
Chapter 680 Defying the sky with 9 heavy waves, killing the primordial spirit

"What kind of supernatural power is this, it can increase the combat power by nearly ten times!"

Tianwangzhou Jinxian was dumbfounded at once, but he is a Daluo Jinxian after all, and the Daluo law around him keeps surging. The starlight Taoist robe on him is almost at the level of a half-saint fairy weapon, even if he is a Xuan Xian Wudi can exert ten times the combat power, and if he dies, it is only equivalent to the strength of ten Xuanxian Wudi. As a real big Luo Jinxian, he can still cope with it, and at most he will suffer some injuries.

In fact, Jinxian of Tianwangzhou didn't know that Luo Tian was displaying a full 400 times the combat power, because Luo Tian knew that on the entire sixth battlefield, his every move was likely to be watched by those big figures watching the show behind the scenes Therefore, when he performed the void assassination technique, he had already displayed thirty times the combat power, and the moment he stepped out of the void, he had already forcibly suppressed his breath to the level of ten times the combat power. The change of breath is also one of the methods that old man Luo Yun taught him during the [-] years of special training in the dark.

"court death?"

Luo Tian's Dark Golden Emperor Spear pierced directly, and the whole body of the spear trembled more violently. It seemed that the attack power Luo Tian had almost reached the limit it could bear. After using the Dark Gold Emperor Spear to a certain extent, this high-grade fairy weapon will be scrapped and turned into a pile of scrap copper and rotten iron.

What makes Luo Tian even more depressed is that with his current physical cultivation, the number of times he can display 27 times the combat power will never exceed ten times. Although he can use [-] times the combat power before, don't underestimate how many times this is. The resulting three times the combat power is a qualitative change. The spiritual energy that needs to be consumed and the backlash that the physical body has to bear can be extremely astonishing.

As an ordinary person, even a monster with a strong physical body, it is extremely difficult to withstand the backlash of thirty times their combat power. I am afraid that it will only take three times at most, and the physical body will not be able to continue.The Demon Race is estimated to be twice, and the Human Race may only be able to cast it once.

The physical gap will always be a gap.Even if one has cultivated to the level of a fairy king, the physical body of a fairy king of the human race is far less tough than that of a fairy king of the monster race. This is the reason.But the Taoism supernatural power of the human race is the best in the entire fairy world.

Ka Ka Ka!

Luo Tian's blow has reached the limit of what he can do so far.The tip of the Dark Golden Emperor Spear unscrupulously penetrated the precious light protecting the Golden Immortal at the outermost edge of Tianwang State, and directly collided with the gorgeous starlight, making a burst of shocking noise, as if metal and iron were clanging together.

"How can it be so strong?!"

A tinge of astonishment finally emerged in the heart of Jinxian of Tianwangzhou. He never thought that a Xuanxian could display such astonishing combat power. Almost at the same time, he even thought of a way in his mind. If you go out, you must find this guy, search this guy's soul and refine his spirit, and get his magical powers and secrets that can increase his combat power by ten times. As long as he gets this secret, I'm afraid he will be considered a strong man at the peak of Da Luo Jinxian , can also have enough self-protection power.

Boom boom boom!

In the next scene, the Tianwangzhou Golden Immortal didn't realize until his death that an invincible Immortal Immortal was able to kill a Da Luo Golden Immortal!

A sneer slowly emerged from the corner of Luo Tian's mouth, and he sipped in a low voice: "Nine waves against the sky!"

The Heaven-Defying Nine Layers of Waves is, of course, the supernatural power taught to Luo Tian by the old man Luo Yun. Of course, in Luo Tian's own opinion, this supernatural power seems to have reached the category of the highest supernatural power in the fairy world. If you cultivate this supernatural power to the extreme, you can Instantly cast the nine-fold amplitude, of course, the nine-fold amplitude itself has no attack power, but can increase the caster's attack nine times!

That is to say, after Luo Tian unleashes the Heaven-Defying Nine Layers of Waves, he can unleash nine times and thirty times the combat power at the same time!

Of course, with Luo Tian's current level, he can only play triple play.Triple Chong is already Luo Tian's limit!

The next moment, the entire void exploded directly. The force of the explosion was enough to make Luo Tian tremble with fear. The starlight around the Golden Immortal of Tianwang State swayed violently, like a candlelight in a strong wind, instantly reaching the end of his life!

"Cough cough..."

A violent coughing sound came out from the void, and Luo Tian's Tuntian spiritual eyes immediately saw the distressed appearance of the Golden Immortal of Tianwangzhou. He saw that the Starlight Taoist robe he was wearing at this moment was extremely tattered, and his chest and abdomen were even more torn. There were several deep holes, and the abdomen was completely empty, and the legs and feet were blown to pieces by Luo Tian's fierce attack!

"How many years, how many years, you are the first Xuanxian who forced me to such a situation!" Jinxian of Tianwangzhou laughed and said, his face was extremely pale, "However, after I recover from my injuries, I will definitely take it with my own hands. You are headed!"

After finishing speaking, the remaining half of the Golden Immortal of Tianwangzhou began to fade slowly, gradually dissipating into the air.

"Grandma, you biscuit, do you think you can escape by burning your lifespan?!"

At the critical moment, when Luo Tian was preparing to make a move, the three of Chen Lin arrived. Chen Lin laughed wildly, and directly shot out several consumable immortal treasures. Zheng Feng spurted out a mouthful of blood, and directly sacrificed Qing Luo Calabash, suppress it directly.

Huang Jin was the most direct, this treasure even directly summoned the Violent Jade Chi-monster, instantly swung countless rounds of bright moons, and beheaded the golden immortals of Tianwangzhou.

"The Chen family! The Valley of the Medicine King! The Giants of the Sky! Hahaha..."

Jin Xian's pupils shrank violently, "I don't know who it is, so the three of you have such backgrounds! No wonder I have suffered at the hands of you, but I will come back to find you!"

"Xiao Yizi, what are you waiting for?! Let's kill this beast!" Chen Lin shouted anxiously, "We should be able to delay him for ten breaths!"

Puff puff!

What stunned Chen Lin and the others was that when Luo Tian opened his mouth, he sprayed out three puffs of blood mist, and then knelt down on one knee without a trace of blood on his face.

"Xiao Yizi!"

The three of Chen Lin shouted loudly.

"Don't worry." Luo Tian tried his best to raise his hand, "That bastard from Tianwangzhou is definitely a real annihilation! Otherwise, I'm sorry for my three mouthfuls of blood, right? Hehehe, silk..."

Sure enough, the face of the Tianwangzhou Golden Immortal became extremely terrified, "You, how could you have such a vicious supernatural power, you turned out to be... ah ah..."

After a while, the Golden Immortal of Tianwangzhou directly turned into a puddle of blood, completely annihilated, that is, his body located outside the sixth battlefield was also truly annihilated, and was completely wiped out from the fairy world.


"Old monster Luo, it's no wonder you made such harsh words to protect that little guy. It turns out that you have already passed on the mantle!"

"Old monster Luo's vision is still as vicious as ever, this little guy will become a big weapon in the future!"


In the space where the big shots gathered, listening to the sighing tones of many old guys, Luo Yun's face was full of arrogance, just like when he was young, he was full of high spirits.

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