
Chapter 684 An old friend?

"Zhenyuan futon!"

Chen Lin couldn't help but turn pale with shock when he heard this.

"Could it be that you've really heard of it?" Huang Jin's complexion also changed drastically. Although the treasure Zhenyuan Futon of their Qingtian Giant Clan sounds famous, it also has certain restrictions. This treasure must be a member of the Qingtian Giant Clan. For refining use, if the blood of other races forcibly refines this treasure, even if this treasure can be refined in the end, it will be difficult to exert [-]-[-]% of the power of the Zhenyuan futon.And the state of Zhenyuan futon at its peak was only a half-level fairy treasure. After countless years of wear-and-tear by the Qingtian giants, and several times for the Qingtian giants to offset disasters, this fairy treasure has changed from half-way The level has directly regressed back to the peak level of the holy artifact, and if you want to return to the original level again, you must have a great fortune and a great opportunity.

"Hey!" Chen Lin shook his head slowly and sighed, "It is precisely because I have never heard of it that Chen is surprised now. I didn't expect that I, who is well-versed in the past and present, have never heard of the name of the fairy treasure Zhenyuan futon. It's unbelievable!"

"Depend on!"

Luo Tian and Zheng Feng were speechless, and Qi Qi looked at Chen Lin with great disdain.

Huang Jin was more direct, fell to the ground with a somersault, and hit his head directly into the ground, like a shy ostrich.

"Damn, what do you mean?" Chen Lin exclaimed very uncomfortably, "I'm not Bai Xiaosheng, I haven't heard that Zhenyuan futons are normal! You haven't heard of it, so we will Don't let the crow land on the pig, okay?"



Luo Tian and Zheng Feng sneered again and cursed together.

"Okay, okay!" Chen Lin chuckled, "Let's not worry about this issue endlessly, okay? Anyway, it's still early, why don't you let Huang Jin tell us about the Zhenyuan futon, what do you think?" ?”

"... "

Huang Jin immediately pulled his head out of the ground, shook it lightly, and circles of earth-gray sand mist slowly dissipated. After that, Huang Jin said with a serious expression, "Just now I used the secret method of the giants of the sky. Explored all directions and noticed some unusual situations.”

"What's the situation?" Luo Tian asked lightly, "Are you talking about the strange changes in the depths of the ground?"

"Brother Han, did you notice it too?!" Huang Jin shouted anxiously.

"Don't just think that you are working alone, okay?" Zheng Feng shrugged, "Those monster races deep in the ground are really stupid to the extreme, do they think that no one will be able to notice their existence? "

"Those monster clans, I'm afraid it's not that simple. They may not be foreign monster clans, but local indigenous monster clans." Chen Lin denied, "It seems that they can also sense that there is a fairy treasure nearby that is about to be unearthed, and they probably want to share it. A cup of soup."

"Who doesn't want a share of all the treasures in the world?" Luo Tian sneered, "Even if it's you and me, don't you have this kind of thought? Damn."

"Xiao Yizi's words are reasonable." Chen Lin said in a deep voice, "Don't talk about us little people, even those saints and immortals, don't they fight all day long, just think about how to dominate and take advantage of it every day ? However, no one dares to accuse them."

"In that case..."

Huang Jin smiled in a low voice, then raised his right hand, and punched the ground with a bang.

Huang Jin made this punch, but there was no sound of wind, and he even hit the ground at an extremely fast speed, not even half a small earth flower flew up on the ground, as if Huang Jin's blow was just a blow. A bluff shot.

"It's a good skill to leverage strength!"

Zheng Feng's ears moved, and then he laughed loudly, "Huang Jin, I'll help you!"

After finishing speaking, Zheng Feng opened his mouth and sprayed, and raindrops as transparent as water appeared out of thin air in front of him, and then quickly seeped into the ground drop by drop along the ground, before disappearing soon.

Luo Tian and Chen Lin stood where they were, their faces unchanged, and they were unusually calm.

After a while.

Luo Tian reached out and grabbed it, and a big blue light hand appeared in the void. This big hand was shaped like a claw, and it was extremely overbearing. There were countless dull soft sounds in the void, and bursts of explosions occurred in the air.

"Friend, after watching for so long, it's time to come out?" Luo Tian chuckled, but without seeing how he was acting, another purple lotus flower the size of a canopy shot out from the Tianling Gai, carrying a long purple flame The flame tail swept out in the opposite direction.

Attack in two diametrically opposite directions at the same time!

Luo Tian's attack this time was rather weird, at least, Huang Jin and Zheng Feng couldn't see any clues for the time being.

With a sneer on Chen Lin's face, his whole body shot out in the void, and every time he moved, several real white clouds appeared under him, which looked real and unreal, as if Chen Lin had already moved when he moved. In the void, he couldn't stop refracting and twisting, and even the laws and regulations in the Tathagata Pure Land couldn't restrain him.

"Grandma, what kind of fairy treasure is Xiao Linzi displaying here?!" Zheng Feng had a bitter expression on his face, "The Chen family is indeed a big family, with a lot of money!"

"Fellow Daoist, please stop!"


There was a strange cry in the void, and then several sword lights flying up and down went straight to the bullfight, but they were all completely blocked by Chen Lin's next shot, and people outside could not peep into the truth at all.

"Hey, Xiao Yizi, I didn't expect you to meet a colleague here! I'll leave it to you!" Chen Lin smiled, then turned his back to the side to watch the show.

"Sneaky people, rape or steal, just kill them."

Luo Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, and took a step forward. His whole body had already firmly locked onto the opponent's aura in the void. He waved his hand and shot out several invisible sword auras. The sword aura kept circling in the void, and finally gave birth to A stream of tempering force has tempered the void into several terrifying potholes.

"My own people, my own people!"

The slightly familiar voice in Luo Tian's memory rang again, and then a guy dressed as a young man with a greasy hair and pink face jumped out of the void and yelled directly at Luo Tian: "This fellow Taoist, stop!" , may I ask if you were born in the Profound Sky Plane?"

Luo Tian's eyes narrowed, and through the void, he saw everything about the other party clearly.

This guy really looks familiar!


I saw the greasy-haired and powder-faced young master on the opposite side couldn't help but stop talking, and after a long while, he smiled wryly and sent a voice transmission to Luo Tian, ​​"Should I call you Han Yihao or Luo Tianhao?"

"You really are from the Tianxuan plane!" Luo Tian's face remained unchanged, and his tone was indeed extremely heavy, because almost no one knew his real name in the fairy world so far.

"It must be! We have met before, have you forgotten?" Brother Young Master said dejectedly, "Think about it carefully, on Sanyuan Island, you and Bai Yaner, the third princess of the Silver Shark Clan..."

"Oh it's you!"

Luo Tian finally remembered who this person in front of him was, Gongyang Qi!

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