
Chapter 678


Luo Tian was in the middle of the sky, and he felt the ground shaking, the surrounding space kept breaking and collapsing, and then Luo Tian realized that he seemed to be in an uncontrollable world, and this world was wandering everywhere. Thick earth-gray elements, these earth-gray elements kept merging and separating, and finally flew out continuously, and the target was the endless dark black mountain land below.

Countless mountains and land were ravaged by the tyrannical power of these earth-gray elements, landslides and ground cracks, countless high mountains were either split from the center, or broken from half the waist, and so on.Cracks appeared densely on the ground like a spider web, and eventually shook the sky or sank deep into the ground, countless water waves gushed out of it, and finally became an inconspicuous little wave.

Whoosh whoosh!

The terrified Luo Tian moved several times in the air, and just now avoided a disaster that was impossible for ordinary people to escape.

"Damn, my life is not guaranteed here!"

In Luo Tian's heart, he was about to scold the robber Xianjun to death. This old guy knew how to use force, and he didn't consider any of his feelings at all. Could this kind of situation be handled by himself as a Xuanxian?Even if Jinxian came here, he might fall here if he was not careful.But the matter has come to this point, Luo Tian no longer complains, the only belief in his heart at the moment is to survive in this world as much as possible, and it is best to refine the origin of the soil smoothly, otherwise this transaction will be quite a loss big.


Countless huge boulders are flying around in the sky. Apart from dodging in embarrassment, Luo Tian can only occasionally smash the boulders that hit him head-on. not enough.

"The front is where the source of the earth is sealed, you have to work hard!"

When Luo Tian was dodging in embarrassment, the lazy words of the robber fairy came from the fourth heaven of the Black Lotus Space, causing Luo Tian to hear a sudden surge of unknown anger in his heart, mother, this time again I don't believe you, an old guy, you always cheat me.


Luo Tian wailed again in his heart, Immortal Robber, you old man, do this trick again!


When Luo Tian was suffering in the mysterious sword cave, Chen Lin and Zheng Feng, the two wretched fellows, had relatively smoothly destroyed all the prohibition circles set up by the ghost hidden in the dark, and even the two of them Qiqi did not hesitate to use some real secret methods, directly shocking the original real body of the spirit monster hidden in the distance into serious injuries, but they wanted to trace it back to the source and completely kill it, the two of them could not do it for the time being. arrive.Of course, even if the two of them could do it, it would have to pay a considerable price.In the current situation, the two of them would naturally not choose to do so.

Huang Jin, on the other hand, is the most depressed one among the four. Originally, he transformed into a real body below and was constantly blasting away those black flames, but with the success of Chen Lin and Zheng Feng, those black flames suddenly disappeared. The child retreated cleanly, without any warning in advance.But after the black flames faded, Luo Tian was abducted into the mysterious sword cave by the robber Xianjun. What Huang Jin had to face was an army of millions of spirits...

"My bitch!"

When Huang Jin saw that things had suddenly turned into the present situation, his expression changed drastically and he turned around and ran away without the slightest hesitation.It's just a pity that Huang Jin, as a human race, is a giant who is famous for his great strength in the fairy world. In terms of speed, he is quite at the bottom of the fairy world.

In the end, he didn't run very far, poor Huang Jin was surrounded by endless monsters. In desperation, Huang Jin had no choice but to open his mouth and spit out a mace. The mace swelled in the wind, and soon It was about to grow to a size of hundreds of feet. Huang Jin held it with both hands and swept it out forcefully. The spirit is strange, could it be that the bones and tendons are broken, the limbs are broken, and the body is broken.

"The Violent Jade Chi Demon!"

Huang Jin was so angry that he opened his mouth and shouted like thunder, the vibrating void trembled unceasingly, and a phantom of a white strange beast flew out of his celestial cap. Once this phantom appeared, it immediately transformed into It was more than a thousand feet in size, and then the phantom opened its mouth and sprayed, and countless pieces of jade-like brilliance rushed out, trapping many spirits directly, and then swallowed them into the mouth at once, chewing stand up.



The ghosts saw the death of their kind in such a miserable state, they couldn't help screaming, and angrily rushed towards Huang Jin without thinking about his own body, as if they were dying.

Ka Ka Ka!

Huang Jin was shocked by the wave of spirit monsters with a bitter face, and there were several cracks on the mace in his hand. This fairy treasure is just an ordinary item among middle-grade fairy artifacts, and it simply cannot be used by so many spirit monsters. Supported under impact for too long.


Suddenly, Huang Jin's face changed, and then he threw the mace directly, and let out a low drink, this middle-grade fairy treasure directly exploded in the crowd of spirit monsters, killing at least tens of thousands of spirit monsters in one blow.

Ding Ding!

Without hesitation, Huang Jin took out the dagger Immortal Treasure that he had used in front of Luo Tian with his backhand, and directly slashed thousands of times at the void behind him, countless bright brilliance like bright moons turned into cold lights The blade swirled out from the void, and most of the spirits and monsters it passed were hard to handle. They were cut into several sections at once, and the green and colorful internal organs splashed down from the air one after another.

"Humans, if you dare to kill my people, take your life!"


In the void in the distance, several brilliant rays of light appeared directly. These rays of light hovered in the void, and quickly landed in front of Huang Jin. With a loud roar, they shot at Huang Jin again and again.

If it is said that Chen Lin and Zheng Feng really didn't rush over to help Huang Jin on purpose?No, it's just because the two of them are blocked by several powerful spirits at this moment, and they can't escape in a short time.

The spirits and monsters that stopped Chen Lin and the two were all invincible cultivation bases of Xuanxian, and it was difficult for the two of them to deal with them.


Two days later, a strange buzzing sound suddenly came from the mysterious sword cave, and then a white light and shadow flew out of it quickly. As he flew out, there was an unknown number of years of mysterious sword cave behind him. collapse.

"it hurts!"

The white light and shadow is exactly Luo Tian who has refined the origin of the earth, and now he has cultivated into the five-element holy body. His physical toughness has been promoted to the pinnacle of a high-grade immortal weapon, and his cultivation has also soared to the invincible level of a mysterious immortal. Realm, the benefits brought are naturally great.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Luo Tian raised his eyelids, and found a thin man who looked like a stroll in the garden appeared in front of him. Under the brilliance in the man's eyes, the light was faintly visible, giving people a breathtaking and strange power.

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