
Chapter 685 News from the Lower Realm, Falling Immortal Hammer

In the Profound Sky Plane, Tian Xinghai was also considered to be an overlord back then, the master of the Giant Sword Sect, Gong Yangqi!

"Tyrannical Sword?"

Luo Tian finally laughed, "I didn't expect you to ascend to the fairy world?"

"Isn't it?" Gongyang Qi said with a mournful face, "I was forced to ascend to the fairy world, and it was your wives who went to the Tianxinghai to catch the young men, and it turned out that those despicable, shameless, shameless old guys We got the news early, all packed up and ran away early, the most honest and honest monks in Xinghai these days have all been arrested!"

"Isn't it?" Luo Tian blushed. He knew that his eight ladies were all powerful, and all of them had extremely high cultivation bases. In addition, they were the devil's wife, Luo Tian, ​​from the Tianxuan plane. Who dares to provoke them?Simply walk sideways.

I'm afraid Mr. Fang and Mrs. Wen have spoiled them too much!

Luo Tian couldn't help but sighed heavily in his heart, and couldn't help being a little speechless, to be honest, if the eight wives were one-on-one, Luo Tian would naturally not be afraid of any of them, man!But if the eight join forces, Luo Tian will also run away. If these eight women join hands, Mr. Fang may not be able to bear it, quack!

Seeing a smug smile on Luo Tian's face, Gongyang Qi couldn't help trembling all over. Could it be that this Xuanyin demon is trying to torment me again? Don't be like this, being beaten by your eight ladies on the Tianxuan plane. Bullying, I will be bullied by you even when I come to the fairy world, it is unreasonable and inhuman...

"By the way, how did you come to the Immortal Realm? And you got mixed up on the battlefield of genius battle?"

Finally, Luo Tian realized that something was wrong with Gongyang Qi in front of him.

"Is it easy for me to come to the Immortal World?" Gongyang Qi was almost crying, and said with aggrieved face, "Since your eight wives made a big fuss in the Star Sea, you 'invited' those of us who had no time to escape to come here. The Luo family searched the Profound Sky Continent again, found a lot of geniuses with excellent aptitude and potential, gathered everyone in one place, and handed them all over to Mr. Fang. He just threw us into various extremely dangerous small worlds for hard training, and said it was for our own good, that we are the future of the Profound Sky Continent..."

"And then?" Luo Tian couldn't help but chuckled a little. Since the eight ladies could move Mr. Fang, one can imagine the fate of this group of people. Mr. Fang is quite a perverted, rigid and stubborn person, and As the most powerful person in the Tianxuan Plane, Mr. Fang naturally has his proud dignity. Back then, he had personally promised Luo Tian that he would take good care of the Luo family.

"Liar! They are all fucking liars!"

Gongyang Qi finally couldn't help crying, sobbing and said: "Afterwards, we have experienced thousands of years of hard training. Although the natural materials and earth treasures were taken and used at will, but that kind of hellish life, I really don't like it. I really don’t want to do it again! Mr. Fang said that as long as the strength among us grows the fastest, he will be free. As a result, I practiced day and night with all my heart, and finally I am very honored to be the strongest with the fastest progress, but Immediately, Mr. Fang actually made a decision that broke me down..."

"Mr. Fang must have only detained you, and then let the others go." Luo Tian sighed lightly. Gong Yangqi is really upright. How could Mr. Fang let go of good materials and leave a group of people behind? The half-bottle dangling guy?

"It's still you who understand Mr. Fang!" Old Gongyang Qi burst into tears, and continued, "In the end, Mr. Fang asked dozens of his subordinates to practice me day and night, in the name of improving my cultivation, and finally let me Forcibly subdued a flying fairy-level soul pet, otherwise, how could you think I would be qualified to ascend to the fairy world in just over a thousand years?"

"I see."

Luo Tian nodded, and finally suddenly realized that just now he was still wondering, even if this Gongyang Qi is a peerless genius, it is impossible to reach the point of entering the battlefield of the genius war in just over a thousand years, he must have other means.

"No!" Chen Lin frowned slightly, "You mean you subdued a flying fairy-level soul pet, but I know that the soul pet was a powerful monster whose soul was forcibly pulled out by a big man after the death , the monster soul that has not suffered the slightest damage. Even if you have a soul pet, it is unlikely that you will enter the genius battle field, the qualifications should not be enough, besides, even if you have enough qualifications, you may not be able to live until now!"

"You guys don't know something!" Gongyang Qi Yangtian sighed, "I thought so too at the beginning. I didn't expect to be sent to the fairyland by Fang Lao and others when I just reached the strength to ascend to the fairyland. I didn't know until I got to the fairyland. It turns out that the soul pet I subdued has quite a strong background, and it turned out to be the Taixu Taotie that existed in the last era! This Taixu Taotie was originally a mutant branch of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, and it was completely extinct not long ago."

"Too Void Gluttonous!"

Zheng Feng finally changed his expression slightly, "I've heard of this before, Taixu Taotie is a branch of the Dragon Clan with space supernatural powers, he is born to be proficient in the laws of space, especially good at concealment, even at the peak of his proficiency in the laws of space The Void Beast is even stronger by three points, but this kind of monster may be envied by the sky, and in the end it was punished by the sky, and the entire group was wiped out!"

"If the soul pet in your body is Taixu Taotie, then all this can be explained." Luo Tian nodded, and then stretched out his hand to point, a ray of light the size of a bean directly entered Gong Yangqi's eyebrows, and then Then he counted with his fingers.

After a while, Luo Tian finally opened his eyes, and said with a wry smile: "Ninety-nine percent of what Gongyang Qi said is true!"

"Of course it's true!" Gongyang Qi exclaimed angrily, "I still have letters from your eight wives!"

"Take it and see!"

Luo Tian excitedly grabbed Gong Yang by both shoulders and kept shaking him.

Eight ladies!

Chen Lin and the three on the side immediately rolled their eyes in unison. This guy usually looks cold-blooded, aloof and ruthless. He doesn't look like a dandy with eight wives, does he?

"Don't worry, don't worry!"

Gongyang Qi repeatedly shouted, "Don't worry, Luo..."

"My name is Han Yi now!"

Luo Tian hurriedly said via voice transmission.

"Boss Han, this is a letter from your eight wives!" Gong Yangqi hastily stretched out his hand to sweep the void, and an extremely exquisite wooden box appeared out of thin air.

"By the way, Mr. Fang has another sentence for me to bring to you."

Just as Luo Tian reached out to take the wooden box, Gongyang Qi said aloud.

"Can you finish what you have to say at once?" Luo Tian said very speechlessly, and immediately put the wooden box into the inner world carefully. It was brought up from the lower realm, so it was not easy.

"..." Gongyang Qi was also very speechless. He thought for a moment, and then carefully transmitted his voice to Luo Tiandao, "Boss Luo, Boss Fang has taken special care of me, and I want you to pay attention to a fairy treasure." !"

"What fairy treasure?"

"Fallen Hammer!"

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