
Chapter 679 1 Punch 1

"wait for me?"

Luo Tian shrugged his shoulders, and said lightly, "Forgive me, it seems that I was neither close nor old acquaintance with Your Excellency before, what are you waiting for me?"

"Waiting to take your life." The skinny man smiled slightly, "You human beings who can never be satisfied with greed, when the ten thousand races fought against our spirit race, we did a great job, but I didn't expect that you would repay your kindness, and in the end we had to Submit to the Buddhist sect and linger on, leaving the glory of your three major races to last forever in the fairy world, why!"

Seeing the skinny man getting more and more excited as he talked, Luo Tian had no choice but to say, "Please, man, are you joking? Some big shots rejected your ghost clan, go to them to settle accounts, I have something to do with you." Half of the Immortal Essence Stone? Huh?"

A hint of anger appeared on the thin man's face, and he yelled: "I don't care, as long as they are members of the three major races, they will be shot to death!"

"Do you have this ability?" Luo Tian tidied up his clothes in a leisurely manner, "I'm afraid your ghost race is far worse than the monster race in terms of poverty. Why do you fight me? Blow me to death with your mouth ?”


Lean and masculine, his face was flushed. In terms of eloquence, how could he be Luo Tian's opponent? Luo Tian is a typical talent who can bring life to life.

Sure enough, the thin man didn't want to say more than half a sentence to Luo Tian anymore, so he got up directly, and clapped his two palms together. In an instant, his two palms changed into the size of two hills. He slammed down on Luo Tian fiercely.

"The strength is too poor."

With his hands behind his back, Luo Tian squinted his eyes at the lean man who jumped down, sighed softly and shook his head.

"Give me death!"

The lean man's lungs were about to explode, and with a roar, his speed was even faster by three points.

Next, an incredible scene happened!

I saw that the thin man's palm, which was as big as two hills, was three feet away from Luo Tian's body, as if he had encountered an insurmountable obstacle, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move any further.

"Exercise all the strength of breastfeeding, I can bear it."

Luo Tian winked with a smirk all over his face, with a relaxed and happy expression.

"I'm mad at me too!"

The thin man immediately went crazy, swung out his hands like two hills, and slapped Luo Tian viciously, making loud noises.But no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't break through to within three feet of Luo Tian.


The lean man finally killed him for half an hour. He was so tired that he was out of breath, and he couldn't make any real progress. There was a trace of panic in his heart. Is this fucking human?Even if it is the flesh body of the monster race, I am afraid it is not so terrifying, right?

"Have you played enough?" Luo Tian teased with a smile, "Then it's my turn."

After speaking, Luo Tian kicked it out.

The kick that Luo Tian kicked gave the skinny man the feeling that a huge mountain that could not be seen was crushed down.


The thin man was finally trampled down by Luo Tian's foot, and he was directly crushed into a puddle of flesh and blood. Before the Yuanshen even had time to escape, he was directly ingested by Luo Tian into the world inside his body and refined by the Jinghong Dao went.

"Damn, why am I so fierce now?" Luo Tian was also taken aback by the results in front of him. Although he knew that his five elements were now unified and his physical body and cultivation had greatly improved, he didn't expect that, A strong spirit monster in the invincible state of Xuanxian died when he couldn't even catch one of his own moves.

After being stunned for a moment, Luo Tian patted his forehead suddenly, "By the way, I almost forgot Xiao Linzi and the three of them."

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian shot into the void like lightning.

"It's really bad luck!"

At this moment, Huang Jin was eating Coptis chinensis like a dumb man, he was really suffering and couldn't tell, he was facing the army of millions of spirits by himself, and he was really too soft to kill.Even so, he had only killed half of the ghosts in the past few days, but he was about to be unable to support himself, and [-]% of the spirit veins in his body had been consumed, which really made Huang Jin burst into tears. My flesh hurts and my heart bleeds.

Bang bang bang!

Seeing another wave of ghosts rushing up, Huang Jin had no choice but to cheer up and meet them.

"My spirit veins!"

Just as Huang Jin howled, he found that the surrounding situation seemed a little strange.

Rubbing his eyes hard, Huang Jin couldn't help being in a daze for a while, how is it possible?Just now I saw a large group of spirit monsters rushing up, why did they all disappear in an instant?

"Hey, Xiao Huanghuang, you shameless guy, why don't you come over to thank some brothers!"

Huang Jin's heart was shocked, and he followed the source of the voice. When he saw who was coming, he couldn't help but burst into tears, "Brother Han, you are here, these sesame seed cakes are exhausting me to death!"

"I see that you had a lot of fun beating these monsters. How can you look tired?" Luo Tian chuckled.

"Brother Han, you're taking revenge, absolutely taking revenge on me!" Huang Jin looked distraught and miserable, hugging Luo Tian with snot and tears in his arms, refusing to let go.

"... "

Luo Tian couldn't help rolling his eyes wildly, and kicked Huang Jin away, "Get out! I don't like short sleeves!"

"I don't like it either..." Huang Jin exclaimed aggrievedly.

"Let's talk, you abandoned your allies, how can I make up for my severely injured heart?" Luo Tian chuckled, "How about this, when we leave the battlefield of the genius battle, you go invite me to visit the cold moon star?"

"Is it possible to change another condition? The price of Han Yuexing's sesame seed cakes is too high!" Huang Jin's eyes darkened, and he almost fainted.


"Then you should sell me!"

"..." Luo Tian was very speechless, "I'm too lazy to tease you, my brother is going to save Xiao Linzi and the little madman from the fire and water, you can play slowly by yourself, I will go!"

"Wait for me!" Huang Jin showed the fastest speed in his life, and immediately grabbed Luo Tian's sleeve, "Brother Han, don't abandon me!"

"Let go!" Luo Tian yelled ferociously, "If you don't let me go, I'll kick you back and smash you to death with the army of ghosts!"



It's strange to say that after Luo Tian cultivated into the Five Elements Saint Body, those spirit monsters with lower cultivation levels dared not approach him, and only some spirit monsters with higher cultivation levels dared to bully him, but even Luo Tian Tian couldn't stop every move, so he went to feed Jinghongdao.

One punch one!

Huang Jin stared at Luo Tian in a daze. How come Brother Han's cultivation level has improved so much again in just a few days?This is simply too perverted, right?

"Hahaha, you two guys should obediently hand over the things on your body, so I don't want the tripod order, let you linger for a while, otherwise, I will definitely 'serve' you two! "

"Being your mother's spring and autumn dream!"

Chen Lin and Zheng Feng worked together to display a series of restraining circles, and shouted with a somewhat ugly expression.

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