at the top of their heads in four directions, and heard the sound of the roaring waves above their heads, all four of them showed a hint of joy on their faces .

"Here we come!" Huang Jin and Chen Lin both clenched their hands.

"Grandma's! Let's see how I get back my money with a profit!" Zheng Feng looked eager to try.

"Everyone is optimistic about the formation, kill!"

Suddenly, Luo Tian let out a low cry, stepped on the Jinghong Knife, held the Dark Gold Emperor Spear, and his whole body turned into a very difficult to distinguish light in the void and disappeared in a flash.

puff puff!

After two soft sounds, Luo Tian took back the Dark Golden Emperor Spear, and the two Xuanxian peak powerhouses who had their heads pierced in front of him died in peace. Then, their souls and flesh and blood bodies were directly shocked. Hong Dao devoured nothing left.

"What a profound cultivation base, Tianwangzhou is worthy of being the Tianwangzhou!"

Luo Tian sighed in admiration, and then used the void assassination technique to rush towards the next target again.

At the same time, Chen Lin, Zheng Feng, and Huang Jin also gained a lot in the three directions in the distance.The reason why they can be so unscrupulous is that Luo Tian spent a lot of time and energy arranging a small formation. This formation is dedicated to capturing the primordial spirit. It is the most powerful magic circle that the sky can currently arrange.As long as those who are not strong enough to cultivate their primordial spirit, once they rashly enter it, they will be confused or influenced by the illusion, and then they will be beheaded by the four people.


Millions of miles away.

The young He Jing, who seemed to be only thirteen or fourteen years old, was standing somewhere in the void as if facing a formidable enemy at this moment, looking at a planet in front of him, his expression changing.

I saw that the planet in front of me was quite big, and the sky was shining brightly. It was obvious that someone had set up a restraining circle, and judging from the situation, this restraining circle was really no small matter.Especially in the planet, there is a faint battle flag waving in the wind.

"Iron Blood Battle Banner! Good luck, He Shisan!"

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