
Chapter 683 Zhenyuan Futon


According to the legend of fish and dragons, they are mild-tempered. Later, I don’t know what happened to the fish and dragons. Suddenly, the fish and dragons became fierce and violent. The fish and dragons used to occupy a part of the fairy world, but they were happy and happy. One day, a great master of the Buddhist sect Traveling so far, seeing the ichthyosaurs provoke such anger and resentment, he turned into the void, suppressed the ichthyosaurs and the sea area, moved the space with the last trace of spiritual consciousness, and moved the ichthyosaurs directly into the pure land of the Tathagata .

The ichthyosaurs are classified according to color, and the order of status from high to low is gold, yellow, blue, red, white, and green.Look at that statue, the ichthyosaur that the half-hundred-year-old man easily caught was the golden ichthyosaur, the king of the ichthyosaur family.

"The legend turned out to be true!" Zheng Feng stared blankly at the statue, "But the old man in this statue is even more powerful, he even went to the Buddha's territory to fish for dragons, this old man is obviously not a Buddha. Zongzhong people!"

"My mother!" Huang Jin began to scratch his head again, "Those bald heads of the Buddhist sect are really perverts! They even wanted to move the fish and dragons into the Buddhist sect to serve as free guardians without their lives. This is a good deal! "

Luo Tian and Chen Lin looked at each other, and each saw the surprise in the other's eyes. They didn't expect that Huang Jin, who seemed stupid and stupid, would explain this truth that the world couldn't understand.

"Hey, think about it carefully, Xiao Huanghuang's words are quite reasonable!" Zheng Feng's eyes lit up, and he clapped his palms and laughed, "The guys from the Fozong only sacrificed one person, but they bought so many for the Fozong. The free thugs, this deal is very cost-effective!"

"Actually, it's not that the great power of the Buddhist sect has completely dissipated." Luo Tian thought for a moment and then smiled, "The Buddha sect has thousands of nirvana supernatural powers, big and small, and there may not be no possibility of reincarnation!"

"Then, this stone statue serves as a warning to later generations? But what is it for?" Chen Lin frowned tightly, and fell into deep thought.

"Forget about these things for now, as long as it doesn't affect us for the time being." Luo Tian pondered for a moment, then said calmly, "Just now I used my secret method to calculate, and found that the age of this stone statue is too long. If it is not, it should not be targeted for our current actions."


Suddenly, Huang Jin hugged his head with both hands extremely quickly, and pressed it firmly, with an expression of incomparable pain on his face, bean-sized beads of sweat kept lying down from his face, converging into small streams that flowed from the Drops in the air.

"Huang Jin, what's wrong with you?"

Luo Tian was the closest to Huang Jin, and in a flash, he went directly to Huang Jin's side. He raised his hands, and the thick and soft immortal power came out directly, wrapping around Huang Jin's body.


Huang Jin raised his head to the sky and let out a roar, the invisible energy chain that Luo Tian had imposed on Huang Jin was broken by most of Huang Jinzhen. In the end, Luo Tian used it several times in succession before barely restraining Huang Jin.

"We're coming too!"

Chen Lin and Zheng Feng yelled in unison, and each stepped forward to use their means.Chen Lin sacrificed a consumable fairy treasure directly. Once this consumable fairy treasure was used, it fell directly from the sky and turned into three ring-shaped ropes, which were bound to Huang Jin's head and waist respectively. and calves.Zheng Feng threw a jade pill most effectively. The jade pill shattered in the air, digested into ashes, and turned into a brilliance like white jade. A elixir appeared in the brilliance, and the elixir could not hold back. After spinning, it finally turned into a three-foot-long misty strip of light and poured it directly into Huang Jin's mouth.

"Don't worry! This is the supreme elixir of my medicine king valley's pure mind——Hua Yundan!"


Soon, Huang Jin recovered most of his sanity from the situation where he couldn't control himself. After spitting out a mouthful of thick phlegm, he said, "Don't worry, everyone, I'm sober now, and you can take away the forbidden supernatural powers."

"Are you sure?" Chen Lin said calmly, "Who am I?"

"Brother Chen Lin, the most handsome and unrestrained man in the entire fairy world!" Huang Jin made a rare joke.

"Sober! He is absolutely sober! I promise!" Chen Lin shouted with a righteous face.

"I don't think he's sober, why don't he torture him?" Zheng Feng shouted with a smirk on his face, and walked forward eagerly.

"Zheng Feng, you avenge your personal revenge!" Huang Jin said with a wry smile, "Don't worry, just now the imprint in my mind sensed the treasure that my family has spread outside, and that's why I reacted so violently!"

"No way!" Luo Tian exclaimed in shock, "Could it be that the fairy treasure to be unearthed is the treasure of your Qingtian giant clan?"

"It's possible." Huang Jin nodded, the painful expression on his face faded, replaced by an extremely excited expression.

"Let's go, you lead the way, let's go over and have a look!" Chen Lin pulled off the restraint first, and said firmly.

Luo Tian and Zheng Feng also nodded in agreement.

"it is good!"

Afterwards, Huang Jin hurried away through the air.


"Damn, there are so many people hiding around here!"

A few days later, the four of Luo Tian finally came to a sea area densely covered with islands. This sea area looks absolutely quiet on weekdays, but today, on the island group distributed in a semicircle, there are people Many immortals, each of these people occupied a region, either talking or practicing silently.

Naturally, the four of Luo Tian would not come here with great fanfare, but flew down from the top of an island where the view was not so wide, and then Luo Tian and Chen Lin shot at the same time, and Qiqi set up a prohibition circle nearby, so as to Prevent others from sneak attacking.

Strange to say, although there are many people near this sea area, there are not many.It looked like hundreds of people.It can be inferred from this that there are not too many people who know that the fairy treasure will be unearthed here.

In other words, the more people who know about it, the lower the chance of getting the fairy treasure. No one would be stupid enough to spread the news.

After half a day.

Huang Jin stood up with a solemn expression, his body trembling uncontrollably, and whispered: "That's right! Absolutely right! This aura is definitely the aura of my clan's treasure, even if it is turned into ashes, I can still recognize it!"

"How can you recognize the breath?" Zheng Feng rubbed his eyebrows, "According to what you said, this fairy treasure was lost long before you were born, right?"

"That's right!" Huang Jin nodded and said, "This treasure has been lost trillions of years ago. I can know it because the first generation patriarch of our clan wanted to prevent future generations from being unable to keep this treasure. Exercising supreme supernatural powers, forcibly capturing a trace of its original aura from this treasure, I have been fascinated by this aura since I was a child, how could I admit it wrong! God bless my Qingtian giant race!"

"Trillions of years ago, the time is too vague." Chen Lin pondered for a moment, "But I must have heard of it as the treasure of the Qingtian giant family, Xiao Huanghuang, you might as well tell it. !"

"This treasure is quite famous in ancient times." Huang Jin said proudly, "The name of this treasure is Zhenyuan Futuan!"

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