
Chapter 670 It's You!

The power of the devil emperor?

Chen Lin and Zheng Feng were stunned for a moment, and then Qi Qi's expression turned, the power of the devil emperor, isn't that the power of a fairy king!

"how is this possible?!"

Chen Lin quickly sent a voice transmission to Luo Tiandao, "Little emperor, are you sure she has the power of a fairy in her hands? Have you seen it with your own eyes?"

"That's not true." Luo Tian shook his head lightly, thinking quickly, "Back then, Huang Jin and I were surrounded by several demon masters, and that's what the flamboyant demon revealed when he talked with the other demons. Get the information out!"

"Oh, I see."

Chen Lin rolled his eyes slightly, "That is to say, you didn't see the power of the fairy or feel the terrifying and destructive aura of the power of the fairy?"

Luo Tian nodded and didn't say much.

I don't know how much Chen Lin has gone through, and he even reincarnated once and rebuilt it once. Everyone present, in terms of rich experience, I am afraid no one can compare with him.

After a while.

"Why don't I test this gorgeous demon for a while?" Seeing that Chen Lin frowned slightly and didn't speak, Zheng Feng laughed and said, "The power of the immortal king, let alone his poor clanging demons, even my medicine king None of Gu's core disciples will have it, but those holy sons and saintesses may be given a drop or two by the fairy for emergencies. Don't worry, I have Qingluo gourd in my hand, and forgive these demon cubs. I dare not really kill me, besides, on the battlefield of the genius battle, even if they kill me, I have nothing to lose, at worst, I will withdraw from the genius battle early."

"Little lunatic, don't make a move for now." Chen Lin calmly stared at the immobile Yan Mo in the air, "This Heavenly Demon has unfathomable cultivation, and his real strength should be terrifying. The reason why she didn't make a move may be Still have scruples, or..."

"Waiting for reinforcements!" Luo Tian said with a serious expression.

"Damn it, why don't Xiao Yizi and I kill this little girl directly, out of sight and out of mind, every time we meet her, nothing good will happen!" The icy chill said, "These devil bastards are really like tarsal maggots, it's a headache!"

"Don't be in a hurry, let me test it out." Chen Lin chuckled, then his face changed, and he looked at Yan Mo with a playful smile and said, "This beauty, I don't know what you are trying to do when you suddenly block my way?"

"Giggle cluck..."

Yanmo smiled charmingly, her voice was as if leading, without a hint of obscenity, "You have to ask that handsome little brother next to you, my family fell in love with him at first sight, but unfortunately he fell in love with him." Let go of the slave's cheapness, this heartless person, alas!"

Luo Tian couldn't help being a little dazed, this erotic demon was acting too devotedly, right?Also, now that I have such a face that my grandma doesn't love my uncle, how can I be called handsome by her?Her eyes grow to her buttocks!

Talk nonsense with your eyes open!

Luo Tian couldn't help but snorted coldly.

On the other hand, Yan Mo, from the beginning of the flirtatious evil intentions, suddenly transformed into the appearance of an abandoned and pitiful little resentful woman. If it is an ordinary person, it is really possible to be deceived by her, but Chen Lin's eyesight is so sophisticated, even though Yan Mo Her eyes and heartbeat are well controlled, but there is a bit of ice-cold breath in her blood.

Being able to infer everything about the opponent based on blood changes is another talent that Chen Lin possesses in the inner world besides absolute defense. After all, he was reincarnated and recultivated, which is equivalent to having two souls that have been washed by the fairy world in two lifetimes .

Reincarnation and reconstruction, that is, the seizing of the fairy world.Of course, there is a difference between high and low levels of seizing a house, and a low-level seizing a house just directly occupies the opponent's physical body and cultivation base, thereby making use of it, and finally regaining its original peak strength.However, it is extremely difficult to seize the house at an advanced level. First of all, it requires a powerful person who has great strength and good fortune to use his magical powers to forcibly collect some of the three souls and six souls that have not completely dissipated in the world, and then struggle to find a person who is still in the mother's body. A baby who can already be gifted at an early age must inject these three souls and six souls into the mother's body again before the baby is fully formed.This is equivalent to growing up with double the talent of this person, and then when the baby is fully formed, absorb and refine the three souls and six souls of the other baby in one fell swoop, so that it can be considered as the real growth.After being born, the baby will have a talent that is difficult for ordinary people to reach. It will grow to an extremely powerful level in a short period of time, and when it returns to the peak level, because it has double the talent, its strength will be even stronger. Nearly one floor.

Of course, this kind of reincarnation and reconstruction is tantamount to destroying the righteous path of the cycle of heaven and earth, and they often have to suffer from heaven's punishment and disasters.

Luo Tian knew about reincarnation and recultivation, because there was a bandit fairy living in his body. With such a living Bai Xiaosheng, Luo Tian naturally had no secrets that he didn't know.Of course, what annoys Luo Tian is that the Robber Immortal Lord is a complete gentleman. He may be able to tell you some secrets about the fairy world if he is in a good mood. If he is in a bad mood, he will not be moved even if you die in front of him.

"Hey, you can use a strong one!"

At this time, Chen Lin smiled wretchedly, winked and said.

"I can't help it, this heartless person slipped too fast, I can't control it!" Yan Mo twisted the corner of his clothes with his hands, and looked ashamed when he wanted to speak, looking really pitiful.

Luo Tian, ​​Zheng Feng and Huang Jinqi all rolled their eyes. Although they knew it was fake, the expressions and ambiguous tone of these two people were like a pair of natural adulterers and prostitutes.

"You can threaten him with the power of the devil emperor, if you don't believe him he won't follow you!" Chen Lin said, smacking his chest with confidence.

Yan Mo's expression changed slightly when he heard the words, and he giggled coquettishly and said: "This fellow Taoist is joking, once the power of the devil emperor is used, the power is so powerful, isn't the slave family afraid that the dead man will not be able to bear it, and eventually it will be self-defeating by coincidence! "

Chen Lin took a deep breath, and immediately sent a voice transmission to Luo Tian and the others with a bitter face, "I can guarantee that the chance of Yanmo possessing the power of a fairy king is no more than [-]%!"

"No, are you so sure?"

The three gasped in unison, this guy didn't say anything to Yan Mo, why did he come to a conclusion so quickly.

"Of course, it's also possible that she can't use the power of the fairy king due to some kind of restriction! As long as she doesn't live until the moment of life and death, I believe she won't be able to bear it."

Chen Lin vowed to be authentic.

"It seems useless to say these things now, the Lord is here!"

Suddenly, Luo Tian smiled lightly, and then lightly pointed in a direction completely opposite to Yanmo.


At this time, a certain void suddenly expanded, and then countless apocalyptic breaths turned into a light curtain and spread out directly, and then a smiling demon walked out of the void.

"It turned out to be you!" Luo Tian and Huang Jin's complexions suddenly became a little ugly, it turned out to be the purple-clothed demon, Xuanxian invincible cultivation base!

"Yang Sheng!"

Chen Lin immediately said with a slightly changed face, "If I'm not wrong, there's another person behind this guy..."

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