
Chapter 682 Fishing Dragon

A few days after killing the Golden Immortal of Tianwang State, somewhere in the Pure Land of Tathagata was a rocky island.

"Hoohoo, old man Luo Yun taught me that the magical power and secret technique that can completely kill the opponent from countless distances is of course powerful. Even Jinxian can't escape the fate of being beheaded, but the sequelae are too big. With my current strength, I have to take a full rest for nearly half a month to recover. I am still far from the peak period. What a hard life. It seems that I must be cautious when using such supernatural powers and secrets in the future. If it is not this time With the three of Xiaolinzi and the others by his side, I'm afraid that when I meet a guy with ulterior motives, I will be wronged and become a stepping stone!"

Luo Tian sat cross-legged on a smooth boulder, quietly looking at the distant ocean, thinking silently in his heart.

This Tathagata Pure Land is only a part, but it has already expanded to such an extent that it actually contains an endless ocean. The ocean is boundless. According to Huang Jin's induction, the hidden treasure Buddha must be in the depths of the ocean this time.


A wave several feet high suddenly rose on the distant sea, and a figure in the center of the wave was looming, walking on the waves, and within a few breaths, he arrived in front of Luo Tian, ​​and the man jumped out of the wave and landed directly on the ground. In front of Luo Tian.

"Haha, Brother Han, see what I brought back for you?"

It was Huang Jin who came, and he poked his big hand into the void and grabbed several fish and shrimps of different shapes and colors out of thin air.

"Golden eye silver thread fish, immeasurable lobster, six-tailed yellow carp, emperor crab..." Huang Jin counted on Luo Tian with great interest.

"Xiao Linzi and Xiao Crazy will probably be back soon. Except for the emperor crab thrown back into the sea, let's cook everything else." Luo Tian smiled lightly. He is recovering from his injuries in the past few days, so eat more Blood food is also conducive to the recovery of his strength, these blood food are all great tonics.Of course, when Luo Tian saw the Emperor Crab, he thought of Boss Sha Shengsha from the Profound Sky Plane, and a warm current flowed slowly in his heart.

"Uh, okay." Huang Jin was taken aback for a moment, he didn't know why Luo Tian didn't want the emperor crab alone, but he didn't bother to ask, he just threw the emperor crab back into the sea, and then walked towards the island go.

Sure enough, when the strong fragrance was already flowing on the island, the two guys, Chen Lin and Zheng Feng, slipped back on time.

"It's better to come back sooner than later! Haha!"

Chen Lin said with a chuckle, and unceremoniously grabbed a piece of delicious grilled fish that was overflowing with grilled aroma, and began to eat it with big mouthfuls, and then glanced at Luo Tian inadvertently.

"I know you've been thinking about my bottles of wine." Luo Tian rolled his eyes, took out a few bottles of self-brewed wine and threw them out, "How's the news going?"

Naturally, Chen Lin and Zheng Feng did not go out for sightseeing, but to inquire about the news in the Pure Land of Tathagata.

"Let the little lunatic tell everyone first." Chen Lin said vaguely.

"Why should I say it first." Zheng Feng was chewing a lobster, and he said vaguely, "Okay, let me tell you, if you have money, you are the master. I'm afraid of you."

Luo Tian and Huang Jin looked at each other and smiled. It seemed that Zheng Feng had also benefited a lot from Chen Lin.

Zheng Feng thought about it carefully for a moment, and then said: "A few days ago, the four of us beheaded the golden immortal of Tianwangzhou. Immortal, but they left quickly without staying for a moment, and the target was the depth of the sea that Huang Jin predicted before."

After finishing speaking, Zheng Feng turned his mouth to Chen Linnu, signaling that it's your turn.

Chen Lin rolled his eyes helplessly, and then said: "The outskirts of the sea area have been inspected by me for the past few days, and many golden immortals and mysterious immortals are mysteriously flying towards the depths of the sea area. It seems that some fairy treasure was born in advance. But it seems that not many people know about it."

"How do you know?" Luo Tian asked.

"Obviously, they went in different directions, how could they be heading for the same place?" Chen Lin spread his hands, and then started to drink.

"That's not necessarily the case." Zheng Feng and Huang Jin shook their heads together, and then Huang Jin asked, "Brother Chen, I wonder if you know what the fairy treasure that was born early this time is?"

"How is it possible to know this?" Chen Lin smiled wryly, "All those guys have become elites. The less the better, the greater the chance of success, right?"

"It's reasonable." Taking advantage of Chen Lin's speech, the three of Luo Tian had almost finished the delicious food in front of them.

Chen Lin looked like he was about to cry, but these three guys!

"Let's go, since we're here, how can we just be spectators?" Luo Tian stood up and made a little identification of the direction. He was the first to soar into the air, standing in midair, and the primordial spirit spread out all at once. Start to explore the surrounding situation.

Naturally, the three of Chen Lin also followed Luo Tian and remained silent. Among the four, in terms of detection ability, it was Luo Tian.

Chi Chi!

Luo Tian struck the spell with both hands, and the Xuanguang Mirror appeared in front of the four of them immediately, and the scenery on the mirror kept changing.

"Northeast direction."

After a while, Luo Tian recognized the general direction, without him, because the inexplicable aura appearing in that direction really made him a little frightened, the aura may not be obvious, but the impact on people's mind is too great Overwhelming, at least, Luo Tian can feel that extremely weak aura by virtue of his immortal soul, and there will be absolutely no mistakes.

"Let's go then."

With a wave of Chen Lin's sleeve, a bead the size of a pigeon's egg appeared in the cuff, which directly turned into a cloud of mist that enveloped the four of them, and flew towards the northeast of the sea area.

Along the way, the four of them maintained extremely high vigilance and kept checking the surroundings. Although the four of them used a consumable fairy treasure to hide inside, but relying on the invisibility function of the consumable fairy treasure is far from enough. Not enough, some people's supernatural powers can easily see through the hiding places of the four, and some people's invisibility supernatural powers are much better than this.

After half an hour.

The complexions of Luo Tian and the others changed slightly, and then they communicated with each other, and immediately slowed down and flew forward.

Ahead is a triangular group of reefs. In the reef group, the waves are like mountains and the water is rushing, but at this moment there is a stone statue standing tall there. Above the stone statue, the vivid sculpture draws a very shocking picture. .

A cynical half-century old man was sitting there firmly, a bamboo pole in his hand was lightly lifted into the air, and the other end of the fishing line was fishing a fish dragon wagging its head and tail.

Fishing dragons!

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