
Chapter 669 Encountering Demons

"Hit, hit whatever you want, as long as it doesn't hurt my handsome face that can affect most of the beauties in the Southern Immortal Realm!"

In the void, Zheng Feng ran around in embarrassment, and the three rays of light behind him followed him like a shadow, and he couldn't get rid of it at all.

"Slap him in the face!"

"Yes, just slap him in the face!"

"I'm here, I'm here, hehe, I like to slap the little boy's face the most!"

Zheng Feng was so angry that he screamed, like a wild wolf with the same hair, "I admit that I am a little boy, but he is definitely a superb man who relies on his appearance and strength to make a living. It is useless for the three of you to be jealous, wow Haha... Ah! Huang Huang, you are so vicious and vicious? You want your brother to die?!"

Soon, the four of them marched for tens of thousands of miles, fighting and fighting, but dilute the tired and melancholy atmosphere among the four of them, and let the four of them become energetic again and prepare for the next step. The battle provides full combat power.

One day later, the four of Luo Tian arrived at a vast and boundless void. This void was different from the voids they had seen before. , no matter whether the planet is deserted or not, there is always.But the strange thing about the void in front of them is that after flying millions of miles, they didn't see the next planet. This situation is really weird.

Luo Tian and the others also felt that it was unusual.


Natural battlefield!

After a while, Luo Tian was startled. He finally understood some of the forgotten joints. This place, no matter what, is the sixth battlefield!The battlefield of genius battle!How could it be exactly the same as the outside world?Every battlefield must have a buffer isolation zone, and this zone has enough space to undertake large-scale battles, and once this kind of battle starts, it will not be as simple as protracted.

Those great people who watched the show, you are really 'considerate'!

There was a faint sneer on Luo Tian's face. In order to see a good show that they had been waiting for for a long time, these big shots really took great pains. The geniuses participating in the genius battle are pitiful, so why not?

"Xiao Yizi, do you also see what's wrong?" Chen Lin frowned, "Why do I always feel that this area seems to have a creepy atmosphere? This feeling that makes my heart jump is definitely not A sign of a whim, but an instinctive feedback from this region!"

"That's right, I also have this feeling." Zheng Feng and Huang Jin said in unison.

Luo Tian and the others immediately became vigilant. The feeling of this area was too gloomy and gloomy for them to fathom.

"Hey, there's even a devil boy who doesn't open his eyes!"

After about a meal, Luo Tian hit the Xuanguang mirror in front of him against the void, and the Xuanguang mirror immediately flew around Chen Lin and the three of them.

"Just kill it!" Chen Lin laughed.


"I'm going too!"

Zheng Feng was the fastest, and before the three could react, he flew out and disappeared into the void in an instant.


Not long after, Zheng Feng flew back with a depressed face, "Brothers, get ready to fight, those bastards from the demon clan sent out a clone, and it was so grand that they rode a thunderbolt!" Horned green bull!"

After finishing speaking, Zheng Feng directly opened the portable space, and threw a huge one-horned green bull out of it. He saw this young man five feet in length and one foot in height. Lightning and fire.

Chen Lin licked his lips and suggested: "Little lunatic, you didn't come back for nothing, hehe, it is rumored that although the Thunder Horn Cyan Ox is not of high rank, it is still a monster in ancient times. If this Cyan Ox Kill it again, it tastes quite good, I have eaten it once, and the cost is scary!"

Moo moo!

Although the Thunder Horn Blue Bull couldn't transform into a human form, it still had some spiritual wisdom. Hearing this, he couldn't help roaring angrily, and spit out several streams of white smoke from his mouth.

"I don't know why, why did some monsters from the ancient and ancient times lose the opportunity to advance to a higher level?" Luo Tian shook his head and sighed softly.

"Never mind, I haven't eaten beef for a long time." Huang Jin hurried forward, and two big hands appeared out of thin air in front of him, grabbing the struggling Thunder Horn Green Bull and tearing it vigorously. The Qingniu roared miserably, spilling blood all over the sky.

"... "

What Huang Jin did really made the three of Luo Tian sweat profusely. This guy was too direct and brutal. Also, Huang Jin's brute force is truly extraordinary.

The Thunder Horn Green Bull can be torn apart by brute force alone, which is indeed a rare abnormal divine power in the human race.

After a while, the whole roasted beef prepared by Luo Tian himself was ready.

The three of Chen Lin had long been seduced by the various seasonings on Luo Tian's body and swallowed their saliva. When they saw that the beef was roasted, they immediately surrounded them, unceremoniously grabbed a beef leg each and began to chew.

"Aren't you afraid that the Leijiao green beef is poisonous?" Luo Tian asked in astonishment.

"Afraid of a ball!" Chen Lin stretched out his greasy palm and said vaguely, "Since you made the shot yourself, why are we brothers worrying about it!"

"Extremely extreme!" Zheng Feng and Huang Jin also replied vaguely.

Luo Tian sighed softly, immediately took out a bottle of spirits, gently uncorked the bottle, and drank it with the tender and fat roast beef.

"Good wine, I want it too!" Huang Jin's eyes lit up immediately, and his saliva dripped out.

"Me too!"

"Me too!"

Chen Lin and Zheng Feng imitated Huang Jin's accent directly.


"Hey, what's the matter with drinking and eating too much!"

Chen Lin burped, and then relished the delicious food and wine with satisfaction.

"You don't need to think about it, the Lord is here!"

Luo Tian smiled sinisterly, and then pointed to a certain void in front of him.

After two or three breaths, the complexions of Chen Lin, Zheng Feng, and Huang Jin changed slightly. They were all staring at the void in front of them vigilantly, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"Hehehe, handsome little brother, we meet again!"

In the void, a burst of pink smoke suddenly emerged, and immediately, an extremely enchanting figure walked out of it.

"Yan Mo, it turned out to be you!"

Luo Tian's complexion slowed down slightly, and then he laughed.

"Can I wear a little less?" Zheng Feng had a pervert expression, and his Adam's apple twitched slightly. The woman from the Demon Race in front of him is really a peerless beauty.

"It's not someone else, you are heartless, you took advantage of your sister and walked away, making people wait a long time." Yan Moxiao's flowery branches trembled wildly, and the two plump lumps on her chest couldn't help shaking.


Except for Huang Jin's wry smile, Chen Lin and Zheng Feng shouted incredulously, "Xiao Yizi, aren't you? I didn't expect your kid to be so clever that even such a strong woman would be so clever. Did you give it?"

"Go on your sister!"

Luo Tian quickly sent a voice transmission to the two, "Be careful, this woman has the power of a devil emperor in her hands!"

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