
Chapter 668 Rescue

"I'm exhausted, finally done!"

At this moment, the battle between the four of Luo Tian was almost over. This time, because Luo Tian and Chen Lin had set up a magic circle with all their strength, all the more than 70 mysterious immortals in the opponent's Tianwang State fell.

Of course, it cannot be denied that the average strength of the four of Luo Tian is quite astonishing. At least, if they don't meet the too monstrous Xuanxian Genius and Jinxian, there will be no accidents when the four of them join forces.


When the four of Luo Tian landed on the planet one after another, Luo Tian and Chen Lin looked at each other, and then the two of them raised their hands and typed out several formulas, exhaling in unison.

As soon as the word "explosion" in the two populations fell, the fantasy array in the sky suddenly trembled like a bubble, and finally slowly dispersed and burst, countless chaotic heaven and earth forces collided with each other , In the high-altitude atmosphere of the planet, frightening vortexes of primordial force are formed. These vortexes surge in all directions. Occasionally, a few vortexes collide together, and they turn into even more powerful explosions, stirring the void into a mess.

Among them, there seemed to be a few slight popping sounds, which finally disappeared invisible, never to be seen again.

Zheng Feng held his chin with one hand, and said with a sneer, "These bastards from Tianwang State are very patient. It's really stupid to want to play these little tricks under the eyes of our perceptive group of four."

"Little lunatic, what's your ranking?" Huang Jin asked naively.

"The harvest is not bad, and we have already captured [-] people, hehe." Zheng Feng smiled coquettishly, and turned to Luo Tian and Chen Lin, "Damn, you two are the fastest and most ruthless, and you will definitely gain more!" big."

Luo Tian quickly withdrew the tripod order, and said calmly: "Three thousand, four hundred and seventeen."

"Three thousand, 320 and eight." Chen Lin's ranking is even higher. He entered the genius battle field this time to deal with the son of the Pingshan King, and the number of consumable fairy treasures he brought is staggering. Fighting head-on, ordinary golden immortals may not be able to resist his endlessly consumable fairy treasures. When facing Xuanxian, as long as Xuanxian is not invincible, he is also sure to win the opponent.

"Two perverts!" Zheng Feng was shocked, "Huang Huang, I believe you will comfort my brother's wounded heart."

"I'm sorry, little lunatic." Huang Jin spread his hands helplessly, "I'm ranked 650 and [-]..."

"Unreasonable and inhuman!" Zheng Feng cried without tears. Among the four, he was the bottom, and No.3 was Luo Tian. In his opinion, Luo Tian didn't exert his strength at all, otherwise he would be the bottom of the list. With his ferocious strength, I am afraid that it is easy and simple to reach the top [-] in the sixth battlefield.Of course, Chen Lin and Huang Jin also have a lot of tricks. It is even more difficult to surpass them and wash away the humiliation of being at the bottom.


Zheng Feng took out the Qingluo Gourd with a slightly changed expression, and then lightly shook one hand, a light blue light burst out from the Qingluo Gourd and directly sank into the center of his eyebrows.

The three of Luo Tian watched coldly, each of them did not move in place.

After a while, Zheng Feng put away the green Luo gourd with a wry smile on his face, and said in a sincere tone: "Three brothers, I'm afraid I will need your help this time."

"Haha, little lunatic, when did you ever treat us politely on the battlefield of this genius battle? Tell us directly if you have something to do, the brothers will spare no effort!" Chen Lin patted his chest and spoke sincerely. Speaking of which, he He spent the most time with Zheng Feng on the sixth battlefield, and he knows his temperament quite well. Apart from being coquettish and profligate, this guy doesn't seem to have any shortcomings.

"I agree with Xiao Linzi." Luo Tian shrugged, and wiped the Dark Golden Emperor Spear very carefully again.

"I, I agree too." Huang Jin scratched his head foolishly and smiled.

"..." Zheng Feng almost fainted out of breath, "You, you, you are so ruthless!"


"Little lunatic, according to what you said, it is your old friend we are going to rescue?"

In the void, four streamers of light flashed away, crossing the space world non-stop, at an extremely fast speed.

"Huang Huang, please don't talk so wretchedly, okay?" Zheng Feng called out angrily, "What kind of old friend? That's called a confidante! Do you understand?"

"I don't quite understand." Huang Jin scratched his head naively again.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, you just need to kill people." Zheng Feng rolled his eyes, "Anyway, as long as Xiao Linzi and Xiao Yizi understand."

"I don't understand either!" Luo Tian hurriedly waved his hand to distance himself from Zheng Feng, "How can a simple, honest, loyal and reliable guy like me deal with women when he has nothing to do?"

"Little lunatic, don't look at me, brother doesn't understand, you know!" Chen Lin had a high-spirited expression, "An outstanding man like brother who is three points better than Xiao Yizi, hey, the whole fairy world Not to mention extinction, I’m afraid they can be counted on one hand.”

Such a shameless look!

Huang Jin kept rubbing the cold sweat on his forehead. Han Yi and Chen Lin are definitely much higher than Zheng Feng in terms of coquettishness and shamelessness, but what these two guys said is so upright and awe-inspiring...

"Grandma! Pretend I didn't say it!" Zheng Feng almost made these two guys sick to death, thinking that before he met these two guys, he was a pure young man from Medicine King Valley, as pure as he wanted Purity, following the two of them for less than 1000 years has become what it is now. Is it a sin to be too good at learning?

The four of them continued to fly in the void in silence.

After a while, Chen Lin couldn't help asking: "I said, little lunatic, can you give our brothers a clear picture of how many friends you have entered the sixth battlefield?"

"Not too many, it's all because I'm too good!" Zheng Feng had a crying expression on his face, "For a man like me, even if he goes to those unknown secret places in the fairy world, there will be countless beauties crying Shouting to pass through life and death with me..."

"... "

The faces of Luo Tian and the three couldn't help twitching, and they glared at Zheng Feng viciously.

"Oh, don't be too jealous. I believe that in a few hundred thousand years, you will reach 10% of my current level. That will be enough for you to roam the fairy world. As long as you are a woman, no one can escape from you. The palm... oh, the palm!" Zheng Feng paused, seeing that the three of them had already started to run away, he quickly said, "Not too many, just three or four. Of course, you know, this is only the sixth battlefield. On other battlefields..."

"Damn, is it possible that you are a stallion? Those beautiful pharmacists in Medicine King Valley have been harmed by you?" Chen Lin scolded angrily.

Zheng Feng immediately said with a serious face: "Brother Chen, don't talk nonsense! Doesn't Zheng look like that rabbit who only eats grass by the side of the nest?!"

Luo Tian and the three nodded in unison, extremely fast.

"Hey, the bird knows the ambitions of the great, my Zheng Feng's charm is enough to affect most of the Southern Immortal Realm. I think I only asked for the quality of women at the beginning. I didn't expect that after the quality improved, the quantity also increased. How can this charm be hidden? I can't hide it, there is no way..."

"beat him!"

I don't know who was the first to yell, and then the three of them rushed towards Zheng Feng in no particular order.

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