
Chapter 675 Cooperation

Luo Tian was in the high sky, and found that there were more and more black flames.

But the more so, the more certain Luo Tian felt in his heart, this is where he really wanted to come, and where the real source of the black flames was.

chi chi-

Soon, a faintly visible thread of transparent flame wrapped around Luo Tian's finger suddenly retracted into his body and disappeared without a trace.

"To make Fumo Ganghuo unresponsive, could it be that this black flame is the Buddha's supernatural power?" Luo Tian thought in his heart.


duh duh!

At this time, Luo Tian's complexion changed slightly, because he saw a huge black cloud flying in the distant sky at a glance, and he couldn't help being a little shocked when he cast the sky-swallowing spiritual eye to look over.


Where is a huge black cloud, it is clearly an army of spirits and monsters!

It looks like there are at least hundreds of thousands of spirit monsters!

The army of spirits and monsters was then divided into two teams, each of them shouted in unison, and then rushed towards where Luo Tian was standing desperately.

Although the combined number of countless races in the fairy world is enough to make Luo Tian collapse, but this is the first time Luo Tian has encountered such a scene in his lifetime!

Hundreds of thousands of troops rushed towards a single person, what a shocking scene it was!

Luo Tian couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling. Even though he was extremely talented, in just over a thousand years, he possessed a combat power comparable to that of ordinary golden immortals, but he was still unstoppable in the face of hundreds of thousands of troops. Qifeng, even, if this army of spirits and monsters advances and retreats with both offense and defense, Luo Tian is likely to fall among them.


After 400 years of crazily plundering the demon race and some rival races of the human race with the old man Luo Yun, Luo Tian is considered a rich man among immortals of the same level of cultivation, but facing an army of hundreds of thousands of spirits, he can't afford it .Even if he exerted thirty times the combat power, he could kill hundreds or even thousands of spirit monsters with one move, but there was an army of hundreds of thousands in front of him, and there was still an endless stream of spirit monsters behind, and it seemed that there were reinforcements to come in .

Thinking that he was going to face an army of millions of spirits, Luo Tian felt dizzy several times.


Down below, Huang Jin, who had transformed into a full body, had just turned his head, but was shocked by the scene in front of him. He just froze for a moment, and then retracted his head the size of a millstone.

"Brother Han, you are so fierce! Brother, I am willing to bow down! Looking forward to your performance!"

After leaving a sentence, Huang Jin ran away without any morale.

"I'm looking forward to your sister!" Luo Tian smiled wryly, looking at the approaching army of spirits and monsters, Luo Tian only had one thought in his mind, fifteen minutes should be enough for Chen Lin and Zheng Feng, then I will procrastinate. last quarter of an hour.

Opening his hands slightly, Luo Tian directly drew [-]% of the celestial power of a second-order spirit vein, and then used the Yin-Yang seal. The Yin-Yang seal cuts the space invincibly, and can temporarily divide Yin and Yang, so it must be able to delay for a while.

"yin and yang-…"

It is a pity that the development direction of the next thing is completely beyond Luo Tian's cognition.

In the high sky, the black flame that burns everywhere except for the law of space and other high-level avenues seems to have found a vent, and in an instant, thousands of feet of black flames are rolled up, towards the army of spirits and monsters rushing Knocked down, just one blow, the black flames engulfed at least a thousand monsters, and the next scene made Luo Tian dumbfounded.

I saw that the spirits directly wrapped in the black flames, not only did not show pained expressions and turned into fly ash, but all of them had expressions of extreme enjoyment, and their bodies changed rapidly under the bath of black flames. , and soon became extremely hard, and the aura became stronger and stronger. According to the development of this situation, these army of spirit monsters can at least double their combat effectiveness.

Now it is speculated that the army of spirit monsters has nearly a million, and if the combat power is doubled, Luo Tian will have to face twice the army of spirit monsters just now!

"Durable Buddha Flame! Damn, you troublemaker, how did you offend those bald guys from the Buddhist sect?"

Just when Luo Tian was at a loss what to do, the roar of the Bandit Immortal Lord suddenly rang in Luo Tian's mind, the sound was so loud that it almost deafened Luo Tian.

"My lord, if you want to scold me, you have to separate them first. Could it be that I caused trouble on my own initiative? I'm full and have nothing to do? Do you want to bully the crowd?"

Luo Tian defended with a mournful face.

"Hmph! You've always been full, brat!"

The Robber Xianjun snorted coldly, shouted tit for tat, and then fell silent for a moment, "But it's okay, you kid has a chance, don't worry, the deity has already calculated it, this time you are just out of danger, want to do it!" Just let go and do it, hahaha!"

The robber Xianjun laughed wildly and closed the fourth sky domain of the Black Lotus Space.

"Damn, didn't this old guy deliberately trick me?" Luo Tian kept rolling his eyes, staring at the army of spirits and monsters in the distance, while digesting what the robber fairy said.

"Does this deity need to cheat you? It's better to do it directly if you want to cheat you!"

Suddenly, the roar of the Robber Xianjun resounded in Luo Tian's mind.

"..." Luo Tian was speechless immediately, this old guy still has the habit of listening to walls, it's really hard to guard against.

"You kid has always thought that your swordsmanship is good, don't you?" Robber Xianjun didn't know what happened today, and he talked a lot, "As long as you rush into that sword cave, you will naturally be able to learn the supreme swordsmanship method !"

Luo Tian suddenly trembled all over his body, with cold sweat pouring down his head, he stammered: "Senior, you, don't tease me, then, just standing here in that sword cave, I can feel a wave of shock. A breath that is difficult to approach, but still rushing in... There is only one end for rushing in, and that is to die."

"Hey, I can't die, I can't die." The Robber Xianjun chuckled, "In addition to a peerless sword intent sealed in the sword cave, there is another thing you want most, I am sure you will be interested .”

"What is it? Seniors might as well tell me to take a look!" Luo Tian said hastily.

"Damn, you are a typical kid who doesn't see rabbits and doesn't scatter eagles, and never does things that are not beneficial. This stinking problem, I really like it!" The Robber Immortal praised.

Is this a compliment or a detriment to me!

Luo Tian couldn't help rolling his eyes, and said with an apologetic smile: "Senior, please tell me some news, I am very grateful!"

"You don't need to be grateful to the deity, it's just that you need to do one thing for the deity a hundred years after the end of this genius battle." The robber fairy said lightly.

It’s tricky!

Luo Tian had a look on his face, grandma, this is obviously a big loss for me, and said quickly: "Senior, it is not impossible to promise you, but it must be within the scope of the boy's ability, otherwise I dare not die, give it to me Don't do it for the great benefit!"

"Knowing that you are extremely cunning, don't worry, you can definitely do this, and this deity can guarantee it!"

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