
Chapter 674 Void Sword Cave

It is hard to imagine that in the pure land of the Tathagata, except for the heaven and earth, the law, and the power, everything else seems to be turned into spirits. It's all very early.

"Damn! This is impossible!" Chen Lin's eyes widened suddenly and he sent a voice transmission to the three of Luo Tian, ​​"Look, look at that Xuanyin Immortal Grass, grandma's, I can guarantee that it will be born It’s definitely not more than 200 years now, and it’s already vaguely about to reach the bottleneck of transformation, which is simply unbelievable!”

"It's really a bit too unusual!" Zheng Feng stared carefully at the silver-gray fairy grass that was less than one foot tall, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

Luo Tian's complexion changed.

Only Huang Jin, who didn't understand anything about everything in front of him, was confused and confused, but it was obvious that Luo Tian and the other three were there, so Huang Jin wasn't too worried, instead he looked carefree. The state of innocent children.

Luo Tian and the three of them were extremely jealous.

"As long as those who don't take the initiative to provoke us, let them go." After a long time, Luo Tian was the first to speak out, and his eyes shot out coldly, as if he could see through the countless voids in the distance in an instant. There, Luo Tian felt a little uneasy in his heart. He seems to feel that there is a terrifying energy storm that sweeps everything and annihilates everything, and it is slowly condensing into shape. Once it takes shape, most of the geniuses who entered the Tathagata Pure Land this time will be deeply trapped in it, and the consequences will be quite tragic.

"Anyone who takes the initiative to provoke us and refuses to give up will be killed quickly!"

After finishing speaking, a strange purple cloud suddenly appeared under Luo Tian's feet. Looking carefully, the whole cloud was completely composed of hair-like purple sword energy. Purple clouds, riding the wind and waves all the way, none of those monsters dared to provoke Luo Tian, ​​and Chen Lin and the three behind Luo Tian were amazed.

Of course, with the supernatural powers and methods of Chen Lin and the three of them, the ghosts outside the Tathagata Pure Land are more difficult for ordinary Xuanxians, but for the three of them, there is no resistance.

Chi Chi Chi!

At this time, the purple cloud under Luo Tian's feet suddenly changed, and an astonishing sword energy as thick as a bucket was sprayed out from it, sweeping away in the air, shaking the void violently, like throwing several bullets on the calm water in an instant. Pebbles are average.

"Human! Get out of here! Otherwise you will regret it!"

A desolate and old voice resounded through the void, and then the entire sky was instantly blacked out, and then dazzling black flames appeared in the entire sky as far as the eye could see, and finally these flames joined together one after another, forming a An extremely wide sea of ​​flames slowly fell from the void.

As the ocean of flames kept falling in the void, the air burned up, sending out waves of light smoke.

"This guy has some skills."

Chen Lin stared blankly at the sea of ​​flames falling from above his head, and said calmly, as if everything around him had nothing to do with him, and then he looked at Luo Tian with a light smile, "Xiao Yizi, are you still worried that we have no way out?"

Luo Tian smiled wryly and said, "I didn't expect you to know this long ago! That's right, since we just entered the Pure Land of Tathagata, I have already discovered this problem, but it's too late to regret it, so I have to bite the bullet and lead you to move forward."

"What's the matter!" Zheng Feng waved his hand, and said proudly, "Everyone agreed to enter the Tathagata Pure Land back then, and it's not because you insisted on going your own way. Even if we die here, we can't blame you."

"En!" Huang Jin nodded heavily.

"Damn your sister!" Luo Tian yelled very unhappily, "Little lunatic, you have a crow's mouth. With this little monster in front of you, what do you think you can do to win us?"

Zheng Feng squeezed his chin and said, "Why do I feel that the flame monster in front of me is not so easy to deal with?"

"Please!" Chen Linkuang rolled his eyes, "Just because you are difficult to deal with does not mean that others are also difficult to deal with, okay? Don't worry, Xiao Yizi can definitely deal with him easily..."

Hearing this, Luo Tian couldn't help having a headache and said: "It's not difficult to solve it, but the region where it is located has extremely strong restrictions. If we don't injure its original real body, I'm afraid it will relentlessly kill us..."

"That's right." Huang Jin said this time, with a depressed expression on his face, "Spirits have always been so stubborn to the point of heinously, these guys are simply pedantic and stubborn, it's very frustrating. People have a headache!"

"Well, leave the restriction to me and the little lunatic." Chen Lin thought for a moment, then waved his hand, "Xiao Yizi, you and Huang Jin are responsible for attracting that guy's attention."

"Attractive ass!" Luo Tian shouted very depressed, "This guy's original real body is still tens of thousands of miles away, and it is obvious that the nearby spirits are in cahoots with him, this kind of killing life in the pure land of Tathagata, you don't care Get rid of it quickly!"

"Hey, Xiao Yizi, you have to believe that those who can do more work, who made you the toughest, fiercest and most brutal among the four of us!" Chen Lin sighed helplessly, "Besides, you know how to crack Is that a ban?"

"Depend on!"

With one sentence, Chen Lin hit Luo Tian's weakness.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'll go first."

Luo Tian is not a sloppy person. After speaking a somersault, he flew straight into the air. The purple clouds under his feet gathered more and more during his flying, and finally, when Luo Tian flew from below to high above, it vaguely turned into a handle. The shocking sword pierced straight into the depths of the sky.


There seemed to be countless shrill howls coming from the depths of Yunxiao, and they all disappeared in the end.

"Good trick!"

Huang Jin followed closely behind, and with a sway of his body, the main body of the Qingtian giant clan directly appeared, which was as high as hundreds of feet. With just a slight movement of the whole body, the wind howled in the void.

Bang bang bang!

Huang Jin was more casual than Luo Tian. He stretched out his big hand and slapped the void at will. Each palm slapped with an irresistible force and struck through the air. There were deafening waves one after another in the void. There was a loud noise, as if the void was about to collapse.

"What a void world! What a pure land of Tathagata!"

In the depths of the sky, Luo Tian wore a white robe rustling, laughing wildly like thunder, and kept making ten thousand seals in the void with both hands, constantly dispelling those Buddhist auras, as long as these endless Buddhist auras were wiped out and refined , the origin of the survival of those spirits is tantamount to being cut off, and it is not surprising that the spirits will not be surprised at that time.

Countless Buddhist auras were absorbed and refined by Luo Tian's Wan Dao Seal, and after those Buddhist auras in the void were refined, there was an extremely domineering aura looming.

"That is?!"

Luo Tian's expression froze for a moment. If he saw it right, there was a black pit sealed in that place, in the majestic Pure Land of Tathagata, and the restrictions around the pit had been corroded a lot.

"It's sword energy! Who is this person? How could he use a sword energy to stay in the Tathagata's Pure Land?" Luo Tian was horrified, "And it turned into a sword cave, which even the Tathagata's Pure Land couldn't destroy. "

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