
Chapter 671

"who is it?"

This time not only Luo Tian, ​​but also Zheng Feng and Huang Jin raised their heads together. Ever since they entered the sixth battlefield to participate in the genius battle, what has always lingered in their hearts is a shadow like a towering giant mountain. Dao Shadow makes them feel difficult to surpass, difficult to figure out, and they don't even know the details of each other.

"It's the person you and my brother are looking for!"

Chen Lin suddenly burst out laughing, "I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it. It turns out that he has been hiding in the dark and never appeared. Could it be that he..."

Luo Tian and Huang Jin looked at each other, and they both exclaimed in surprise: "The place where the treasure is hidden!"

"What charades are you guys playing? Are you still playing?" Huang Jin scratched his head with a headache, looking puzzled.


Luo Tian laughed like thunder, and then moved out instantly, and the next moment, there was an exclamation from Yanmo.

"Dead man, you still want to bully your sister!"

Yanmo's complexion remained unchanged, she smiled coquettishly, and then flicked her sleeves lightly, a huge sky-blue umbrella appeared on top of her head, the umbrella turned slightly, and countless dazzling brilliance shot out from above, these The brilliance exudes the aura of destroying the world like a whirlpool, and with just a slight rotation, countless voids burst and collapsed, and the turbulent flow of those dark spaces is like a fierce beast with teeth and claws, attacking Luo Tian.

"The Seal of Qiankun! Get me back to my original shape!"

Luo Tian let out a low cry, stretched out his left hand, and firmly pressed it down downward. Countless huge green palms appeared in the void, overlapping and intertwining incessantly. From the outside, it was about to The turbulent flow in the vast space directly suppressed it back.

"The law of time!"

Yanmo finally changed her complexion slightly, and then with a shake of her jade hand, she seemed to draw irregular circles in the void. As her jade jade vibrated, the big sky blue umbrella suspended above her head suddenly expanded into a Hundreds of miles wide, it turned out to directly shield and isolate this void.

"Second turn!"

"Third turn!"

Yan Mo's red lips spat out lightly.



Luo Tian, ​​who had just rushed to the front, only felt an extremely dangerous aura coming to his side, then Luo Tian's pupils shrank violently, and the Dark Golden Emperor Spear in his hand trembled violently, trembling thousands of times in an instant, turning into countless A long dark golden dragon fluttered and swelled around with an ear-piercing screaming sound, and finally condensed into a thin dark golden light, which finally disappeared on the big sky blue umbrella above Yanmo's head.


Yan Mo exclaimed, and then the big sky blue umbrella above her head disappeared immediately, and her delicate body flickered, and she retreated thousands of miles away.

Thousands of miles away, Yan Mo looked at Luo Tian from the air with a cloudy complexion, the emotions in his eyes were extremely complicated, and on the arm where she was in the sleeve, a drop of dazzling lavender blood slowly dripped from the white arm. dripping.

The two fought against each other for a short time, and it turned out that Yanmo was overwhelmed by Luo Tian!

"Hehe, at your level, you are suitable for bullying women." Yang Sheng, the purple-clothed demon, smiled lightly. He had been watching with cold eyes. He is a character who is extremely gloomy in the city.

Such a character must be difficult to deal with!

"Yeah, you're right!" Luo Tian nodded in agreement, then scratched his head like Huang Jin, wondering why, "But I don't even have the heart to bully you...what do you think?"


Yang Sheng's eyes turned cold all of a sudden, but he is worthy of being one of the top [-] powerful figures in the Demon Race in Tianwangzhou. Hearing this, it seems that his face just changed, and then he quickly returned to normal color, but his right hand seemed to be inadvertently. With a feminine movement, she gently stroked her long lavender hair.

"Isn't it?"

Huang Jin opened his mouth wide and murmured, "Could it be that this guy wants to seduce Brother Han?"

Chen Lin and Zheng Feng almost didn't go up after hearing the words, and fell directly from the void with a bang.

"At your level, you can actually get a trace of the Twilight Devil Emperor's inheritance?" Luo Tian sneered, stretched out his hand to fish in the void, and at the same time, like phantoms, his palms and arms transformed into several coquettish flowers. purple lotus.

Puff puff!

The purple lotus suddenly burst open in the void, turning into pieces of purple petals that looked like real substance, and finally disappeared into the void slowly and invisible.

The three of Chen Lin and Yan Mo saw very clearly the long lavender hairs in front of Luo Tian that were hidden in the void, and the hair behind them moved in unison.

It turned out that where the purple petals that Luo Tian displayed passed, it seemed that the space where the several lavender long hairs retreated was completely sealed, and then all the lavender long hairs were directly obliterated into ashes.

"Come and don't go indecent, take my trick!"

There was a vague smile on Luo Tian's face, and then the dark golden imperial spear in his hand suddenly disappeared, and his hands swiped up and down, forming an extremely mysterious arc.

"what is this!"

Yang Sheng immediately sensed the changes in the surrounding space, and finally stood still as calmly as a mountain, but the long lavender hair behind him danced like a waterfall flowing straight down.

"Oh, you've been fooled!" Luo Tian laughed sinisterly. Just now he just used a yin-yang seal, not a yin-yang seal, but because the law of yin-yang is too strong, it's still Yang Sheng instinctively realized the danger, so he pretended to be calm on the surface, but in fact, he had already prepared a lot of backhands secretly.

"Take my move, Longmen Nine Waves!"

Luo Tian gently stretched out a finger, pointing at Yang Shengyao.

"This is!"

Yang Sheng's eyes kept changing, and then he kept walking backwards in the void. In the end, the long lavender hair like clouds and waterfalls cut open the void, opened a space portal, and finally sprayed out a mouthful of lavender After the blood, he left in embarrassment.

"I didn't expect him to be related to the Luo family in Xuanhuang Prefecture!"

In the distance, Yan Mo fled away in horror, even unwilling to turn his head.She broke her head and never thought that Han Yi's background was so big that he was related to the Luo family in Xuanhuangzhou!


With a low shout, Chen Lin was about to chase him down from behind.

"Slow down." Luo Tian yelled to stop, "Xiao Linzi, don't chase after the poor, those backhands we arranged just now finally worked."

"How do you say that?!" Chen Lin asked happily.

"If what those people said is true, I'm afraid the treasure land has been opened!"


The next moment, everyone's complexion couldn't help but change drastically.

"Brother Han, where is the hidden treasure?" Huang Jin asked anxiously.

"It seems that the two demons retreated in such a hurry, not because they were afraid of us, but because of the treasure place." Zheng Feng said to himself, "These demons only have interests in their eyes, how can they achieve great things? ?”

Chen Lin gave Zheng Feng a disdainful look, "It's as if you don't have any idea about the treasure land."

"Of course!" Zheng Feng chuckled, "Xiao Yizi, where is the hidden treasure?"

"It seems to be a place called Buddha."

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