
Chapter 673

When it comes to the place of treasure in the battle of geniuses, it is naturally the most important thing in the battle of geniuses. There has never been a war of geniuses where the place of treasure is the ultimate goal. In the place of treasure, it is also possible to fight each other. Coupled with the presence of good luck, those geniuses joined in without any scruples like red-eyed gamblers!

Winning is the favor of the goddess of luck!

The goddess of luck is not even an immortal, but a half-step immortal. How can she bring luck to others? Even ordinary immortals, she can only give more luck.Of course, Goddess of Luck is still quite miraculous about the second and third tier planes, and has been able to faintly change some of the fates of people in the second and third tier planes, but the success rate is not high.

Luo Tian heard all these from the Immortal Robber, and from the disdainful tone of the Immortal Robber, it seemed that he looked down on the old lady, the Goddess of Luck.However, what gave Luo Tian a headache was that this guy was a typical braggart, his eyes were always above his head, and it seemed that in his mouth, few people could make him take a look.

The old guy is definitely very popular!

Luo Tian thought silently like this.

"It's really weird."

At this time, Zheng Feng pinched his fingers and calculated there for a long while, then shook his head and smiled wryly, "As expected of a place where treasures are hidden, with my calculation ability, I was annihilated in the bud by several irresistible forces before I got close to the Tathagata Pure Land , Such methods really make people feel unconfident!"

Huang Jin pursed his lips at the side, watching the scene in the Xuanguang mirror that Luo Tian had transformed into, silently.

"Then just wait." Luo Tian chuckled, "Even though we came here late these days, we will definitely not be late. There must be geniuses who arrive earlier than us, and there will naturally be those who arrive later than us. "

"Damn, Xiao Yizi is the most wretched!" Chen Lin looked up to the sky and sighed, "Brother Yu is really no match for you in this respect!"

Luo Tian rolled his eyes when he heard the words, "Why don't you give it a try, Xiao Linzi, we don't mind."

"Yeah, I don't mind, I don't mind." Zheng Feng nodded repeatedly.

"I, I don't mind either!"

"I mind!" Chen Lin raised his head slightly, with a domineering expression on his face, "How can you laymen understand such a handsome, honest and reliable little man like my brother? Huh?"

"That, I said." Huang Jin scratched his head, and then began to wink at Zheng Feng viciously.

Zheng Feng immediately geared up and said with a quack laugh: "Xiao Linzi, we all know that you are a top-notch boy who relies on your face for food. My brother is very jealous! I want to adjust your appearance to make you more satisfied!"

"Secondary!" Luo Tian smiled faintly.

"No, no need!" Chen Ling smiled dryly and shook his hands, "Brother, I am already very satisfied now, I can't be more satisfied, if you are satisfied, I will just wipe my neck and kill myself when you see my brother, hehe..."

"Ready to fight..." Zheng Feng stared at a dark eye socket and was about to rush forward to avenge him.

"and many more!"

At this time, Luo Tian's expression changed, and he shouted in a low voice, "Hide quickly, someone is coming!"

"Leave it to me!" Chen Lin patted his chest, quickly took out a consumable fairy treasure that could temporarily cover the aura and figure of the four people, and directly chanted the formula silently and kneaded it into powder.

"Top-grade consumable fairy treasure!"

Huang Jin's eyeballs almost fell out of their sockets. This guy is too rich. He used a high-grade consumable fairy treasure directly without blinking his eyes. It's a typical example of riches and magnanimity.

"Don't be surprised." Zheng Feng patted Huang Jin on the shoulder, "To Xiao Linzi, this is just a drop in the bucket, nothing more."

"... "


Just as Luo Tian and the others disappeared, three powerful auras flew over from high in the sky, hovered carelessly in the air for a while, and finally crashed into the treasure place in front of them.

"Do not talk!"

Chen Lin transmitted the sound to the three of them very carefully.

Sure enough, after a while, those three powerful auras appeared from the sky again, and they glanced around with brilliance in their eyes before leaving.

"These three guys are quite cautious." Zheng Feng stretched his waist and said, "Fortunately, there is Xiao Linzi covering us."

"By the way, little lunatic, are your confidante friends doomed?" Luo Tian said lightly.

"Help me!" Zheng Feng smiled wryly, "Do you think that once the news about the treasure land is spread, do those guys still have time to deal with a few women? Unless their brains are burnt out..."

"Then you don't want to accompany your confidante?" Chen Lin winked.

"I won't accompany you anymore. You are too charming. Once you get entangled by those women, you know..."

"We don't understand!" The three of Luo Tian shouted in unison, and immediately burst out laughing.


"Damn it! It was really dangerous just now!"

The four of Luo Tian looked at each other, and then Qi Qi began to wipe off their sweat. Just now, the four of them discovered a rather powerful golden fairy passing by. Fortunately, the four of them hid in time, otherwise there would be a lot of trouble.Since those golden immortals dared to come to the treasure place alone, they must be quite confident in their own strength, and this kind of person is more difficult for Luo Tian and the others to deal with.

Finally, Jinxian joined in!

Luo Tian's eyes were like knives, and the two black vortexes in the depths of his pupils slowly turned, and finally withdrew his gaze.

"Guys, I think we need to speed up. According to my observations in the past few days, there are only two entrances to the treasure trove this time, one of which is one big and one small. The one that came out. And the small entrance seems to be more popular now, at least, most of the things we encounter enter the treasure land through the small entrance, I think there must be something strange in it." Luo Tian pondered for a while, and just now Said slowly.

"In addition to not wanting to expose his whereabouts prematurely, it may be that there are many dangers inside the big entrance." Chen Lin quickly came to a conclusion.

"I think so too." Huang Jin said.

"I choose the big entrance!"

Unexpectedly, Zheng Feng was the first to express his opinion.

"I also choose the big entrance." After a while, Luo Tian also spoke slowly.

In the end, the four of Luo Tian still chose the big entrance. At least, the treasure subway this time must be a small secret place that has never been explored before. Since it has not been explored, no matter which entrance you go, the result will be the same , is good or bad, only depends on luck.

Next, Luo Tian and the others quickly entered it from the large entrance of the treasure land, but after entering it, they felt that their breathing was a little stagnant, and they thought that it might be the treasure land, which is the prohibition in the pure land of Tathagata in front of them. The magic circle began to work.

But what happened next made Luo Tian and the others dumbfounded.

"It's a joke!"

Chen Lin's face twitched for a long time before he spit out these few words.

There are mountains, rivers, bamboos and stones in front of the four of them, but these mountains and rivers, bamboos and stones obviously have a strong aura. These mountains, rivers, bamboos and stones have still been cultivated into monsters, and their spiritual wisdom has been opened!

Something is wrong.

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